Doom Players, Come Forth

My fellow doom players fisters . Be honest. What do you want for our big thanos man? Would love to hear each of your inputs.


Remove one shot on punch, buff his fluidity.


No self stun
No bugs
20m slam
Slam and primary hit reg
No air movement abilities for a short period after being uppercut(during the uppercut, stun should end by the end of uppercut)

This would never happen though because it would make doom playable and forums go sad


I want him to be viable on attack too.

That’s pretty much it.


Make him less about defensive set ups and punch botting. Make him more agile


Inb4 someone says “Delete him”


Assuming you want people to not be able to use movement abilities after being uppercut, along with the other buffs you mentioned. Yea it’s never going to happen as that would make him broken.


Rework with an emphasis on mobility and fluidity. Being so all in on the hard execute is unhealthy. The fact that staying back to CC peel for teammates has too much opportunity cost to be viable is really telling.


That wouldn’t feel fair at all.

And we already have Sombra to ruin somebody’s experience when we feel like it.

For not being able to use movement abilities I think it would be fine if it was only for 0.2-0.3 seconds after hit (basically during the uppercut animation) so it can’t be escaped during the uppercut animation (eg if hanzo double jumps as uppercut hits him or during the animation he won’t get sent up atm), the time period is also short enough so that doom isn’t guaranteed a free hit after uppercut

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Increased base movement speed
Tighter spread on primary and reduced reload time
Full pulling effect on SS restored
Rp chargeup time reverted

CDs back at 7 sec
Uppercut hitbox reverted back to 1.5m? from the current 5

Oh and almost every character across the board nerfed

Okay that is a bit more fair than I imagined, tho I don’t think doom needs even more cc than what he already has. Aka every ability.

i can see that my post has inspired you. also “fisters” WEPTOIJWPOETHJWPOETHJ

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Maybe a scaling stun resist (reduction of stun duration) as shields increase
To decrease hard feeding

Remove lingering hitbox on uppercut so they actually have to aim where you are, not where you were

i feel like there is a fundamental reason blizz keeps the 1 shot, and thats so casuals can get value with him.

his movement takes too much skill.

Yh, it doesn’t really add much cc
It’s more of a quality of life change doom has needed for a long time, so he’s not floating in the air after uppercut with no one to shoot which almost always ends in feeding

I thought you were that guy who made the ‘Genji players, Come Forth’ post at first :rofl:

These changes i’ve been suggesting for 5 months…

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“ball players, come 1st”

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A possible solution for punch botting and encouraging more movement and rollouts could be that dooms punch has an extra second cool down on kill with it and loses 1or2 seconds of cool down after jump cancelling it

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