CDC #12 - An Altered Fate

Combatants in the Nexus have great and storied pasts, whether from valiant heroes or sinister villains. However, in the infinite realms of the Nexus, the roles of these heroes and villains may be switched, bringing unexpected stories from familiar legends.

Hello and welcome! This is the Concept Design Contest #12 - An Altered Fate thread. Here, over the course of this week, you will create a brand new concept based on the following criteria and provide a link to it here. Please leave a comment if you are signing up for the contest below, and use that comment to deliver a link to the thread. The contest will have three judges, who will each take one week to look over the designs, commenting and helping out with the design. All dates are set to allow the maximum time, and the deadlines will be 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time. The thread must be submitted by exactly 11:59, and there will be no exceptions.

This contest’s theme was based on community submissions, and the one chosen was submitted by MrCLFN in the announcement thread (found here). The judges deliberated on all submitted themes, and even though we had to decide on only one, we appreciate every contestant who took the time to leave suggestions!

Theme: For this contest, contestants can make any role and ability kit they want, but the character must be a Blizzard character with a hypothetical corruption or redemption spin, with some important rules:

  • The corruption or redemption can’t be official/canon, and you must create your own spin on a character. Grommash Hellscream has both corrupted and redeemed himself, but his canon appearances are off-limits; on the other hand, creating a hypothetical fel-corrupted Baine Bloodhoof is allowed.
  • Corruptions or redemptions must also make some sense for the original character. Amon redeeming himself to become a force of peace and love in the universe doesn’t really make sense, and such stretches are off-limits.
  • Your character of choice can’t be in the game already.

Please remember to consider both your character’s original identity and their new one while building your concept; each part should feel properly represented. If you are unsure if your character qualifies, you may ask here or message me through Blizzard network or the HotS Hero Concept Writer discord.

Sign-Ups Open
Saturday, February 1
The post date, and preferably the day all participants will sign up; if you missed this day, you’re still welcome to leave a comment and submit through all of Week 1 and still be accepted into the contest. The judges will be WhoYouExpect, Kyyteo, and myself (Nortin). Judges will not be able to make concepts themselves.

Week One
Sunday, February 2 - Saturday, February 8
This week is for the base concept, simply the abilities and role of your hero. Remember, the role is very important, and part of the judging will be on how well the abilities fit together under a specified role. This is the only week for sign-up, so make sure you give us something before the week is up! Kyyteo will be the judge that will comment on the Sunday that follows.

Week Two
Monday, February 10 - Saturday, February 15
This week is for talents, which means a fully fleshed out talent tree set up with the tiers in order. Make sure your talents are interesting and creative, but still fit with the character and design as a whole. You should touch up on your abilities based on week 1 feedback, as that will also be considered in week 2 judging. I, Nortin, will comment on the Sunday that follows.

Week Three
Monday, February 17 - Saturday, February 22
This week is for the finishing touches. This includes fluff, stats, additional notes, skins, and whatever else you want to add. This has an element of freedom to it, but to give yourself the best shot, you should probably make your concept sell itself. Make the judges become immersed in your concept. WhoYouExpect will be the judge that will comment on the Sunday that follows.

Week Four
Monday, February 24 - Saturday, February 29
This week is the last week for changes to the concept. All major work should be finished by this week, and major changes are risky. Each of the judges will keep a close eye on the concepts, coming to their own opinions. The judges will have all commented feedback and ratings as they saw fit over the last three weeks, so you will have some idea as to what each of us are looking for. At this point, just make sure to touch up your design and make it truly sparkle.

Sunday, March 1 - Tuesday, March 4
All changes are closed. The judges will gather to determine who is the ultimate winner of the contest, announcing the winner as soon as possible.

The following information will be about the judging structure and how points will be fully evaluated. On each Sunday, a comment will be posted with the following rubric filled out, and then another post will be created explaining a detailed analysis on the concept, giving thorough feedback. These points add on to your total, and at the end, each person will have a score out of 60. Make sure you gather as many points as you can during the first three weeks, but do not be afraid if you fall slightly behind, as some promising changes could really make the difference in the final week.

Individual Judges
-/5 Creativity
-/5 Cohesiveness
-/5 Thematic
-/5 Interaction

-/20 Total

Final Week
-/10 Creativity
-/10 Cohesiveness
-/10 Thematic
-/10 Interaction

-/40 Final Verdict
(+2 Thoughtfulness, +2 Game Fluidity) [+4 bonus total]

The final score and the winner will be taken from whoever has earned the best score. If any tie should occur, then the judges will all agree on a single winner. There will be a single winner, and one runner up.

Creativity: This is how creative the design of the character is, and how creative the actual choice was. While a big name will certainly win you some points for awe factor, a particularly clever choice and design may edge out the victory.

Cohesiveness: This is representative of how well the design fits together, and how well it works with the role and gameplay style you are trying to accomplish. This score will mainly be in relation to a gameplay identity we feel you are trying to give off.

Thematic: These points are mainly for how well the ideas fit with the character. A demon that is a butcher of man would not really be a gentle healer than encourages his allies to do better. Make sure that when creating your character, you will also look towards what they would actually be doing.

Interaction: Interaction is the interaction your character has with allies, and enemies. How the character feels to play with and against is a crucial part of the character’s design, one so crucial it deserves a place in the rubric. Killing your entire team to power yourself may be fun for you, but it would not be fun for your allies, and the character design as a whole would suffer for it. Consider your character in the game, fighting against him and alongside him.

CDC Compilation


I’d like to join in on this.
Oh and 1 question: I’ll just asume that we have to make up some kind of “story” why and how the character has been redeemed/corrupted, so is it fine if we use non-cannon material if it is official blizzard content, such as a Hearthstone expantion or something simular?

Here is my submission: Sir Finley Mrrgglton

Are cross-universe creations allowed? Like, a zerg-infested Diablo hero?

I’ll have a try and hope I do well.

I am in but I have questions

  1. Are Cross universe influences allowed? Like a protoss who encoutners and wields warcrafts Light or Shadow magic
  2. How ingrained in the kit do the changes have to be, if it is someone who has a moral shift turning to what would have been defensive or offensive (basically can it be a ton shift that shows in the kit names or does it have to be an alternate power?)
  3. Are light AU’s allowed? I know you said it has to fit canon but what I mean by this is, can we change maybe singular events that have already occured, like let’s say just as an example an Arthas where the light did com to aid Invincible, with unbridled faith he grows into the great paladin he could have been (arthas not being allowed aside))

Thanks to everyone for your interest in the contest! I’ll answer some early questions people have had here.

You can use a Blizzard canon event to justify why/how the character has been corrupted/redeemed, but the actual character’s change can’t be canon. I’ll use Garrosh as an example even though he’s not allowed for the contest since he has an easy story.

  • Garrosh’s corruption through the Heart of N’zoth is from a canon event but is also canon to the story, and therefore would not be allowed.
  • Making a Lightbound Garrosh based on Yrel’s post-WoD crusade is based on a canon event but didn’t actually happen, and theoretically would be allowed.

EDIT: I might have misunderstood the question. If you’re asking whether a character change that occurred in Hearthstone is allowed since it’s non-canon to mainstream Warcraft, the answer is no because it is still canon to Hearthstone. For example, the Old God-corrupted Hogger, Doom of Elwynn is not allowed.

I consider this to be a corruption/redemption that does’t make sense for the original character, since characters from different universes couldn’t interact pre-Nexus. As a result it’ll be considered not allowed.

I wouldn’t encourage a tone shift and would prefer to see more significant changes through the powers and techniques the hero has access to. An alternate Garrosh who decided to become an honorable leader of the Horde wouldn’t really justify any kit differences from our current Garrosh, for example. You can try to pull this off if the change is significant enough, but it’ll be tricky and might hurt you on Theme points.

I think AUs that follow from canon make sense in the restrictions and would be allowed. An AU where the Gnomes become Gundam fighters to destroy the Legion doesn’t really follow from canon, but one where Arthas resisted Ner’zhul’s influence and went on a redemption arc after struggling with Frostmourne’s corruption does make sense (though as you mentioned, Arthas is already in the game and not allowed).

I will say that your character should be represented soon after their change, so that we have two clear components with a before and after. With the previous example, if we gave Arthas a lot of time in this AU he could adopt further changes to his character that would create 3rd, 4th, etc. components to his identity, and it’d be better to just avoid that.

Alright, here we go, my first ever entry to CDC… There’s almost certainly big issues with this haha


As previously stated, I will also be participating in this contest. I wish the best of luck to my fellow contestants.

Well there goes my dream of undead fel-fire skull Kael’thas.

Heres mine. actually feeling good about this one this time.

Hey all, i do want to participate but my internet is down due to weather. I’ll get my stuff up asap. Good luck everyone and have fun. :grin:

hey great initiative ! i’m signing in :slight_smile:
Here is my Hero :

Heh, forgot to post the link. Here it is.

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Decided to go for a redeemed demon. What if Greed decided hoarding wealth was pointless?


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Done finally.

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I might sit this one out. I’m fresh out of ideas for this kind of challenge, plus I did really poorly last time, and I have like an hour to the deadline I think.

Former First Ascendant of the Tal’darim now loyal defender of the Terran Colony Haven. Ji’narra

Hello everyone! Week 2 judging is posted; sorry that it’s a day late, but I put a lot of time into each review and I hope it’ll be worth it!

Additionally, I’d like to remind everyone that the focus of Week 3 is not just changes based on Week 2 feedback, but also adding fluff to your kit. At least some skins will be expected, and character voice lines are also good. Furthermore, considering this CDC’s theme in particular, your backstory as to why your character’s redemption/corruption happened is also being considered as fluff; it will be judged more significantly in Week 3, so please have another look at yours and make sure you’re happy with it!

EDIT: I’ll be checking the forums frequently for the next few days, so if you have any questions or concerns about the review I left on your concept, let me know and I’ll be sure to respond.


Apologies for the delay. Talents are done.

I must admit, making talents is perhaps my greatest weakpoint in these things…got stuck for so long at tier 3.