My Submission for the 12th CDC. Urzael, Ranged Tank
Urzael, Redeemed Reaper
Class: Ranged Tank
HP: 2,763(+4% per level), Regen: 5.31 (+4% per level)
Mana: 500 (+10 per level), Regen: 3.17 (+0.12 per level)
APS: .75 per second – Ranged. Damage: 147 (+4% per level) Urzael Fires cannon balls from his cannon to attack
Damage: 5/10, Decent damage but many of his attacks are skill shots or dodgeable AoEs.
Utility: 6/10, Fairly Versatile but nothing extrodinary.
Survivability: 8.5/10, Fairly high HP, can get natural Armor, some self sustain, and more can be talented in, and some escapes.
Complexity: 9/10, Fairly complex due to the nature of having to keep up stacks of Enraged Protector, timing your attacks to mesh with his trait, and deciding just how much you want to sacrifice for your team. You can go all the way but should you…
Strengths: The longer he fights the tougher he becomes by building up armor, shields, and some life regaining. He can disrupt enemy lines, and is good at protecting his allies.
Weakness: slow attack speed and many skill shot style attacks, weak to poke in general, is initially weak to highly mobile heroes like Tracer, and very burst heavy heroes like Nova or Zeratul.
Urzael, having witnessed some of the worst humanity had to offer began to foment a deep hatred for mankind, just as his master Malthael had. He began thinking that everyone would be better off if mankind’s evil was wiped from the face of the earth. Then, one day he came across some wandering Monks, who offered healing, food, and comfort to any who needed it without asking for anything in return. They even defended the weak if needed. He spent many days with them, talking, learning, watching. He realized that Mankind CAN be capable of great goodness as well, and so forsook his Master Malthaels ways, opting instead to fight for those who could not fight for themselves, and defend the goodness in mankind. There was evil within man… but there was also hope. Hope for a goodness that was there as well. One just had to keep the darkness at bay long enough to help them see it.
Urzael is a fairly mobile ranged Tank who leaps about the field disrupting enemy lines and protecting his allies with shields and small amounts of healing, and even by sacrificing his own well being to save his allies. His trait grows in power as he fights allowing him to become a truly frightening foe, and one that is hard to take down if he can maintain the buff. With a powerful survivability trait his new love for humanity can cause him to sacrifice some of his own power to help his allies survive, sharing out the armor and life gain he has so everyone is a little more powerful. But be careful not to spread yourself to thin lest you find yourself laying dead while your allies continue the fight without you.
Trait: Enraged Protector –Passive.
Passive – Every 2 seconds spent Actively engaged in combat (taking or dealing damage) Urzael gains a stack of Enraged Protector, granting him 5 Armor and causing all his abilities and attacks to heal him for .5% of his maximum health per stack, stacking up to 5 times. Not getting hit or hitting an enemy for 3 seconds resets the timer.
Following the Torment difficulty trait of enraging after several minutes i thought this would provide a unique and fun reason for him to stay engaged in battle to protect the innocent. this ability affects his entire skill line, beefing up other skills if he can maintain it. I did tweak it a bit to better fit this Genre, i think as a 4 minute wait would be kinda to long. And bringing it out in small stages allows him to ramp up power and get more powerful throughout a fight bringing more sustain to bear.
Q: Breath of Holy Fire – Turnable Channeled skill, 13 second CD, 9 mana per second.
Urzael Channels his Cannon and spews forth Holy flames in a line in front of him. He can turn slowly while channeling this ability. It deals low-moderate damage per second an enemy is inside the flame.
While Enraged Urzael heals for .2% of his Maximum health per second, per enemy hit, per stack of Enraged Protector. He also gains .5 seconds of Unstoppable per stack of Enraged Protector.
(This ability gives Urzael some sustained damage as he can channel it for as long as he has mana. Great for clumped up enemies, choke points, or any situation where he can make use of a good channel. Not good for poke damage really though because the CD doesn’t start until the channel ends and 13 seconds is a long time to wait if you mess up. The added sustain while enraged will help him stay channeling longer and the occasional Unstoppable duration will help him shrug of stuns so he can get some use out of it before Muradin hammers his face. )
W: Sinners Shot – 9 sec CD, 30 Mana, Skillshot.
Urzael leaps and slams his cannon onto the first enemy he comes into contact with, loading them into his cannon. He then fires them at a nearby enemy preferring heroes, dealing moderate fire damage to the launched enemy and light damage to any enemies in the launched enemies path.
While Enraged The launched enemy and the enemy they hit are stunned on impact for .15 seconds per stack of Enraged Protector
(This ability gives Urzael the ability to peel for allies, give him some distance if he needs to run, or just disrupt the enemy lines. Being enraged gives him a little bit of CC to it as well.)
E: Blazing Leap – 9 sec CD, 25 Mana, Ground Targeted AoE.
Urzael Prepares to leap. After a .5 sec channel time he uses his cannon to blast off, dealing moderate fire damage in an AoE both at his launch point and his landing point. Landing on an ally grants them Protected status and Urzael Protector status. Urzael then takes the next instance of damage they would otherwise take. (leaps a medium distance)
While Enraged This ability leaves a pool of flames at his launch location that last for 3 seconds, and grants nearby allies a shield equal to 5% of his maximum health at his landing location that lasts for 3 seconds.
(This will give Urzael an escape or engage if he needs. It will also deal moderate damage to nearby enemies at his landing point and his launch point. While not a peel per se, it does protect allies through a unique twist to the “Protected” status, allowing Urzael to follow through on the sacrificial protector theme i am going for.)
R1: Ceiling Shot – _5 Charges, 15 sec CD after Firing any charges.
Urzael, Gains 1 charge for every 300 HP he loses. He will fire all stored charges at once, the shots will cause debris (one per charge spent) to fall in a large area around Urzael, prioritizing Heroes. Enemies will see where the Debris will land .75 seconds before it falls. Enemies hit are dealt a large amount of damage. Debris blocks pathing for 2 seconds
While Enraged The size of the Debris is increased by 10% for each stack of Enraged Protector. While at full stacks of Enraged Protector he will gain 1 charge every 5 seconds.
(His damage Ult and my favorite of his abilities in D3, It again plays into his trait of wanting to stay engaged in combat as much as possible so he can have his trait up and so he can build up charges. It does have some randomness to it but it will be a good zoning tool and can deal quite a bit of damage to clumped up enemy teams, especially if they are CC’d by something like ETC’s Mosh Pit. It will also block pathing creating a maze of sorts enemies must maneuver through to flee or get to Urzael and his allies.)
R2) Protectors Sacrifice – 40 Mana, 70 Sec CD, Self Targeted.
Urzael Activates his heavenly shield for 8 seconds. Every time Urzael is dealt damage nearby allies are granted a shield for 10% of the damage dealt. Urzael gains a shield when the duration ends equal to 50% the damage taken during Protectors Sacrifice. If Urzael dies during Protectors Sacrifice all nearby allies are granted 60% of their Maximum life in shields decaying to 0 over 6 seconds. Shields last for 6 seconds or until destroyed.
While Enraged Allies shields are increased by 5% and Urzaels ending Shield is increased by 5% for each stack of Enraged Protector.
(This ability allows him to play a self sacrificing role, giving him another reason to run into the fray to protect his allies. By jumping in front of allies to sacrifice himself he gives them shields. If, by chance he survives, the heavens reward him with a shield of his own. If he falls the Heavens reward his sacrifice and protect his allies for a short while.)
Talent Tiers:
First Tier – Level 1
Q – Roar of Heaven – Enemies hit are slowed by 2% for each .5 seconds they are in Breath of Holy Fire, stacking up to 10 times. Enemies at 10 stacks are silenced for 2 seconds.
Q – Fiery Shield – Urzael and any Allies caught in the fire gain a fiery shield equal to 2% of their maximum health per second they are in the fire stacking up to 5 times and lasting for 4 seconds.
W - Penitent Canoneer – Urzael and nearby allies gain a shield equal to 1% of his maximum health for each enemy hit by the launched enemy.
E – Leaping Defender – If Urzael lands on an ally he takes 50% of the damage directed at them for 3 seconds.
Second Tier – Level 4
Q – Blinding Wrath – Enemies caught in the blast are blinded while in the fire stream.
E - Leap to the Rescue – The CD of Blazing leap is increased by 2 seconds but Urzael now heals for 10% of his Maximum health on launch and on landing he shields nearby allies for 10% of his Current health.
Trait - Guardians Fury – Urzael stuns enemies hit by his basic attacks once every 15 attacks. Number of attacks needed to proc stun is reduced by 2 for each stack of Enraged Protector.
Tier 3 – Level 7
Q - _Sacrificial Pyre - Urzael Sacrifices 10% of his current HP and ignites the area around him while he channels Breath of holy fire. Enemies in a medium radius are deal light damage every second and nearby allies are cleansed of CC during the initial burst and immune to it for .75 seconds. (Activate trait to toggle ability on and off.)
E – Juggernaughts landing – Increase armor by 15 for 3 seconds and become unstoppable for 1.5 seconds on landing
W – Save The Innocent – Urzael can use the 1 key to use his Sinners Shot on an Ally, allies are in the cannon for 1 second before being fired. While the Ally is in the Cannon they are immune but Urzael can be hit by what was chasing them (like a Pyroblast). Urzael launches allies away from any nearby enemies. If Urzael dies while an ally is in his cannon they are fired to the Hall of Storms.
W - Grapple with Evil – Urzael can reactivate Sinners Shot after launching an enemy to pull himself to their landing location.
Tier 4 – Level 10
R1 – Ceiling Shot
R2 – Protectors Sacrifice
Tier 5 – Level 13
Trait - Armor of the Guardian – Increases Enrages armor bonus by 1 per stack, Life Regeneration by 4 per stack, and he takes 1% of the damage that would otherwise be dealt to allied heroes per stack of Enraged Protector.
E – Sinners Leap – If Urzael lands on an enemy they are loaded into his cannon and fired towards his launch area dealing damage to enemies in the way. Targets nearest enemy to Urzael.
Q – Breath of Redemption – When an ally near Urzael has a lower health percentage then he does Breath of Holy Fire’s damage is increased by 15% and he can use it to heal any allies with a lower percentage health than himself equal to 15% of the damage of Breath of Holy Fire.
Tier 6 – Level 16
Trait - Share the Protection – Nearby allies gain 1 armor and are healed for .1% of the damage they deal for each stack of Enraged Protector Urzael has. Urzael loses 5 armor and .5% from his own bonuses if any allies are under the effects of share the protection.
(Clarification: This would bring his Enraged Protector’s fully stacked armor from 25 to 20 and healing from 2.5% to 2% if shared with his allies.)
W – Sinners Chains – Enemies hit by the launched enemy are chained to the launched enemy and dragged along with them being dealt light damage.
E – Bring to Heel – Urzael chains the closest nearby enemy to himself as he leaps, towing them along with him. They are dealt both launch and landing damage.
Tier 7 Level 20
R1) The Roof is on FIRE – The debris that falls is aflame lighting enemies on fire for 2% of their maximum hp per second for 5 seconds.
R2) Even My Life – Allies are healed equal to 5% of the damage taken by Urzael during Protectors Sacrifice and if Urzael dies during Protectors Sacrifice they are also healed for 10% of their Maximum life.
Trait - Guardian Angel – While Urzael is Enraged he and nearby friendly heroes gain a shield equal to 10% of Urzaels Maximum HP. The shield lasts until destroyed and regenerates once every 15 seconds.
Non Ability Specific – Redeemed Angel – Urzael finds Redemption. All shields he creates are increased by 100% and he passively generates 50 points of shield every 4 seconds to nearby allies, up to 250 points of shielding. Shields last for 3 seconds when outside of Urzaels shield radius.
The passive shield is not affected by the 100% increase to shields and is added into other shields whether he makes them or not, so they won’t gain any shields from it if they are at or over 250 points of shielding from any source.
Starting Skin - Redeemed Angel - Much like his Diablo 3 skin but give him glowing golden chains bandoleer style across his chest and as a belt. turn all his orange and red into golds and whites to fit the angelic theming. His Cannon has also transformed into a Gold and white cannon with blue crystals on it and forming a floating ring around the mouth. Inside his hood one can see a blue Crystal Face, as he feels he cannot show his true face to anyone until he has truly redeemed himself through much sacrifice.
Mech Skin - Urza’el himself is an human determined to beat back the evil invading his homeland. Originally a bitter artist turned unwilling street thug in the service to his Step Father and crime lord Mal Thay’el, he often spent his time wandering around, resenting other people for being so evil to everyone and everything, never finding any beauty in the world. Until he was taken in by a group of Monks who found him beaten to a pulp from a rival gang. After they healed him they taught him to find inner peace and forgiveness. Soon after, their home was attacked by a Kaijo, and several of the monks perished, two of whom died defending Urza’el from the Kaijo’s fiery assault. But Mecha Tyrael showed up and drove the monster away. From then on Urza’el wanted to be a Mech pilot and save others the way the Monks saved him. So he joined the defense force and became a skilled pilot, even inventing his own mech that focused more on defending than powerful offensive attacks. He WILL save his world and protect the innocent.
Voice Lines:
- I must protect the innocent!
- Sinners will be punished for their evil against the innocent.
- I won’t let you harm them anymore.
- I’m coming for you Malthael!
- Every innocent life saved is another step towards redemption.
To Hanzo - I sense in you… a kindred spirit. you too seek something.
In response to Hanzo - I seek, Redemption… a distant reward for the many sins i have commited.