Why did I have this win rate if the matchmaking is rigged?

Its not a hard fact.

Maybe because you have poor communication skills and delivery. You really sound like a classroom bully with a small ego. All I ever read from you is how much better you are than everyone else. Like us common people are so lucky to have someone like you here to educate everyone. Have a little class and humility. Rather than spend your time here berating everyone else and patting yourself on the back spend more time trying to be “constructive” and less “destructive”. Some of you guys do this crap so often. Its like you guys just have to talk about how much better you are than everyone else. It looks petty and insecure.

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Oh, so you’re also one of those oversensitive guys out there who takes everything as an insult.

What’s wrong with being clueless about a video game and having no idea what you’re doing ?

I don’t understand how this is interpreted as an insult.

If I’m doing something I’ve never done before and am terrible at it, I’ll be the first to admit it.

I’ve never played golf in my life, if I played, I’d have no idea what I’d be doing, I really wouldn’t be offended by someone telling me the reality as is.

In fact, I’d actually seek guidance and knowledge from those who DO know what they are doing. I want to hear what I need to hear, not what I want to hear.

If someone is playing good decks in gold rank and is unable to climb, that’s not because the matchmaking is rigged against him nor because he is the unluckiest player alive. It’s because he is bad a the game and keeps on making poor decisions game after game. If you tell him the opposite, you’re just lying to him and he’ll never learn nor understand why this is happening to him.


Its all in the delivery and the wording. I don’t give a crap about someone being a jerk. I do care though about people on these forums who come here to be a part of something and be included who get flamed by you for not thinking the way you do or not playing as good as you do. Use all the excuses you want to justify how you communicate. As a somewhat respected member of this community it is up to you what you do with it. And just like you enjoy telling everyone their hard truth I can tell you yours on a public forum.

Would you please quote me where I actually ‘‘flamed’’ someone.

Because telling someone they have no idea what they’re doing is not flaming. Telling someone their decks are bad is not flaming. If you think that’s flaming, that’s your issue for being oversensitive on the internet. And I’m not going to change who I am for you.

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Why did I have this win rate if the matchmaking is rigged?

So, it’s this kind of topic? :smirk: Alright, I’ll respond accordingly, although my projection is that not everyone’ll actually get it. One more disclaimer: I’ve not read through all of the replies thoroughly, sorry if I’ve missed something noteworthy.

Why did I have this win rate if the matchmaking is rigged?

Exactly because it’s rigged, according to the assumption made.

To begin with, let me play Captain Obvious and point out a couple of things that are… obvious… obviously.

First, in such a multiplayer game where one player wins and one player loses, there cannot generally be any ‘miracles’ and ‘wonder decks’ with e.g. 80% winrate — in fact, that number tends towards 50% (if there is that one deck that is much stronger than any other, then essentially everyone’s gonna play it, the winrate becoming strictly equal to 0.5) for any competitive deck. It’s not even chess either, so brilliant risk-calculating and decision-making can make a difference between 49% and 51%, for instance (provided the game is not rigged — that’s how top players in something like poker succeed), but nothing like a 100% winrate, to which we’ll get back later.

Second, if the game is rigged for someone to lose — then it’s simultateously rigged for someone to win, obviously. Is the question, then, why you getting the ‘boon’? We don’t know all the details of the rigging algorithm, but one can make reasonable assumptions. For example, I haven’t seen you post anything especially smart (haven’t looked very hard, but still), and I doubt you could possibly be, either — maybe you even play accordignly, thus the algorithm alotted you enough ‘privilege points’ [1] for getting such… paraintellectual help from it. ‘Well done, Sunshine…!’

There’s still room for ‘improvement’, though: notice this brilliant guy at rank 1 Legend [2] — 100% winrate, as mentioned above. Way to go!

One more thing: apart from ‘ekwality’ [1], there’s another kind of ‘rigging’ and ‘rng’ for so-called streamers (and ‘top’ players who get invited to all those tournaments, comment them and so on) — not all of them, but a special kind appointed to promote the game. Haven’t taken a look at them for years, but from the old days, you probably remember the type: those guys with big glasses (apparently, supposed to make them look cool and skilled :sunglasses: ) in their twenties with alleged 30+ years of ‘professional’ experience at other best-selling card games (apparently, it is supposed to sound cool), bonus points for unusually-coloured hair and dancing on their Gaming_Chair™ frantically in order to make their Ragnaros shoot just the one right target out of eight fifty times in a row as a display of true skill. What I’m saying is that these guys are poster children of the game promoting its image — even if you turn on your Twitch channel and show your 120-IQ decision-making, don’t expect the same kind of success. :grinning:

So, yeah, to sum up, those top ranks often appear to be filled with either these ‘big streamers’ or ‘40-ICQ’ nice guys with ‘genius’ battletags like ‘iNevuhBathe’ or ‘PloughUrMamaInDaLips’ and a brilliant playstyle, as illustrated above [2], as a result. One more thing: I remember climbing from ‘Rank 25’ (or is it Bronze 10 now?) all the way to Legend (in Classic) after a long hiatus (i.e. no bonus stars), and I haven’t seen ‘newbies’ with basic decks etc you’d expect — it’s mostly the same kind of netdeckers with the same level of play… oh, and bots, too, highly likely, which are a separate issue (there are dedicated topics about that) and can be farmed with an ‘impossible’ (under normal circumstances, that is) winrate.


[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKcWu0tsiZM
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jenlSf2E8o


This post should come with circus-themed music and coloured lights to liven up the reading time. It would fit the content too.

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No, it should come with the ‘SMOrc Song’, which you may loop if you wish. :stuck_out_tongue: ‘Lose to clowns? Nope!’

PS Forgot to add, but I’ll do it now, I guess: never lose, unless conceding — in which case the game would probably conveniently crash and prevent the top player from pressing that button. :grinning:

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

I experience the same, went with a 12 winstreak into d5, then one day of loosing everygame. Made it to d1 one star and all the way back to d4.

Now its like 50% winrate loose one win one, win 2 loose too.

Regarding to the people here we must be bad players who cant make it to legend.

But i must admit big priest is kinda slow to climb, needs alot of draw luck. With even shamen i get almost every matchted with unholy dk who just throws cheap garbage at you…

But i am limited in my deck choice since i am f2p. This game rewards the most cheesiest decks…made legend last month within 3 days as secret mage at 1300 legend but its boring as hell to play.

Ps: rarely face dks on my priest (one of the favourable matchups) alot of mirrormatches and as soon i switch to shaman its shaman unholy dk and rogue… weird pattern.

Ps: this is wild btw :smiley:


Ps: ill try to not play on one account for 2 days, usually the algorythm rewards that with a winstreak. :blush:

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Actually, taking such breaks might be a healthy thing in more ways than one, and doesn’t hurt your winrate either, so it’s not a bad idea at all.

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Technically correct, but not in the way you’re probably thinking. What you’re probably thinking is that Blizzard rigs it that way because of ??? because pack sales. That is crazy and false.

Instead, here’s what happens: the matchmaking is entirely by rank/MMR, and while you’re taking two days off the players who are in your rank/rating pool, but are better than average in it, they are removing themselves from that pool by taking themselves to a higher rank/rating. And they’re getting replaced by players from lower rankings. Simply put, Diamond 5-1 is a lot harder at the beginning of a month than it is near the end of the month, because the algorithm filters the good players up and out over time.

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At high legend above the clouds (not me) aren’t most players good players?

Just wondering how much the match making matters as compared to better rolls. As we see the Tournaments, its alot of luck.

So my question is… are the winrates really all due to matchmaking and nothing to do with rolls at all ? (clean random luck rolls? hmm)

I may or may not be totally off, but when i play randomly hs or bg… when my MMR is low, i get good heros and really too good to be true rolls. (not after a string of bad rolls).

Slot machiney.

because wild is a dead mode and you certainly met some players who were doing achievements !

Hmm i should try, i usually loose interest near the end.

I just made a little experiment. I pulled a 4 mana legendary out of a pack from the reward track a few hours ago and since its a 4 mana card i added that to my even shaman deck.

Not optimal since i guess no one ever would run that card in that deck.

Anyhow, from a straight 50% winrate for days now, i went from d5 2 stars on a winstreak to d2 1 star. Thats a winstreak of 8 with the easiest matchups and godlike mulligans i had for days.

Sure you can say thats just a hugh coincidence but i know better.

True story.

Man, at least you should try to be reasonable when seeing faces in the clouds, this is almost psychosis level.

You think Blizzard gave you wins to an absolutely arbitrary rank because you completed the track?

May as well comment i stubbed my toe the same day and you may think it’s nothing, but i know better

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No but adding a new legendaty card make bad matchups vanish., for a certain time atleast. And therefor the microtransaction engine within the matchmaker is working as intended.

I havnt said i got free wins because i have finished the reward track (which i havnt btw) you should read carefully again.

And no reason to insult me and get personal on such low level.

And btw this is your first post in this thread just to diagnose a psychosis of soneone sharing his experience within this wonderfull game. Very interesting behaviour. You like to troll, dont you ?

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What ? How many of those 102 games were people doing achievements ? People typically do their achievement at rank floors.

Also having more players doesn’t mean the average player is better.