Created an off meta deck to confuse the matchmaking system

Or perhaps a “we’re all a priori equal” mentality in the opposing camp?

And what’s so surprising about it?

You’re more likely to complain if someone robs you than if someone gives you a gift, aren’t you?

Besides, I’d hypothesise that those in whose favour the game might be rigged lack the capacity to realise it, because ‘Me am smart’.
I got a feeling I already said this somewhere (these discussions do get repetitive, see, for example: Why did I have this win rate if the matchmaking is rigged? - #120 by SparkyElf-2852 — looks like we’re going for another round about some points), but I can’t readily find the post.

Either there’s a gap in my education or there is no such thing. :grinning: A statistic is a function of a sample by definition, what’s the point of a table there? :thinking: