Rigging: Win condition drawing

Once you win too much with a deck, system will track your winrate per played card, and after getting to know which is your win condition, you’ll stop drawing that card for the next 5 games
No matter how hard you try, unless you draw the whole deck it’s simply not happening
Played the whole month with a few variants of a self made deck, with my strongesr win condition being Cage Head
After reaching 5k legend I stopped drawing Cage Head, dropped to 9k and I went back to draw it regularly
Went back to 5k, and again, I’m not drawing it in a single game, I’m at 7.6k rn and going downwards
Even thought about rerolling to frost DK, but that’s what system manipulation wants us to do, make us reroll to other decks and realize we lack cards to encourage buying packs and not allowing f2p to play on the same level

Note: I just pulled this outta my a** and as I’m tilted now, it still makes more sense to me than “highrolls” of 15 matches in a row where I Finish with 2-8 cards on my deck and never draw my win condition


Hmmm… Define ‘you’ — because that other… player seems to be always drawing theirs. :wink:

My personal rigging theory [1], [2] :grinning: has been that the game might use advanced AI to gauge your IQ/ICQ :grinning: (anyone remember that ‘meme’?)/‘skill’ (or at least ‘accuracy’, like a chess engine could)/etc, then adjust your draws accordingly to ensure some ‘paraintellectual’ help for the less… ‘privileged’ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: playah in order to enforce ‘ekwolity’ and make the game more appealing for the masses… But I’m repeating myself a lot here (see the references above), am I not?

As for tracking your ‘win rate’ with particular cards — interesting idea, but I’m not sure it’d be that effective or as good as you think, especially considering both high… variance :smirk: happening in this game and statistical errors. However, the technology to do this kind of ‘rigging’ is already in this game, I suppose I gotta self-cite:

Disclaimer: yeah, it’s hard to verify this theory, unless someone leaks the server code or something, so you might call it a ‘conspiracy theory’, rather than a scientific one. However, lemme note that just because something is a ‘conspiracy theory’, it doesn’t mean that it’s not true — or there is no conspiracy. After all, Snowden, for instance, only documentally confirmed what many have long suspected.

Yeah, you should have done a better job, obviously. :grinning: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

PS About ‘win rate’ of particular cards — one more point on why you’ve gotta explain the meaning of it to me first. Consider a card so ‘overpowered’ that it’s played in virtually every deck (pre-nerf Astalor would quialify, I guess?). What do you think its ‘win rate’ would be, then? That’s right, approaching 50%, which is the exact number for the ideal case of being played in all decks exactly. This is just an illustration why you can’t interpret an abstract number like this naively.