Why are people so angry about the heroic brawl this time?

Yeah, skills levels. :smirk: Tell me about it in HS… or even roulette, if you will. Before we go any furthrer, a demonstration (it’s an old one and I’ve linked it elsewhere in the context of bots, but no matter):


Let me sum up: it’s a match of a rather intelligent and skillful ‘pro’ player against a dumb BOT.

This game isn’t chess, you know.

What’s more, I’ve written extensively about the subject, don’t feel like repeating myself, so let me self-quote a little:

What’s more, we aren’t even talking about the ladder here — it’s almost a closed tournament. I think you might be overlooking the fact that if one player wins, the other always loses, and the ramifications of it.

So, you know, even if a ‘shark’ might have an 80% winrate in the open sea, chiefly against ‘small fishes’, if you put twelve sharks in a tank, half of them will lose on average, no matter how sharp their teeth are.

You know, it reminids me of an old factoid how the vast majority of professors (I don’t recall the exact number, but it matters not) considered themselves above average in some study — tells something about self-esteem, but that’s not the point: you can’t have more than a half of a group perform above average, roughly speaking, by definition.

Oh, look, another ‘ridiculous’ poster. I don’t feel like deconstructing the whole fallacy of this pile of textual rubbish, just gonna specify one more point: this whole ‘heroic brawl’ shebang has always been a terrible deal (see, for example, another old video by OG [1]), designed to drain gold or money from players, except this time it’s with the aforementioned ‘carrot’ to lure them into it.
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vd0p41YLs0