Stone / StoneOld / Slamboney should know better precisely because he has a multi-year history of making these sorts of feelings-based threads which are not supported by the evidence. When we actually get a claim where it’s easily possible to investigate his claims, and we do, it turns out that his claims are absolute bunkum.
Exhibit A…
Just so we’re absolutely certain, could you nominate a specific level 70 crafted legendary that you think exhibits the problem you’re reporting the best and whether you’d like a STR, DEX or INT hero do the crafting? That way anyone interested in testing could craft 100 of them and post their results.
Anyway, once you nominate which of the bows or crossbows you want to use as the basis of the experiment, I’ll craft 90 of them. That way, if your claim of a 1:8 ratio of mainstat:vitality is even approaching correct, roughly 10 of them should have DEX, and 80 of them should have VIT.
You claimed there is a 1:8 ratio of main stat to vitality on crafted items.
If that was true, 10/90 items should have had DEX but there were 53.
If that was true, 80/90 items should have had VIT but there were 49.
This is why people are sceptical about the things “only you see”.
But here’s what I’m going to do; I’m going to craft 50 each of the following items:
Sydyru Crust - Lv 70
Venomhusk - Lv 60
Longshot - Lv 20
Arcane Barb - Lv 70
Starspine - Lv 57
Hand Crossbows
Hallowed Condemnation - Lv 70 *Set item
BlitzBolter - Lv 70
Hallowed Judgment - Lv 60 *Set item
Deadeye - Lv 41
So, once again, nominate a specific weapon. I don’t care if it’s a level 70 legendary, a sub-70 legendary or a sub-70 rare. Just pick one. Name it. Go on, I’m willing to craft 90 of them and record my results again.
You claimed there is a 1:8 ratio of main stat to vitality on crafted items.
If that was true, 10/90 items should have had DEX but there were 56.
If that was true, 80/90 items should have had VIT but there were 55.
Altogether, I’ve already crafted 180 bows (90 rares, 90 legendaries) so I’m not sure why you think making 250 will be vastly different.
If your claim was true, the approximate results should have been…
20/180 with DEX
160/180 with VIT
The actual results were…
109/180 with DEX
104/180 with VIT
The DEX value varies by 445% from your 1:8 ratio claim.
The VIT value varies by 54% from your 1:8 ratio claim.
The results aren’t even remotely close to your claim.
My overall results from crafting 180 weapons were…
109/180 with DEX
104/180 with VIT
Even if none of the 250 of the weapons Stone crafts had DEX on them, that would leave the overall results as…
109/430 with DEX
354/430 with VIT
109/430 = 25.39%
354/430 = 82.35%
For his 1:8 ratio claim to be true, those should be 11.11% and 88.88%, so even if 100% of his 250 crafts are without main stat, he still doesn’t get to his 1:8 claim, with a pool of 430 tests.
And you get far too hung up on the numbers. If I say 5:1, or 10:1, or 23.5:4, I am not really “claiming” that that is a rock-solid accurate number, I’m saying that’s how it feels to me when I craft this stuff
And you get too hung up on how you feel things are which, as ably demonstrated in this thread, isn’t even remotely close to how things are. You felt the ratio was 1:8 but it’s actually essentially 1:1.
If you’re going to make threads like this, please at least make it clear that you’re making claims about how you feel things are, rather than making claims that they’re about how things actually are.
You’re prevaricating about providing the results of your 250 crafts because you know as well as I do that they won’t support your 1:8 ratio narrative.
You claimed a 1:8 ratio of main stat to vitality on crafted items based on how you feel. I immediately thought that this was unlikely to be true, based on my own experience crafting but I offered to help test this out because I wanted to find out. I did so because I prefer to base my opinions on how things actually work rather than how people think things work.
The results of my 180 crafts was that the ratio of DEX to VIT was almost exactly 1:1, i.e. not even close to your claim of 1:8.
So, regardless of what the results are from your 450 crafts, even if not a single one of weapons had DEX on them, it still doesn’t get you to a 1:8 ratio.
My point of view is based on the fact that it’s mathematically impossible for you to prove your claim, even if 100% of the 450 weapons you’ve crafted don’t have DEX on them. But, by all means, take as long as you like to post results that can’t prove your case any more…
You could just save yourself, and everyone else, a lot of time by admitting that your data doesn’t support your initial claim of crafted items having a 1:8 ratio of Dexterity to Vitality.
You crafted 450 weapons.
Did 50 of them have DEX?
Did 400 of them have VIT?
Counting to 450 shouldn’t take you a month.
The results I got were an almost exact parity, i.e. a 1:1 ratio, of Main Stat to Vitality, which means your imagined 1:8 ratio wasn’t anywhere close to being correct. This is why, when you make claims that are so evidently false, that I enjoy responding to them with facts, evidence and maths showing that they’re false.
Posting your results in the same format as I did, i.e. just plain ASCII, for 450 crafts should have taken you no more than a couple of hours. You’ve had over five weeks at this point and have failed to provide them.
You’ve already said that your results from 450 crafts had pretty much the same ratio that my 180 crafts had, i.e. parity. That admission means that regardless of whether you bother to post your results or not, it proves that your claim of the 1:8 ratio of main stat to vitality was complete nonsense.
He switched to a brand new thread with his crafting results (after about 5 weeks of saying he’d provide them)…
I said that with a ratio of about 8:1 I get Vitality but no Dexterity on an item.
So naturally Meteorblade (whom everyone knows is a robot) showed up, and proved to me that statistically my claim of 8:1 is unsubstantiated and farcical.
I contributed to the thread because the claim you made seemed highly unlikely to me but also because it was very easily testable to see if the claim was true or not. With just a couple of hours of testing and posting the results I demonstrated that your claim was not true. You responded saying that you wanted to do your own crafting to see if you got the same results as I did or not. You then prevaricated for five weeks before making this thread.
You’ve made a very pretty spreadsheet, with graphs, and lots of other irrelevant stuff but the part that actually pertained to your original claim is summarised here…
Legendary weapons…
188 of 356 crafts had VIT present
205 of 356 crafts had DEX present
That’s a 0.917:1 ratio of VIT to DEX.
Ancient weapons…
54 of 94 crafts had VIT present
71 of 94 crafts had DEX present
That’s a 0.718:1 ratio of VIT to DEX.
You don’t appear to have combined these, but let’s do that too…
242 of 450 crafts had VIT present
276 of 450 crafts had DEX present
That’s a 0.877:1 ratio of VIT to DEX.
How about if we combine the results of my 180 crafts and your 450 crafts…
351 of 630 crafts had VIT present
380 of 630 crafts had DEX present
That’s a 0.924:1 ratio of VIT to DEX.
I would have commented earlier if you’d actually provided these results in your original thread because it would have shown up in in my notifications. But, anyway, 0.924:1 is a long way from 8:1, wouldn’t you say?
I respond to your threads where you make statistical claims precisely because you tend to base them on how you feel things are, rather than how things actually are.
So, yes, you’ll forgive me if I place absolutely zero weight on how he feels things work when we’ve repeatedly proven they work exactly how the statistics / maths say they should.