Another new Post-technical alpha D2R Interview at aroged (better) and gamersbraves (less clear)

EDIT: I found a site with the transcripts for this interview. It is here:

JagatPlay: Interview with Blizzard (Diablo II: Resurrected)! - Aroged

A: Given that multiplayer co-op will be an important part of Diablo II: Resurrected in the future, will there be an option for gamers to get direct loot instead of having to fight over each other?

Mat: As Andre previously said, for now, we are only focused on remixing the best gaming experience that Diablo II can offer in its original form. Then of course, listen to gamers’ feedback before the final release.

JP: Will there be any plans to concoct a real remake? Offers Diablo III-style gameplay on top of the Diablo II story and aesthetics?

And: There are currently no plans for a remake. When we started this project and returned to visit Diablo II, we realized how iconic this game is. After all, at Blizzard, we also have a design philosophy for new games where we are always “Finding Locations for the Source of Fun” in it, which in Diablo II is rooted in the core of the gameplay which still feels relevant and fun to play. Therefore we decided to stick with it and prefer the Remaster option.

A: Will the “Auction House” feature come back?

Mat: No, not at this time.

And: Looks like we can come up with certainty that Auction House won’t be back in Diablo II: Resurrected.

A: How far are we from beta?

Mat: At this time there is no date that can be announced for the beta period. There are a lot of things we have to do after the feedback we got from the technical alpha yesterday. So for now, there is no date yet.

Post technical alpha review for Diablo 2: Resurrected, with Matthew Cederquist and Andre Abrahamian - GamerBraves

This is a strange read due to how things are worded.



  1. It seems that they would define full remake by going full D3, which which mean getting rid of certain gameplay elements such as FHR, To Hit Chance, FCR, Breakpoints, no managing cooldown skills, as well as story changes. The fact that they have made a big deal of that as well at Blizzcon tells me their consider those core to D2, which is a good thing.

  2. More talk of seasons, which is what recent survey covered. Still this whole instanced loot popping up, since they have directly said no to instanced loot in a previous post BC interview. Mixed signals…

  3. While I enjoyed the concept of the auction houses in D3 as an easy trade method for in game gold, as well as a safe environment for the RMT that would benefit Blizzard for funding continual development, the drop rates were too skewed to it and not needed for D2 with being able to create trade game lobbies.

  4. considerations for design and scope of game is another mixed signal, since they have stated about game functioning as it does now.

Damnit man, just as I responded to original post, now I gotta read again, lol

Can anybody just directly ask him where shall we trade? Thanks.

Sorry. The first website I found had a summary that was worded strangely rather than the quotes themselves.

For example this:

A: Given that multiplayer co-op will be an important part of Diablo II: Resurrected in the future, will there be an option for gamers to get direct loot instead of having to fight over each other?

Mat: As Andre previously said, for now, we are only focused on remixing the best gaming experience that Diablo II can offer in its original form. Then of course, listen to gamers’ feedback before the final release.
Somehow became in summary this:
“Co-op wise, they aren’t revealing precise details either – like not confirming instanced loot”

Actually, I think that interview he misspoke and meant “account bound” and not personal loot. If you look at the quote in context, the discussion is about item duping and he talks immediately before about soulbound loot.

“Remixing” is an interesting term.

We ourselves are optimistic that Diablo II: Resurrected will be able to invite new gamers through a variety of additional features that we inject while maintaining the sensation of Diablo II itself. - Another interesting quote.

A: Considering the original Diablo II is already “almost perfect” especially through various major patches throughout its life. So, what kind of feedback was Blizzard really looking for during the alpha technical days? - Not a huge fan of that question, since we have already got a divide on what “best” patch was.

Overall, the media interviews and the surveys clash with each other still, imo. I still don’t have much hope for future content, balancing, etc. Though, Shadow did post interesting features dug out of executable from the Alpha for plugy like features, which might either be single player options, or making it easier for mods to change things, once feature mentioned was previously hardcoded and unchangable before.

There was that other article from geek culture I believe where they mentioned no instanced or personal loot in multiplayer raids. There was also a washington examiner (or similiar publication) that stated about ninja looting being a thing.

Thanks. I knew about the ninja looting comment.

The final product, after working out the kinks, is described by the man to be “almost identical” gameplay on both PC and console. “All of the skills and balances are exactly the same as the current live season of Diablo II; everything is identical,” he assures. You’ll still have to be in-game with the other party to trade items, there won’t be any potion and scroll stacking or individual, personalised loot in multiplayer raids, and you’ll have to be in online in a party and flag yourself as hostile to take part in player-versus-player (PvP) activities. - this is the geek culture posted shortly after Blizzcon

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This is a summary and not a direct quote from Blizzard. Needless to say, I do not think anyone refers to D2 multiplayer as “raids”. Having said that, I do not doubt that it was likely true at the time.

After that interview, Blizzard asked players if they were interested in personal loot instead of FFA loot at D2R launch. If this was set in stone, there would be no way if I was making the decision that I would ever ask about personal loot at D2R launch.

Even in the last day or 2, Blizzard sent out another survey about 19 game changes to get player feedback. Some have already been adopted in D2R, some are incredibly insignificant (e.g. in game clock) and some are more dramatic (e.g. dedicated charm inventory listed as QoL feature).

Yeah, I know about it being early post blizzcon (which of course, things can change during active dev) and the original blizz survey, but the washington examiner article was after the first blizz survey. I do hope that they actually do a console multiplayer beta before release, whether with or shortly after the pc one. Then they should get some diverse feedback from players that WILL be playing strictly with a controller as well as some good non-pc player feedback.

Do you have a link for he Washington Examiner?

I found the one with Matthew Cederquist talking about ninja looting on Feb. 20 for the Washington Post.

That’s the one, Washington Post. I didn’t google that article to quote, since you said you knew of that one.