You will not get loot free, deal with it

i wouldn’t have a thul rune if i was on the forum all day

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That could be a problem with bosses being killed fast. I think we’d have to port the whole party there at the same time to solve that problem.

LOL that would be so funny. Imagine about to kill Baal and because some sorc is mfing andy the whole party gets ported to cata 4 ROFL.

A solution does need to get fleshed out for it. It’s a good problem to point out, but there can be a better solution.

Why are you insulting me? I’m from D1 back from the 90s. I played D2 on launch and had the xpack on its launch. You’re not the good old crowd. You’re toxic. I even gave you credit for bringing up a good point, and you just get all hostile for no reason.

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There are some non-screamers also asking and Blizzard’s response is wait and see the player feedback.

No, Im not insulting you, thats a descriptive ‘your term’ you might understand as you happily bang on about them.

Yes, this is an insult.

A bit sad you are playing dumb and not appreciating you use that term to describe less well off people than yourself in the game… sad times. Sorry you want others to suffer you calling them that but hopeful that you understand and see light :wink:

I would also almost certainly help get any corpses safely and send tps btw lmao its choice YAY choice!



This sh!t right here. People crying about loot should just go play Diablo 3. It’s waiting for you.

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This is not wow. U need d3

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I don’t need D3, I like D2 and FFA loot. But for elderly/disabled/new players, they should have the best version of optional personal loot which is WoW’s system, not D3. Even Brevik mentioned WoW’s loot before.


Are we changing game radicaly because of our granpas and grandma who want to play d2 and enjoy loot? Come on. If you cant click on items you cant play d2 anyway.

I am sick of this excuse honestly, there is guy who play overwatch with feet as he has no hands and is like in rank where only 0,5% player base is. can we stop using disabled people as excuse? Its actualy lame and kind of insulting to them.


The reason I’m bringing it up is because someone else brought it up who was “elderly” and worried about it, so it’s something to think about for others with the same concerns as that guy, especially since this game came out 20 years ago, so I’m not pulling this out of my a**. Anyway Miss Cheetah said Blizzard specifically has a team to cater to people with disabilities so I think it shouldn’t be insulting to anyone.

I’ll stop bringing it up though for the sake of not being annoying.

Not as long as MicroRNA wants to use the accessibility angle for ploot, no.

Giving away loot free hit me up ill drop you some sweet loot

He’s insulting you because that is this community in a nut shell. If you don’t think that D2 is an absolutely perfect game then you are just a trash noob. It’s people like that elitist clown that pushed me away from playing any kind of public game. They are toxic trash that like to project on to others.

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Diablo 2 is far from perfect, i would change many things, but loot drop mechanics is not one of them as it could negatively impact the game and how cooperation between players work.


so i fight the same monster as you and i will not have the same chance to get the loot because the game decided that will be yours?.

i earned that loot also, why the game decide i don’t deserve it?

you see how pointless it’s your argument and personal loot in this game?