I'd like to know who started the private loot rumor/request

Here are some.

https: //us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d3/t/screenshot-of-blizzard-survey/30125
The D2R accessibility blog post link
How We’re Making Diablo® II: Resurrected™ More Accessible to Everyone — Diablo II: Resurrected — Blizzard News

The quotes below are moreabout changes in general and listening to player feedback.


I think you guys just need to face the music. They are apparently looking for what players want, and a majority seem to want some change.

I’m in your corner fighting to at least have an untouched 1.14 option as well.

The majority of players do not want change. It’s about 10 people on this forums who keep posting the same topic of ploot over and over again.


we had a small survey from Llama that said otherwise. His fans are also the type who have been around long before the remaster was announced. Why would even newer players want old mechanics?

You are wrong. No doubt.

Even Llama himself thought it was shocking because he is one of you, and his viewers still didn’t follow what he wanted.

Balance: Character balance, skill balance, pvp balance, pvm balance, and performance balance. I could totally see.

I’d like to think balance relates more in other words to character balance. I’m also glad that people have admitted that it isn’t a remake it is in fact a remaster. Purists are okay with change but don’t completely remap the entire game based on people’s feedback because they cannot wait until D4.

As you continue to configure and bundle up more of your research, I still have yet to read anything about “loot”. Don’t get me wrong but when “Changes” come into play I agree balance will be there and feedback will be heard but what some players are asking for is something entirely different.

I have added the link to the interview about loot. The initial link is now dead but I faithfully quoted it when that link was working awhile back.

Also, I added the link with screenshots of Blizzard’s own survey where they asked the players if they wanted to replace FFA loot with personal loot at D2R launch. I did not receive this survey but its authenticity have been widely verified by those who did.


I see, well I guess both parties on either side just play the waiting game then perhaps? Deciding whether to dictate what their next play is for the game. Those who choose either argument really have no argument without anyone within the team putting this in stone right?

I also understood those who exploited the surveys questions/answers were probable to disciplinary action.

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Also, I hope that you did check out the screenshots of their D2R survey where they asked about personal loot.

I was a day 1 player of D2 and bought the collector’s edition at Best Buy on launch day. I remember how excited we were waiting in line waiting for Best Buy to open. The fact is that many D2 vets have complained about FFA loot for 15+ years. This is not new and even David Brevik has commented several times on this issue for several years that pre-dates D2R announcement.

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You just said it yourself, it’s a small survey from a llama and his fans. Do you have anything of your own to say or are you just pointing and saying “That guy said it so it must be true”

Numbers don’t lie lmao. Good luck convincing a new player that rubber banding is good. If you increase the size of the poll, the gap is just going to get larger.

It’s a biased poll of course it will get larger because it’s only polling llamas friends. A non-biased poll would show otherwise but you don’t have any of that evidence.

I do not think you discount MrllamaSC poll nor do you discount the reddit poll. You just need to understand both polls have sampling bias, skewing the results when looking at the data.

For example if the respondents were enriched in purists, then it would underestimate the frequency of the actual/potential D2R players that wanted changes.

Assuming no shenanigans, MrllamaSC poll and the reddit poll accurately reflect the views of the respondents with the caveat that each respondent may not have fully understood the question.

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It’s as simple as this

Private games = Private loot
Public games = Public loot


I checked them out, they did ask but nothing has been spoken about it or within confirmation. I am right there with you, along the lines of purchase and playtime. It just personally never really bothered me. I will say my playstyle was probably more PvP than solo MF my way to gear my toons.

It’s just a waiting game at this point. Just my 2 cents but I think putting something they haven’t had into a game, or any game (Any industry) needs testing consistently, reporting, etc. A lot of the player base I feel would abandon the wait. But I can’t speak for everyone. Regardless I look forward to seeing you in Hell bro.

Hence, my desire for 2 separate realms: strict remaster and modern realm.

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With all the talk of private loot going on in these forums for the last week +months before that, I’d be surprised if Blizzard didn’t do something about it. How many of the millions of these “sacred D2 players” (random dads that don’t know anything) played a full play through of D3 and continued doing “rifts”. I beat act 1 and never played it again because I know a joke when I see one, and I don’t mind an optional loot system if its done right.

Guys like Rhykker and Deadmau5 have no problem wasting hours playing that trash can of a game. Be honest, how many hours do you have in D3? Add me to Blizzard so I can confirm.

I just don’t have the knowledge of the money, time, and labor hours they plan on investing in a game this old. I’d assume they would invest more time into D4 while this invests players’ time until that releases. I think the more they focus on D4 the more they can actually modernize it within the newer engine pro the player’s feedback.

I don’t think their concept of “making additional changes” includes adding entirely new systems. They’re referring to minor things like small QoL, aka auto-gold or always on loot text and an interest in balancing spells if players are ok with that.

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I’m not sure why it would matter, but I have around 1,500 hours in Diablo 3, and if I had to guess, maybe like 15,000 in diablo 2.

It is not a “new” system. Blizzard has incorporated personal loot into a couple of its titles already. In terms of implementation, it is simply let the game function as it normally does for making the drop/no drop and identity of item decision. For personal loot, you add an extra RNG roll to assign each drop to a player where that player can only see and collect that drop.

In terms of difficulty, it most likely would be similar to auto-gold pickup where Blizzard has that coding template from other titles such as D3.

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