If personal Loot was confirmed

personal loot needs to be a game creation option. let players filter on the game type they prefer.

I love that response! May I use it? :wink:

MicroRNA, you keep provind us with quality articles that bring joy to my heart and hopes for improving this amazing game. Here are my favorite quotes:

Blockquote Chris Lena: “but also to modernise it in a way that can bring it to people who have never played it before.”
CL: Yeah, we made a decision not to do balance changes right now, for the very reason that we want to make sure we deliver the authentic experience. Who knows what might happen in the future with feedback. I know our designers have a list of things they would love to do. So we’ll see how that goes going forward.
CL: I think that conversation starts with the technical alpha and goes through to launch. It’s really about what players are looking for and what they want. We love this game – we’re remastering it 20 years later – so we would love to continue giving players what they want.
CA: Yeah, I think our focus is really to listen to the community and see what they say online, and then see where it goes from there.

Source: xxhttps://www.pcgamesn.com/diablo-2-resurrected/interview

This is the fuel we need to keep giving feedback and ignore the haters, because like Taylor Swift says haters gonna hate. :rofl:

One can keep an authentic remaster experience in D2R as well as adding more optional changes. It is not an either/or proposition. It can be both.

Many want to ignore what Blizzard actually said and are clutching on to what they think Blizzard said. The funny thing is many claim that Blizzard said that D2R will be a “faithful remaster”. The fact is if you google it, Blizzard never said that. It is only in news reports where others describe things. It was never Blizzard/VV who used the descriptor “faithful remaster”.

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VILEINFECTED, I hear you and I can see that you are as passionate about this game as we are. All I ask is that you refute any of the arguments made for having private loot. So far scales balance on pro private loot to benefit this game. Please use facts and not feeling in your argument. If you can convince me that private loot is the wrong way, please help change my mind or I will continue to post pro private loot posts.

Personal loot system doesnt appropriate to orginal diablo2 content. Absoulitly not personaly loot. I dont want to see this discuss .enough

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I don’t think anyone is talking about changing the original D2, we are talking about the NEW D2R where the game developers said

And we are happily giving our feedback.

If you don’t want to see this discussion, why are you clicking on a thread post that discusses personal loot? "

This update is resurected not new game. Only some little fixes. We will not permit major changes.

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Well, you want ingame system takes control over things that previously was handeled just by communication between people in game… and you call it BETTER IMMERSION…
Just recently played with firends and having fun from fights over loot, and from moments when you held some loot piece on coursor and wait to others go away to let you free space in your inventory, this is better immersion, when you behave in game to other players actions and in game systems should increase number of those interactions, not shrinking it down to just interaction with menues.

Let me see:

Lord of the rings

A party of friends (the fellowship) are fighting together to conbat the forces of evil. You think it is better immersion to stop fighting to grab and hold onto loot to wait for the others to go away to get it.

I can see this now. Legolas in the middle of battle grabs a sorcerer’s wand and stops doing anything until the other fighters go away. I hope Gandalf does not die as a result due to his inaction. I am sure Legolas would receive praise from Aragon for this behavior. You are absolutely correct, there is no immersion breaking in what you describe.


I am glad that you had fun with that interaction, but I personally don’t find that form of interaction fun or desirable, when external factors that are out of my control influence my chances of picking up loot on the floor. Please don’t impose one style of play onto everyone. Give options, “Play Nice; Play Fair”, that is one of blizzards core design policies. If you cannot guarantee a fair playing filed offer personal loot.

That gave me goosebumps :scream_cat:

lol, that’s immersion braking from actions of other players, that can be just addressed to their personalities, and you want to replace it with immersion braking system that altered realityes where Legolas see the bow dropped from enemy on place that Gandalf see staff?
If you want to rolleplay D2, that better be one reality for all players, when you defeat hord of deamons and then search for useful items on battelefield after that one of your party members can find something usefull to you in another room and ask you to grab it if their backbacks are full. Or when you see barbarian pick up some bow you can ask him as for example amazon, why do you need bow for, give it to me, it can be better than my current one.
You see? INTERACTION, game encourege players interact with each other in game, not just share what they get in their alternative reality in chat.

Do you think Legolas would grab a sorcerer’s wand and need Gandalf to ask him about giving it to him? With friends like that, who needs enemies.

You mean the interaction that you get when holding on to an item while you wait for the other players to go away? That sounds not terribly interactive to me.

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How you can paly fair when control over actions that can be played fair and unfair was already taken from you?
You just play then, fairness will be handeled by overseer god…

that is super scary and very much a possibility :open_mouth:

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I’m not understanding you question, can you rephrase it please?

David Brevik said it would change nothing except remove the toxic gameplay… what did he call it tech limitations at the time??? Again The big Lie is D2 LOD is a hard game… Nothing is hard about D2 see naked sorcs and paladins auto clearing content!!!

What personal loot does is it allows a dead game with a playerbase of less then 1,000 to have an actual playerbase lol!

Dont forget to tell a purist they fear change because learning anything new is scary and hard… “D3 is easier then d2” is it ??? can you push the highest GRIFTS??? Anyone in the world can auto clear D2 LOD Pick the mighty Paladin or hte mighty Sorc and clera all of hell and its bosses naked!!!

Wannna scare a purist check list

End game
Personal Loot
Charm inventory
allowing the 5 other classes to clear hell naked…

I would love to watch a purist fail at a scaling map or rift system… they only know the base game anything that would challenge them is terrifying thus no change… keep it easy mode right purist?

Doing the same things for 20 years thinking your game is hard or anyone besides bots play it rofl

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Where he grab it from? IT WASNT THERE from Gendalf perspective XD

Take item and hold it hidden in hands or back, and others can clearly see that im hiding something cuz i cant move =D

i might not have understood him correctly, but my guess is, if every action is decided by someone else, there can be no fair and unfairness as you are just a puppet going trough the motions

Do I need to remind you of your post? You explicitly stated “when you see barbarian pick up some bow”. I used your explicitly stated premise.

Right, I’m still not understanding Паныч’s argument of every action being decided by someone else. How is this or would this happen?

I love it when you go all Vulcan :laughing: