Contested loot - or how to make pickit less effective

There is nothing wrong with the loot system. You want to make pickit less effective, make a private game. Adding timers to loot drops in a hack and slash is just stupid.


jeez, just expand the radius items fall and reduce the distance you need to be away from the item to pick it up.

But yes, the game is fine the way it is. But i’d prefer this option over ploot or others.

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The developers certainly can discuss things without doing the coding. For the “rabbit hole”, Rod already stated that if an alternate loot system was introduced after D2R launch, it would be optional, set at game creation, and require opt in. So it seems like they have already established the parameters if this option would ever be introduced. Needless to say, since it would be set at game creation, they do not think it would have a significant impact of the trade economy (i.e. total drops remain the same and none of this up to 8X more drops disinformation) and would not require splitting players into a separate realm.

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This is not going down the “rabbit hole”. Even Rod didn’t go down that path to see what it’s like. Just like he said that they could remove the stamina bar. Any gamer or person who is somewhat familiar with gaming could come up with those 3 parameters.

You guys knew what you signed up for the moment you preordered D2R. Stop trying to make it into your own perspective of what diablo 2 should be. It is the game that we all love and enjoy even with the things you guys think aren’t “FAIR” to the other players. You’re in hell trying kill the Lord Of Destruction and you want these players to wait for you to pickup your loot so we can continue the journey? Just because you’re second place doesn’t mean you deserve a pat on the back. Make a private game or stop whining like little school girls.


Yes we did. Did you?

Blizzard/VV repeatedly said that they were open to more changes if the players wanted them. Here are quotes and links for you to see in one place the verifiable truth.


Balance changes are not changing the loot system, or changing how public games are played. Balance changes as they are stating are things like balancing the skills or a specific thing.

Balance changes was just one thing that they mentioned. They also were asked about optional loot system in multiplayer awhile ago (please see their reply that is quoted). This quote pre-dates what Rod stated that it definitely was not coming at D2R launch. Rod also indicated that additional updates/feature would be coming to D2R post-launch in his tweets.

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Better yet, show proof that they exist in D2R… oh wait.
Stop basing your arguments on the D2 wild wild west servers and not bnet 2.0.

To your knowledge, are both D3 and WoW on modern battlenet?

To your knowledge does both D3 and WoW have active cheating programs such as bots/maphack/auto-clickers/macros?

Why do you think D2R will be different?

To your knowledge, did they already have a bot working using the alpha D2R version?

Cheaters break the EULA and need to be banned, but it is a cat and mouse game where Blizzard’s bans are somewhat infrequent.

The OP has one post to date. It would be very hard to argue that this poster is spamming the forums. Moreover, he is proposing a possible solution that is fairly novel.

It is one reason among a multitude.


Flagged as spam.

Every day there’s someone making a thread about changing something that is completely changing the game. Developers have already stated that there will only be QoL changes while keeping the core the same. Usually these useless threads are about personal loot. A few other occasions it’s something like this where someone comes up with an idea without understanding how bots and hacks work so they don’t see that their “solution” brings new and different problems to the game.

Seems like bots and pickit has become main reasoning for introducing personal loot these days.

What’s nexy? making all items soulbound so 3rd party sites cannot sell them anymore? because that’s illegal too you know.

Yes, I beleive so.

Hearsay… But likely they do, I dont play those games so, you tell me?

I didnt say I think it will be different, I said dont base anything on what we do not know yet, since the game is not officially released yet, and we have no data on how Blizzard will deal with cheats in this brand new game.

That I can confirm, however, that was single player, not on battlenet. They only had you connected for feedback purposes.
I also have hearsay knowledge that some of those “botters” were dealt with.

To your knowledge, was there any bots during the Beta?

Agreed, let them be dealt with, hold Blizzard accountable, instead of asking they implement more restrictions that do more harm to manual, legit players, than to the bots themselves.

You can’t really compare WoW botting to D2 botting.

WoW botting is one of most profitable out there.
You can get tons of euroes within hours of botting and still afford new license and sub if you get banned. Sad story but it’s how it is.

I don’t think D2 will ever be that profitable.

They have cheats. This is an undeniable fact. If they were no cheats, they would not be ban waves that are well-publicized.

It is clear that cheating will exist in D2R. the main questions is how common and the frequncy of Blizzard’s response.

I have no first hand knowledge. There are reports whose authenticity I can not verify saying that the answer was yes. Botter should be banned. I just do not know the regularity that this will be done in D2R.

Adding in options that make the game better for some people’s enjoyment and also mitigating the adverse effects of cheats is killing two birds with one stone.

In D3, when there was a real money auction house people would pay $250 for an item (that was the cap dollar amount for the RMAH).

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Ok, but how are those cheats relevant to D2R? they arent the same game.
D3 is a form of ploot is it not? ergo pickit is irrelvant.
Never played WOW, is it ploot or FFA?

Exactly, we do not know. If after a week and pickit is rampant, and bots are front and center running baal runs, then we can ramp up some discussions.
I dont think it will get to that point, but we will see…

In D3, with restricted trade and personal loot, pickit is not relevant. There is still cheating due to epeen and getting items/xp. The latter will still be true in D2R. Whats more in D2R, D2R has FFA loot and free trade, promoting misbehavior. I support free trade, but let’s not ignore that everyone does not share the same values.

I assume bots will keep a low profile in D2R for awhile even if they do exist. Also, it is hard for a player to prove who is using a pickit/macro/auto-clicker cheat.

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Saw someone in another thread yesterday, with nearly the same idea. It is an interesting idea, and might help with the “slowdown” some people have perceived with Timed Allocation.

That said…

This seems bad. Everyone would move on, assuming the item had been looted. People would then need to move back? That creates an issue Timed Allocation did not have.
If this system should work, you probably need to roll again to pick another winner. Then, if nobody has room, the item would become FFA at the spawn spot, as a last resort.

Alternatively, when clicking on the item, you need enough space in the inventory, and the game allocated space in your inventory the moment you click. It cant be used for items in those 3 seconds. Not even for other dropped items you want to roll on. Choose wisely!

My second issue with the idea is the complexity.
Timed Allocations huge strength is that it is a simple system. Basically everything it needs to work already exists in the game.

This idea requires new game mechanics, new UI etc.
Now, maybe those are small issues to overcome, and I would definitely be interested in seeing this solution in effect.

I kinda expect they will be all in from day one. Too tempting to earn a bunch of money early on, when the playerbase is at its largest.

Imagine the following: Some people in tombrun. One fights a bunch of monsters, some fight a super monster, one is at the door, you are somewhere in the room breaking a vase. A nice run drops outa the vase and it is obviously yours. The guy at the door saw it and clicked it too and becomes the winner. Would feel great… not. Like you can’t even control a simple thing as picking up an item right in front of you.

Would it feel better if the guy at the door used pickit, instantly teleports towards your vase and grabs the rune in an instant before you realize what dropped? Of course there are always situations in which we might feel compromised, be it one system or another. The ultimate answer doesn’t exist.

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