Rmt or not?
Rmt or not?
what’s d2jsp?
some kind of ointment for your inflamed joints?
Are you sick? Feverish ?
You didn’t added an annoyingly unrelated unfunny video link with your post
Yeah except that 20of your 25 last replies are on topics about It lol
Here are my last 20 interactions. Can you please tell me what one to reference?
1- What’s your use of D2jsp? - #5 by Sekscalibure-1293
2- Diablo 4 No trading = Dead on arrival
4-Quiting until online dif. scaling
5-How do I get monsters to move away from entrance?
6-Anyone else "not" excited about ladder?
7-Do you Host games or Join them?
8-20 year hardcore veteran suggestion
9-Finally realized the hate for personal loot
10-How important is pvp to Diablo 2 players
11-Cannot Connect to Server Why EXP Penalty?
12-I did it. For the first time ever, I did it
13-Funny seeing ppl happy for re-balance yet being anti personal loot
14-Your connection has been interrupted
15-What is Diablo? (Diablo 4 paragon board)
16-Higher level runes need to be easier to get?
It’s the greatest thing ever to happen to Diablo 2.
That’s even worse than CNN so called journalism. I would not ever share that garbage again.
Keeping an open mind based on current state of things, it is possible, Blizzard owns Jsp…
Lol like when One of GGg’s stake holder owned a POe rmt website
At the end of the day it is a good place to get opinions and advice on builds, item choice, farm strats, ect. Those people have the game down to a science.
You’re prolly gonna get flamed for asking those kind of questions though before getting a legit answer lol
haha nice one
jsp is civilization
reddit and bnet forum is the untouched aboriginal culture living in trees
I like jsp, it’s feels less toxic when it comes to finding mf/leeching groups. Some people on this forum think it’s should be an honor to leech XP, when it’s actually beneficial to the runner and the leechers. However, I do understand the frustration when leechers either ninja loot or can’t follow simple direction like staying back.
i understand the part about cnn but why is d2j the greatest thing that ever happened? or was that scarcasm(sic).
never us d2j. have nothing against those who do. i always wondered though if that paul guy isnt a black hat blizzard employee. he did invent the pindleskin bot which is totally against TOS. which led to what?? accounts being deleted, more game copies sold.
thats the difference between d2 and d3. with d3 things are always what they appear to be and with d2 its not always so.
funny results that goes completely against the narative of some crazy fanatics in here haha
I don’t use D2JSP and I think it’s quite boring pay to get itens. I like to drop my own itens or at least have a friend that I can count to drop stuff and equip our characters. For me the late game is about finding loot for use or trade for something you will use/need. If you pay for everything, so what’s the point in playing? Just to showoff that you can afford having the best itens in game… with your wallet?
People always say that they want the game to be harder, but people rather pay to equip a hard-to-find piece of gear on a character then tryhard to find it.
In my opinion D2JSP it’s vastly harmful to the real game experience.
But if you are happy using it, so be it. If this idea is of the liking of the majority, I just would bring the Diablo 3’s auction house back. This way, people that use the game to earn some cash would be in a safe and controlled enviorment. Way much better to avoid scams.
With a solid auction house system, I would give more importance to gold in game.
Like the idea of making some “gamble only uniques”. They could use the elite bases that doesn’t have this category already like the Archon Plate, the Colossus Girdle, Wyrmhide, Diamond Mail, Loricated Mail, Boneweave, Lacquered Plate, more unique rings and amulets, etc.
God bless d2jsp forever and ever amen.
To those who don’t agree, I hope your next paycheck from work is paid to you in fg.
Diablo2io is much better than d2jsp. The devs put so much hard work into making it an incredible site. D2jsp can’t hold a candle to it
I would never go back.