Based on YOU, how important it is to you when you play the game
Based on YOU, how important it is to you when you play the game
will have to make a 20 years later d2 vid.
but maybe this time they won’t copywrite strike the music…
I don’t even play much D2 PvP and I will say it’s very important. It’s an entire HALF of the game/experience, with so many modes (9lld, 18lld, 30lld, endgame dueling, team dueling, and probably more and etc), so yeah of course it’s important. Even if I don’t play much PvP myself, that’s less because I don’t want to and more because of the ridiculous 20 character slot limitation.
Great answer
question" How important is it to YOU when YOU play"
answer: very important but i dont do it …
Great reading comprehension, try again
Not at all. It’s important for me to be able to avoid it at all costs. If I want pvp, I’ll go play a pvp game. Open world hostile is cancer to every game it happens in.
This a strictly PvE game for me.
It is important. How much? Significantly enough to care about it
Based on the fact that every other post is related to pvp in some form, and there’s constant noise about, it’s obviously important to a significant part of the player base.
Yet people are still trying to say no one enjoys pvp and it should be removed.
That’s why everyone quit this game 18 years ago and its been dead since right? Oh wait…
If you hate this games mechanics so much, why are you here? Go play something you enjoy. Don’t try to tweak a game you never liked to begin with.
It’s not because it’s important
It because those who are obsessed with it are annoyingly loud minority that can’t stop talking about it thinking it’s the most important aspect of the game when it’s not
that poll is not gonna be solid data anyway…i dont believe much pvpers are on forum…also since its not a poll posted directly on activision b-net app with a huge invitation pop up screen to vote… it ain’t gonna fetch very good data
Right, it’s just half of the game, how important could it be? Just saw me off at the waist, the lower half of our body isn’t that important, right?
And who are you exactly to decide what’s important? I’ve played more than you. I guarantee it. Pvpers in general are going to have more play time.
Gearing your mf hdin or uber smiter? Some people can do that in the first week or two. But gearing a BVB and filling his inventory with dmg/ar/life charms? May take a year or longer.
PVP is how we got so much out of the game and played for as long as we did. Introduced a challenge with so much variety. I can build 10 different zealers with completely different gear and they will all be viable. The break points, which seem to be largely irrelevant in PVM, all of sudden become really important in PVP. That gave the game its replayability.
Not because it’s important to you that the game is designed that way and that’s the case for everybody
Also… nice pretend number “half” lol
half the game and then list “modes” that are all player made and have nothing to do with the game and everything to do with self imposed rules.
I actually enjoy that the rules are player made and regulated. Better than having a developer guess what I want and then force me to play that way.
don’t have a problem with player made rules you just can’t call it a feature of the game it’s a construct of the playerbase not part of the game that the devs made.
Lol love he said “mode” instead of categories
Dueling isn’t an intended part of Diablo
Ahhh so the hostile button doesn’t exist. Interesting.