Diablo 4 No trading = Dead on arrival

Mark it down. If they make items BOP that game will be as trashy as retail wow


They wouldn’t do that…

I think it would be great if D4 allowed limited trading of items, at least a bit less restricted than D3:

1 time only trade. Once the item switches hands, it’s account bound.
Every item has a 1 week timer to trade starting when it drops. Once the week expires, it’s account bound.


Easy fix: make it so that you can only do three trades per day. This would prevent flooding the market with low and mid level uniques and everything would still have a value, because no one trades a new player a shako three months into the ladder when it becomes more reasonable to focus on the more valuable stuff.

The restriction shouldn’t count for people on the friends list of course. Just check if the timestamp of the item found is smaller than the timestamp of the friend added, so that you can’t bypass the restriction by adding friends afterwards.

No trade is perfect. Best design choice ever for this franchise.


You can only trade with people in your party when the item drop and only for 60 min before it becomes account bound.

However you can freely trade with your alts. :slight_smile:


have they said anything or are you just like… posting nonsense?


Agreed, diablo was always trading until d3 garbage. If you do not want trade play SSF


Just bring back the RMAH, I could use another part-time job


Yes, It will differently turn out well…

From the dev update.

Crafting Materials

Crafting will once again play its part in Diablo 4 which means collecting crafting materials for creating weapons and upgrades. Materials can be collected by killing enemies, undertaking quests, and inside objects such as chests.

Blizzard has not said much about crafting materials but we do know that they will play an integral part in item trading in Diablo 4.

So, there’s that. Could change or mean something different.

Trade is another word for cheating. If you want to play a trade sim, go play PoE.


Diablo is better without trading imo. They could compromise and do limited trading. But open trading of any item at any time is terrible. Should be more open than D3, but more restrictive than D2.


According to their words back then, it will be something WoW-like with some stuff being tradeable and some not.

But with the 2 highest positions (Barriga and Kim) out now, I’d consider all that was said >3 months ago as invalid/unconfirmed.

Given that the current team seems to be priorizing to reaffirm their work at D3 over making a good D4, the realistic options are that WoW-like one and a D3 one.

D4 is already DOA. Do not get your hopes up, it will absolutely be D3 2.0


Stopping by to confirm d3 players are animals who want to burn down society and move us back into caves where we hunt woolly mammoths to stave off hunger

Just playing with you guys. Ill skip d4 if items are bind to account but who cares just dont ruin d2r first.



D4 should be open trade like D2

Blizzard failed with rmah and tried to correct the shot by going completely the other way

There is a healthy middle ground


BOP would hopefully finally kill D2jsp and other sites like it. I think it would be worth it just to watch the salt and tears in the forums…


That is a stupid idea. Just allow trading. Core to the Diablo experience. Why do you need to come up with a mongoloid plan to limit trading?


It is more fun to watch you cry like an infant about a site that doesn’t impact you. Do you feel like you are being cuckolded every time a trade happens? Is this some kind of humiliation kink?