Higher level runes need to be easier to get?

Is it me or do higher level runes need to be easier to get? I did some research over the internet and apparently to Cube 1 El rune to 1 Zod requires 14 TRILLION El runes… thats more runes than what can be accommodated in the game. Was thinking maybe have Magic Find also include chances to get Rune drops as well? (Currently MF does NOT include Runes), or have NM and Hell difficulties increased chances of having Fal to Zod drop. Even cubing all runes from Fal to Zod requires 4200 Fal runes… Rip me all you want community, but I am not the only player with this thought.
And no I dont join other peoples games cos I have serious trust issues… been burned too many times in the past. So no I wont be joining random games.

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No tnx.
Runes already drop a lot more than they use to and to much if you ask me.


I don’t think so.

They’ve been that way for ages, and the (LoD 1.10?) change seemed to be enough for the current D2R with less bots and dupes. Their current drop rate is more than enough to make 1-2 ultra high runewords per ladder, being able to try others in the next season.

Being that rare is what makes them exciting.


I think drop rates are fine. It can get frustrating, but exciting as well.


If high runes and uniques were easy to get I wouldn’t have played this game for 10 years. If I had BIS for all characters then the game wouldn’t be worth playing anymore.

ya but no is EVER going to cube 14 trillion el runes…

once you start finding io+ consistently cubing upto pul - um is very easy, then trying your luck finding anything higher (usually can find a few HR a week if playing enough / properly) and so no, i don’t think finding HRs is very difficult. it takes a while, but not too long. good luck.

just got a vex in hell cows

O.O woot

My ssf character is using the rune cube recipe. It feels really slow, but Ive crafted 3 mal runes so far. Unfortunately, I found a ber but not on my ssf character :sob:

Edit: I think blizzard is taunting me with bad RNG on my ssf character :thinking:

If my math is right, an Infinity is the equivalent of about 130 Ist runes. Now, while not common by any means, they drop regularly enough that you can cube fairly high with those, especially now that full cubing was unlocked for everyone with D2R. And of course, it won’t be only Ists dropping - you’ll get the odd Vex/Ohm/Lo here and there to speed up the process. Now that might not be as satisfying as having the Bers drop directly, but you can eventually get whatever amazing runeword you want even if you don’t have amazing luck.

Farm fast and consistently. Eventually the RNG catches up to you. Got Jah - Jah - Ber - Jah - Jah in a 24 hour period farming Trav this week before Christmas. I’ve farmed since release and never gotten that lucky. It all catches up eventually

i have worked my way up to a vex rune from cubing what i got off countess runs. having ber runes rain from the sky so that every lazy noob can be good will hurt the game. if you want a game where the drops are easier then play d3. better graphics too.

cubing not the way to get high runes…the only runes you should ever cubes to upgrade are

3 Lum to Ko
2 Gul to Vex
2 Sur to ber

if your desperate for a Ohm to get cta u may want to consider fusing 2 vex to get cta…otherwise never fuse Vex runes together

Hellforge top 3 rune are Mal,Ist,Gul

Hellforge cant drop Vex,Ohm,Lo,Sur,Ber,Jah,Cham,Zod

top spot in order for runes
Durance 3(Trav guys)…kill Meph and Open the chest that was behind Meph while your there otherwise your wasting yummies
Chaos Sanctuary(elite packs only)…ignore non-elite
apparently Arcane Sanctuary can drop above Lo rune in remaster(i haven’t get to confirm)…if you run the place…open the chests at the dead end part of a path they have a high drop rate for runes and uniques…its a Map full of ghosts and if the stuff i heard is true for remaster…it make it a solid farm map for rune

other decent worthwhile spot but not top…Lower Kurast Chests…Cows…Worldstone Keep…Pit(Tamoe Highland in A1)…Ancient Tunnels(lost city in A2)

do note btw…Chaos Sanc…Worldstone keep…Pit and Ancients Tunnels are ilvl 85 areas…so they can drop some desired items like Death Fathom…Death Web…Steelrend Gloves…Windforce…Crown of Age…but none of these spots rank No 1 for HR…Chaos is in third place…while the other 3 are like in sixth place for HR

Throne of Destruction should be fourth place in term of speed//drop rate…but i never seen waves dropping HR over 1000 runs in the past(maybe i was just unlucky trough mass baal run but that seem unlikely)…so i think it be more fitting for other players to rank this place than me :wink: at least share their experience…

Confirmed! I’ve gotten a Sur and I’ve seen YouTubes of a Ber. The straight way is a pretty quick clear, if you don’t want to do all 4 sides every time.

I believe the chests might be limited to Lo runes, but the mobs can definitely drop higher.

The straight way is a bit quicker, yes, but the real value of the straight path, at least for me, is that it’s much easier to herd the ghosts so that they stay over solid ground to make sure you don’t waste their drops. In terms of raw numbers, I’ve gotten roughly as many rune drops from the enemies as from the chests.

They could add a new event like the countess/Hell forge but with a higher rune drop pool. the content should be more challenging to do though. By more challenging I don’t meant take longer to get to, rather it takes more skill to complete.

Seriously, just farm hell cows, I get a decent rune every few runs, and a really good high rune every 10-20 runs or so. Just keep at it.