How do I get monsters to move away from entrance?

Hi folks, I’m in kurast bazaar in Hell and there’s a pack of flesh hunters right at the entrance of the ruined temple. Whenever I enter, they’re already surrounding me in a circle so I can’t physically move and they insta-drain my mana so I can’t teleport away either. A second later I get killed.

Here’s a video to demonstrate what I mean. Is this fixable? What do I do here??

I’m getting an error that I can’t include links in my post, so go to imgur dot com forwardslash a forwardslash hoUj1CW

edit trying again

edit two failing that SOMEONE COME HELP ME ARGH

You have a few options that are not re-load the level.

you could drop a Fear inside, or some Fire; anything that remains in the area and deals damage.

you could teleport with an item past it and use a TP to go back to the door

you could use throwable potions …

sure you could do a few things but I know what you mean lol

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I’ve died so many times I’m worried I won’t get my gear back if I reload. Does the game know which body to drop back at town?? I haven’t equipped anything else in any of my successive deaths but hot damn what if I reload and my stuff doesn’t come back.

ahh best to make the decision to relog or get your corpse real fast. If i die twice ill just relog as it’s not worth the recovery.

would have to test to verify but at one time the limit was 20 bodies… goes by the value of the items you drop.

I’ve given up on the idea of getting the corpse, I can’t do it, I can’t move an inch beyond the entrance. Going to reload, here goes, keep your fingers crossed for me!

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no whamy no whamy :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

It worked! Yee-funking-ha.
I’ll avoid that temple I think, they’re so fast.

Side note - blizzard devs if you ever see this - it’d be handy to prevent this from happening. monsters shouldn’t be able to block the entrance

fewww… lol gg bud.

yeah i think it’s related to how there’s a spawn location near the door but now there’s longer load times when using a door.

so you get swamped if there’s a spawn in that location and it happens to take a while to load in. >.<