It was literally nerfed in vanilla. EMFH didn’t get nerfed until what, last expansion? Give me a break.
404 incoming.
Every one of these threads is just horde ignoring the fact that their faction is better for raiding then alliance. If alliance is so good why don’t they faction change?
WRONG. People have shown factual evidence of alliance racials being stronger which you admitted to just dismissing without reason.
Yet when we ask for you to prove your claims, you refuse? Oooookay.
That sounds like you can’t prove it?
And you ignore the contradiction because it doesn’t suit your narrative.
About as transparent as it gets, really. Look at the numbers. It’s less than two percent.
What evidence is there that alliance racials are better?? www wowprogress com here’s the proof they aren’t.
Try October 14th, 2008 when Wrath was released.
Google is your friend. Took me 30 seconds to find out.
We had to put up with that crap through all of vanilla and the burning crusade.
Right? It was clear that, that’s the kind of person we’re dealing with here. The kind that argues with emotions and feelings instead of factual evidence.
If alliance racials were better method would of faction changed to get the best possible advantage they could.
I’ve been following this subject quite closely throughout this PTR.
While I don’t think you’re going to see changes in the very next PTR build (coming … you know – “Soon”), I do think you’re going to see some further tuning in a PTR build after that.
I would usually move a thread like this one over to the PTR forum, but I think I’ll leave it here with this: As soon as I know exactly what’s been changed for testing, I’ll post about it in the PTR forum.
Factual evidence? Check the mythic leaderboards and the mythic+ leaderboards on raiderIO.
That’s your racial “superiority” at work. Just a sea of blue /s
Thankyou Kaivax. I look forward to the nerfs (I hope they’re nerfs. If ZTrolls get buffed I’m going to flip my desk)
And EMFH didn’t get nerfed until Legion.
So that’s 2 xpacks for EMFH and 6 for EMFH? Math is hard.
If Alliance is so bad, quit whining and faction change. There are ally guilds downing content, but there is a lot whining over here, even in trivial content. Maybe that’s why peeps go horde, dunno.
Racials don’t have enough effect(especially unreleased racials) to get this excited about. They can nerf my racials, not abandoning my DI.
Thanks you for finally doing something about horde racials. Could do a little more to fix faction balance in raiding but this is a start.
Right? I have tons of ally friends who are better geared than most of the people I know who play horde.
But I guess you could attribute that to them getting free gear. Real horde bias.
EMFH never invalidated an entire class. It was just overall annoying (and broken. Not going to argue that point).
But your original claim was that the horde never had a racial that invalidated an entire spec, when you actually had one that invalided an entire class.
Just because EMFH was broken doesn’t mean WotF wasn’t.
Your right it never invalidated an entire class. It invalidated all of them. It literally gave a race a 3ird trinket slot for the entirety of the game’s life.
Annoying? Straight up broken*
You must have just started playing during legion. Or been too busy crying about horde racials to realize how broken the alliance ones were.
Don’t mean to sound snarky but if it was Alliance it would have been changed two weeks ago.
But yes the Horde get to play for a awile again.