The State of PvP

For the longest time, PvP has only been getting class changes/rebalance. Yet the core issues of PvP have been unchanged even though a rework and fixes are sorely needed if the game wants PvP to be anything else than just a mini game.

This thread makes some good points, it is well worth a read which is why I am cross posting it on the CC forums too.

I want to like PvP again, I really do… but in the current form I just can’t.


PvP is one of the areas of the game in which I dabble the least.

I did some back in… I want to say WotLK and Cata… when I was farming the mounts. I did a tiny bit in MoP, for the legendary cloak. WoD, too.

And of course, I loved the original Korrak’s Revenge. Shame that they ruined it.

But, I read that thread and I think I understood maybe a third of it. :sweat_smile:

There’s a few things which popped into my mind, though:

  1. Yes, there needs to be more incentives. Mounts that’s simple to obtain, for one. (I’m not talking about the current system. I’m talking about the original system from pre-Legion.) That’s an example of a carrot to dangle in front of players.

  2. I, as a dirty PvE player who knows a minuscule amount about PvP, would like to see the old map objectives matter again — aka, the towers in AV. That’s why I liked Korrak’s Revenge so much; I snuck all over the map on my rogues and druids, capping the towers. But whenever I go reading threads, people are saying that the map objectives no longer matter in retail. Is this true? I haven’t really hopped into BGs to check it out. :woman_shrugging:t3:

  3. New maps are sorely needed!! I actually miss the old Strand of Ancients — I liked using the cannon to blow up Ally players on the beach. Lol.

  4. I detest the constant stunlocks. That’s always, always been the main thing which prevented me from really getting into PvP. Yes, I know there’s trinkets for it, but they’ve got a cooldown, and I’ve experienced rogues stunlocking me multiple times in a row. Not fun!

…like I said, I’m a dirty PvE player who knows very little about PvP. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I’ve dabbled in enough BGs that I’m familiar with most maps, and I prefer the maps where objectives actually matter… because at least there, I could act as a semi-effective distraction and lure the enemies away. :sweat_smile: (People just can’t resist killing a Hunter. LOL)


PvP has always been in a constant state of limbo of either, ‘everyone can punk everyone’ or, ‘one class puts down all the rest.’ And the latter puts the classes into tiers of who can and cannot survive the elephant(s) in the room.

Most of suggestions provided are neat overall, though I do have my own thoughts:

  • Shooting down premades in epics also kneecaps friend groups going in as collateral, so as long as its raid groups being prevented from this outside of War Games I wouldn’t mind seeing a change there. Perhaps a freelance mode where it’s two teams of any faction going against one another?

  • New BGs and EBGS are a must, the lack of anything after, what. that one BG from BfA? is very off-putting.

  • An in-game pvp tutorial would be kind of weird to do at this current state. pveing people isn’t too far from what you’re doing at most but the improvements are very nuance-based while having a go-to talent build.

  • bots should be addressed, yes.

  • PvP needs more incentives, it’s definitely just left to defend itself with a couple of looks at its state every once in a while.


I was reading this topic today and over 100 posts i saw that they mentioned @cyrios-feathermoon.

I’m not very comfortable talking about PvP because i don’t like the interference of addons in this environment but i think some points mentioned in the topic are valid.


I wasn’t aware how rampant premades had become in Epic BGs. Not entirely sure what they can do to combat that though if 4 groups of 5 are hitting queue at the same time. Maybe just don’t allow multiple groups of 5 into the same BG?

I do think the points of AV bosses being too easy, and IoC having 2/3 bases be completely useless are very valid. Everyone gets better gear as the season progresses and expansion progresses, so the bosses just become easier. They could just have BGs scale to 1 set item level every time and then they don’t have to worry about tuning the bosses constantly in AV.


The issues with Epics this late in the expac are similar to the problems at the end of SL. The NPCs and vehicles are way too easy to destroy, and if you lose the initial clash, it is tough to recover, so most people on the losing side give up. Out of a team of 40, it’s common for 15-20 to leave after the initial loss, and people who queue in afterward feel punished. I don’t know the solution to that problem, but one thing I have seen mentioned is giving the losing team a surrender option where everyone can vote. I like that idea more than punishing leavers with a longer deserter debuff.

I think that would help some of the animosity players feel towards the large premade groups, no one wants to spend 20+ minutes in a battleground they know they can’t win being farmed by a coordinated team.