Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes Ahead

I think this is going to lead to some frustrating bumps in difficulty but I think we have been due for a “difficulty squish” on dungeons for a while now. If you compare the current difficulty curve to raids, it genuinely feels like LFR = m0, normal = +15s, 16-20ish = heroic. This leaves heroic and normal feeling especially pointless, but even M0 feels pretty pointless after everyone is done getting their pre-raid ilvl.

I also think it will help with the current difficulty bumps too. Like doing a heroic or an m0 will actually give you a taste of what is to come when timers and affixes are factored in. I have always hated the period after you reach max level in the middle of an expansion, where you feel like you have to do really boring, mindless content in order to get to an ILVL where you can actually do content that is interesting. Hopefully this fixes it.


It literally says Explorer from normal and Adventurer from Heroic

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Oh I agree; I just think it will also be nice to finally just be done with the complaints regarding affixes and timers and such. Now there’s a route for many people. Well…until they want the loot from the timed runs and such. But it’s a good step forward.

I also think it will be a good way for people to learn the nuances of their specs and such in a more dangerous environment where screwing up has consequences, just not instant death or wipe level consequences!

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Will the Crests be reset for season 4?

Well I dont get it then. Not worried about it.

These changes look great, it’s always struck me as odd that Heroic and Mythic 0 are basically pointless. I’m hopeful these changes will be a great addition to Mythic+.

Also, I hope you guys will consider checking out Cyrios CC Forum Post Titled “The State of PvP”. PvP desperately needs something like this, it’s basically been left out in the sun to suffer for years and years. Thank you for your consideration, and thank you for thinking outside the box with these new Mythic+ changes.

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Quick thoughts:

  1. Overall decent change that falls short. There should be an Untimed progression track that goes slightly further than this - maybe equivalent to what m+15 was before. That’s what people were asking for. Also making M0s still on a weekly lockout doesn’t really make this “untimed” more casual experience more accessible. People can only try them once and get rewarded. These issues make it just fall short.

  2. Whelp Crests should drop from Heroic based on the new difficulty curve. This is just an obvious miss. If mythic drops drakes, Then whelps drop in heroic.

  3. If you think that affixes are so inherently unfun that we’re stripping them from more and more of the player base, that means they inherently need fixed or removed. Who are we kidding with this? It’s been said on every wow channel on YouTube. The affixes add difficulty but not in fun ways most of the time.

This is so close to nailing what M+ needs, I just hope they use this season to realize the above and fix the mode for good in War Within.


I’m hoping that’s the case, when I’m not playing with my normal team and just friends the anxiety some of them have as keys go up explodes so i worry it’s going to deter them from even trying

not sure why people bash incorporeal. it is one of the easiest affix to deal with. i’d take incorporeal over afflicted any day of the week. a wider range of specs (nearly all) can deal with incorporeal, meanwhile afflicted its like half that or less.

keep incorporeal, remove afflicted. tanks and deeps need to shoulder some of the responsibility for affixes too.

I’m a more casual player who’s felt sort of gated-out of getting into M+, I’m probably exactly who these changes are hoping to get into it, and while these changes make it slightly more approachable they don’t solve the main issue: I need a more casual (read: queued) way to experience both the mythic mechanics and, much more dauntingly, affixes. If my only choices to learn are “do homework” or “get yelled at for accidentally trashing a key”, you can see why I’m less than interested in M+.


Until you show me proof of this gatekeeping then your words mean nothing.

Thanks…I hate it.

You can’t really compare current M0 to S4 M0…

The difficulty jump is rather large, along with the gear curve. So you’ll earn gear and have no way to upgrade it. You have less “chances” to earn bonus flightstones overall making them more in demand than ever.

Now. But there isn’t going to be a campaign before every new season (including the one coming up) going forward. Hence my question about “going forward…”

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adventurer 4/8 drops from the dungeon itself, whereas completing heroics will reward you with veteran 4/8 in the vault.

He’s quoting the direct drops, and you’re quoting the vault drops.

They should though, baring a complete overhaul of the entire system. M+ is so cancerous in its current state I personally haven’t touched it since season 1 of SL.

x to doubt. morel likely you will see big pulls followed by yelling followed by leaving

TLDR: making the maximum item level reward from a +10 for your vault but also making it available to drop from a +20 end of dungeon reward. I Can’t see this removing the incentive to push keys once you have an item in each slot. I can’t see this oversaturating pug groups with high item level players that don’t know how to play their class.

The only good thing about this is M+ just became exponentially more alt friendly.

When will you give actual rewards for high M+ score like mounts and transmog to reward the players doing anything higher than a +20??? You should definitely be doing this now considering M+ just became the equivalent of welfare epics; again.

Yeah, kind of lame, right?