Take a Dive into Plunderstorm’s Plundersurge Now!



Huh. That looks kind of cool actually. :slight_smile:

Looks like I’ll mop up my last 12 renown levels quicker than I was planning

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Honestly I’m not bothered by it in the slightest. Plunder was a little slow coming in at first when I was still learning the game, but making 1k a match minimum wasn’t too hard after a little while. Got mine in about a week, and that was playing casually.

Once I got into it, I stopped really paying too much attention to my plunder count and more on what stuff I could deck my pirate out with and what I should do in the next game. Helped a lot that playing with friends really upped the fun factor for me.


No. /10char

No thanks…

Community Council Links Below

Increasing gains was a smart choice. Even though this event is not real WoW PvP this event did draw PvP into the eye which is something some of us have been trying to do for a long time. Some of us enjoyed it (I personally did) some didn’t. Members of the PvP community are concerned that actual WoW PvP content and repairs took a back burner for this event, we have no roadmap for when or if any of the issues with Retail PvP will be fixed or if you’re even aware of them.

Every facet of Retail PvP is currently in shambles. You have a window of opportunity right now that you’d be wise to capitalize on before you’re overwhelmed by the challenges that Hero Talents will bring to PvP Class Balance.

An opportunity to clear out the Premade groups that are ruining non rated BGs and Epic BGs for the community like you did for WoW Classic, start buffing vehicles and NPCs in Epic BGs as seasons progress we’re soloing bosses, make adjustments to level scaling stat templates for PvP brackets below level 70, scaling down is way too powerful, further adjustments to MMR, and Adjustments to Warmode Sharding, current content zones feel empty and would benefit from a 30% increase to player count, Legacy Zones effected by Chromie Time should probably have Sharding removed all together, you’re lucky if you encounter 2 or 3 enemy players while leveling and if you do they’re likely not your level.

Please consider publicly addressing these concerns with a blue post or some kind of statement to demonstrate that you’re aware of these issues and are considering addressing them. For 6yrs PvP has seen only Out of Touch Class Tuning, MMR Adjustments that didn’t go quite far enough, and a rather poor roll out of SoloShuffle, a few new Arenas and a Brawl for Solo RBGs.

These links are from your Community Council

It highlights the critical need for TLC the current state of PvP is in. Please consider looking into this matter and making some long needed adjustments to WoW PvP, especially now that this New Event is likely to bring in some new players interested in testing out real PvP, we don’t want them taking one look and running the other way. Thank you for your consideration.

Here’s another.


Ah, yes, the inevitable “People stopped playing Plunderstorm when they hit Renown 40 so we need to attract people who avoided it so we can still say Plunderstorm was a success the entire time” event.


Well it’s to draw in those that quit or didn’t bother by saying “Hey you can totally get the rewards easier now!” Anything to up the engagement metrics.


I mean, anything that gives rewards is like this. Almost nobody does anything in WoW for the sheer enjoyment of it, aside from hanging out/socializing. Once the rewards are obtained, engagement drops off a cliff both on an individual level and for the playerbase as a whole. That can’t really be used as a metric for whether or not something was a ‘success’, especially not to the exclusion of every other factor that can be considered.


What show is this from?

Maybe it increases exponentially. By April 29th, you can get 20 renown in 1 round doing Captains orders consisting of landing and/or killing a buzzard

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Doubling at the near end? Should have been doubled at the start…


I got it done before this, but I’m happy for my Guildies who still need to finish having an easier time than I did.

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I would have waited haha

With 15 days notice. Why tf cant they give us a month? WHY?


cant have these two words together


I’ve been steadily plugging away at my renown, trying to get a level or two per day. Don’t play PvP, but love that I can play a kind of stealth game instead to get the rewards.

My older sister, however, gets super stressed by playing this, and she will be super relieved to find that she can still get to Renown 20 a little faster.

I know there’s a lot of divisiveness on this event, but I have honestly been having a really good time with it. I hope they give non PvP players reasons to earn plunder going forward. One more way to enjoy WoW is (almost) always a good thing.


I actually enjoy it quite a bit. Once you stop worrying about the rewards, it’s a fun romp.

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Those who know how unpopular Blunderstorm is and how much blizz cares about metrics and that at the end they’ll bite the bullet, lower the grind to bump up the number of accounts who engaged with it because this whole thing has been a painful, abusive exercise in forced player engagement.

Hopefully Phil at Microsoft is smarter than them and asking probing questions like “how many unique accounts engaged with the content once they’d gotten all the rewards you enticed them into playing for, how many after they got the tender awards? How many stopped after getting the bird mount?” and so on which should separate out nicely just how unpopular this is.

Though I fear the real attempt here (and let us hope it failed because we are MMORPG players who want an MMORPG and devs who spend time developing an MMORPG for our sub dollars) may be to see how many new people subbed for the first time just to play this and how many people re-subbed to play this. I hope both those numbers are very low because if they’re high unfortunately it encourages the devs to spend more time on “experiments” like this that the playerbase hates to try and draw in new blood. Just like Netflix’s ugly habit of dropping shows after a few seasons was due to the fact that performance was graded on how many first time subscribers watched the show as the first thing they viewed and for shows several seasons in that number dropped obviously.