Stuck in the wrong phase of Zul'Dazar

Ever since patch 10.1.5 dropped, I’ve been stuck in the wrong phase of Zul’Dazar. I cannot see most NPCs aside from guards (so no innkeeper, but the bankers are there), I cannot use the scrapper as it is not there, and there is an NPC telling me that everyone is at the Zoccalo for Talanji’s coronation. If I go there, though, there’s nobody there, and Talanji is actually sitting on her throne. This is a very annoying bug, and I’m not entirely sure what to do.


You do have low lvl tracking on correct.

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Trivial Quest Tracking wouldn’t cause phasing like this.

You might have other quests in that area that’s phasing it. Try completing some of those quests to see if that resolves it. Note, abandoning quests doesn’t necessarily cause a phase to change.


But if there lvl 70 it would show any quests in the area that would progress they quest line.

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What is the character and realm you’re trying this on? We may be able to help you with quest progress and point you in the right direction.

If you’re doing it on your level 70, Darthwraith is correct and Trivial Quest Tracking should be enabled.


Sorry for the late reply, was a bit busy doing some other things! I am doing it on my 70, and it’s on this character (so Cyndrel-Mal’ganis). I do have trivial quest tracking enabled, but what’s weird is it only got phased this way when the patch hit - it wasn’t like this before patch day.

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You didnt by any chance start the quest chain to unlock zandalarians did you.

Nope! Finished that shortly after it was released.

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Did you do the introduction to BFA on the character stuck in the wrong phase, or did you just hop on the boat or go through the portal?

I’m asking because it used to be if you just caught the boat to Zuldazar or Boralus the area would load, but not the instance, a lot of NPC’s will be missing and it will look deserted.

You might need to go back take up the introduction. If you have done it on other characters you will be able to skip it by telling the NPC’s giving the quests that you have done the scenarios before.


I need help too, I’m stuck in this phase of Zul’Dazar. I completed the entire Zandalari Race unlock questline, got the mount and achievement yesterday and everything is still phased to that. I cannot interact with NPCs like the scrapper and quest givers since the enemies are still at the Zocolo.

I tried everything to reset it but I’m stuck. The character stuck service does not work for this. I cannot progress forward in BFA. This is on Banewalker, my druid.

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Even if you completed it you won’t see characters there, it will be like the princess is ready to be crowned again and everyone is at the docks except her on the throne already. The portals are messed up to going to and from. If you take the portal over you wind up at the docks now instead.


The advice given is the standard response to the majority of phasing issues. I’m trying to recall an issue where it was something more widespread than someone having dropped an older quest or never finished a questline - and I have nothing. Especially after a sizable content patch, it’s nearly impossible to stay up on what bugs and such are happening as fellow players.

Bug Reports are almost always one-way reporting. They very, very rarely actually comment on things over there. Most of the time Bug Report posts have a Blue post, it’s usually from one of our SFAs or the ones over in Tech Support that had been made before a post was force-moved over into Bug Reports. So expecting any Blue response over there, it’s not something that happens. Not every Bug makes it into the “known bug” report. Should they? Yes. But just because it’s not there doesn’t mean they’re not aware and not working on it.


A quick check in bug report forums will show a couple threads opened about this exact issue. So now you no longer have to recall an issue where it WAS something more widespread, as this is one such case.

For now we can only hope they are aware and working on it, and maybe one day go back to posting these in the known bug list.


It’s not intentional to have someone phased in a way they shouldn’t be.

There may be something triggering it for people that shouldn’t be triggering it— like something bugged with the unlocks since AR requirements were dropped.

That makes it widespread, but it’s still an issue with some weird phasing problem due to some quest or unlock in some way that may just be linked to a problem with the AR unlock that’s bugged it for all.

It’s in bug reports, so they are aware.


It seems we’ve seen a few of these reports, so you aren’t alone. It doesn’t look like one of the known phasing situations where you may not have completed a certain intro quest chain, etc…

Our QA team is aware and will look into it.


Thank you for the update on this Vrak.

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And here I thought it was a nice quality of life change! I’ll be sad when it gets fixed, I usually want the docks whenever I venture to Zuldazar.

Alas, for me, it’s an inconvenience (for now) because I mainly want to pass through to get to Nazjatar. Appearing in the portal room was always perfect.


See, I’m usually going to do Island Expeditions or Warfronts for mount attempts.

At least I have the ring that ports me there.

But in the meantime I’ll enjoy it while I can hah. And then I’ll be happy when it gets out back to the top for you.

It’s not too much of an inconvienence for me because at least the hearthstone still takes me to near the portal room, even if the innkeeper is totally MIA.

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