Season 4 Week 7: All raids not yet Awakened

The schedule was supposed to be that all raids become Awakened starting with week 7’s reset (i.e. today). This is not the case, as evidenced by Raid Finder only showing VOTI as Awakened as well as the fact that the Last Hurrah weekly from Valdrakken is not allowing free selection between the 3 choices.

EDIT: Wowhead has notably called out that Blizzard’s post on the update to weekly rotation didn’t include a mention of when the global Awakened would occur. /shrug



We’ve double-checked the schedule and can confirm that the one-raid-per-week rotation is intended to continue for the rest of patch 10.2.7.

Starting with the launch of The War Within pre-expansion patch, all three raids will be Awakened at the same time.


48 posts were merged into an existing topic: All Raids Awakened

A post was merged into an existing topic: All Raids Awakened