Any communication at all on Awakened Raids?

Same, one of my healers already expressed disinterest in raiding only vault tonight.


Hopefully it stays in a rotation.


I hope not, I was looking forward to doing a bunch of raids to gear some alts.


Its unbelievable how bad Blizzard is at communcation.

If its intended, tell us.
If its not intended, tell us.

Give us some information to work with here. You gave us a schedule and we planned around that schedule.


If keeping the rotation is the plan, it’s awful for anyone who was hoping to use S4 as a chance to keep progressing raids. How are we supposed to prog something like mythic Fyrakk if we’re stuck having 2 weeks of forgetting the fight for every week of learning it?


Apparently its intended

Blizzard just doesnt know how to phrase things after 20 years.

well it did recently come back up, maybe they didn’t notice yet. I’m sure there will be an answer soon enough. Sucks though, I’m pretty sure we were gonna do Amir again this week.

Mythic Fyrakk progression was last season.


Apparently, the original patch notes Blizzard gave out from before the patch said the rotation would be two rounds, so all three awakened in week 7, which starts today.

Wowhead had a big post about it back then.

But then Blizzard altered the patch notes at some point, yet Wowhead didn’t update their article or make a new post about it, leaving us all to think the original plan was still in place since most folks failed to note the stealth “nerf” to the original patch notes.

Now Blizzard has “confirmed” the rotation continues on until the TWW pre-patch, and we have a new Wowhead article.

Just like in ReMix with the LFG cross faction grouping change so you can now only group with your own faction (sorry friends who rolled the other side for cosmetics!), Blizzard continues to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

/moo :cow:


It was the same day. Was a pretty rapid change.

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Well, there go my guild’s plans for this week’s raid…

Maybe Blizzard should consider putting a correction notice at the bottom of an article if they make a significant change like this. Say what changed and ideally why (was it a mistake? did you change a decision?).

You don’t keep people from getting mad by trying to slip a change like this through – you only delay the anger. This feels like they changed it and hoped no one read the original version…

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When they changed the raid rotation from every two weeks to weekly, they also updated the schedule to weekly for the rest of the season. This was over a month ago.

Awakened Mythic progression is a thing. There are achievements for it and a lot of guilds use it to remain active until the next expack.

They did not say that in their post though. They simply said it will rotate weekly instead of rotating every 2 weeks. Without saying anything else, like retracting the week 7 part, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that anything NOT addressed in the updated post stayed the same. Then they come out here today with “we double checked our schedule” as if they ever told us that.


Yeah, this could have definitely been clarified. I think a vast majority of people still assumed the week 7 awakening of all raids was still happening because they didn’t mention it with the other changes.

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This also flies directly in the face of their rational for changing it to weekly. They claim in the dev note it was for variety, yet took away the option for us to choose which raid or weekly quest to do? Where is the logic in that? If it’s for mog/mount farmers just put an npc at the entrance that toggles fated off for your weekly lockout for that raid. Also the fact that they let us go on thinking this for 6 weeks shows that they either aren’t tuned into the community enough to know that this is what people thought, or they didn’t care enough to correct us.

In places like the RLE discord, the vast majority opinion (as of last night, even) was “nobody knows, we’ll find out tomorrow”.

You’re assuming a level of thought was put into season 4 that has never actually existed.

(goes for shadowlands season 4 too)

True. I wonder if whoever decided this was the same person that wanted remix bosses to scale with ilvl and “fixed” being able to cross-faction queue in remix.

you’ll get mad either way.

the guy who was supposed to do it had to take the day off due to a family emergency. there. happy?