All Raids Awakened

I’m not disagreeing blizzard didn’t relay the information well I’m just saying it was there.

They should just make S4 like panda remix. Raid reset daily and are all awakened.

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But we get access to all of our tinker gems.

Half of it was there.

Its like they started a sentence, never finished it… and we were expected to know the rest of it… We aren’t mind readers… We shouldn’t be expected to assume…

Its not a lot to ask of a company to be transparent and communicate with their community.


Just logged in but not all raids are awakened? Is it bugged?

No theyve opted to gaslight the players instead, despite saying on their own notes, and the OLD notes pre-ninja edit, that all raids would be awakened on last week. It still is present in the blizz website season 4 notes, “all raids are awakened” and theyre just lying and gaslighting the community in a shocking way and pretending this is wat they always said. Thats right folks, they are literally retconning the ongoing blizz storyline now.


They definitely should have cleared up the week 7 questions when people were asking in week 1. That doesn’t mean they didn’t update the information no matter how horribly and minimally they did it.


They took down the 7-week schedule within hours of posting it, ages ago.

And it wasn’t a “ninja edit”, it was widely noticed and discussed.



Blizzard just updated their info, did they make a last minute decision?

I bet you 10-1 odds someone just forgot to change the coding, so they acted like it’s their plan and they release a post by the end of the week saying everything will be awakened starting next week.

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They took down the 7-week schedule weeks ago.

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I’d recommend you follow your own advice. Mop Remix is a poop show.

It was updated when they received a lot of backlash about the original raid schedule.

The fact of the matter is, when it was updated they should have clarified about Week 7 by using words and not assumptions. Clearly most of us didn’t pick up what they were throwing down and in turn it’s shot them in the foot and made them look bad.

There is no one to blame here but Blizzard and I hope their mistake costs them financially because I’m bitter and I’m tired of them screwing us over.



I think the wide assumption is that whichever poor intern is stuck working on Dragonflight still had no idea what was going to happen.

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Theres a problem, the schedule section on their own notes still absolutely says it. the very last line of text still says “all raids awakened” under the other 3 mentioned part of rotation. Theyre gaslighting while the evidence is still there to view, and just pretending they never said it.

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There is no date on that though. It used to say week 7 before it. All awakened raids are coming in pre patch now. they removed week 7 before the content released it has been the source of a lot of confusion but they did do it.

So I pulled it up.

And did a search for “all raids awakened”.

No matches.

So… what are you even talking about?

Omfg they ninja edited the notes there too, holy god im glad i took this screen

imgurcom/ a / qh4AGp4

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Okay where in that screenshot does it say Week 7 ?

I’ll wait.