Can we please get confirmation of when S4 ends?

It would be nice to be able to plan a bit better, given the release date has been announced can we get a heads up?


We have the expansion Early Access Date and the Launch Date. Thats pretty easy to plan around.

I will give the advice that no one, including myself takes. Its generally not a good idea to plan on playing a ton on launch day. Especially if you are on a high pop server. It will be challenging.

That aside… what do you want to plan for? What are you looking to do?

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M+ / PvP titles so we can have a realistic ideas of how high the % brackets are going to be by the end. In terms of M+ we have 1 ok tyra week, 1 terrible fort week, 1 good tyra week, and maybe 1 playable fort week depending on when exactly the season ends.

Don’t they usually make a post as the season is about to end about the current title rating? That’s still 3-4 weeks out if launch is 7 weeks away.

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t, sometimes it comes literally the week of.


We also have seen different pre-patch lengths depending on the expansion as well, season typically ends when pre-patch hits. It would be nice to know if we’re looking at 1 month pre-patch, 3 weeks, 2 weeks etc…

Not any later than august 26.

One suggestion, plan on being on vacation. Let all the chaos and new bugs get sorted out and come start a week later.


Is this confirmed at all?

No Kennie just makes stuff up and talks with confidence.

my question is when are all the dragon flight raids going awakened.?


Season 4 Week 7: All raids not yet Awakened - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (