Are all raids mythic awakened now?

With reset do all three raids open as awakened now? We can do all three this week?


I believe it is. My GM been talking about it more last raid.


Yes that’s correct.


same for LFR? if so, long que times ahead.


Two rotations of all so they should all be awakened now, yeah.

I hope there’s the option to turn it off, though.


So apparently it’s not fated for all raids lol - epic fail by blizzard not to fix the misinformation

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The rotation continues till TWW pre patch, more chances to farm easy Anurelos.

Or maybe… people pay attention to what gets removed from the patch notes and instead of relying on third party sites like Wowhead that love to post bait content for clicks.

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Or maybe, when Blizzard removes something, they could say what the new plan is. Instead of just leaving a void.

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Or maybe, you use that thing between your eyes instead of being hand held like you are a baby.

One would think if it got removed from the patch notes… it will not happen. But alas here we are. People who lack common sense.

Raids gone woke

What means this… awakened you are talking about?

Apparently, the original patch notes Blizzard gave out from before the patch said the rotation would be two rounds, so all three awakened in week 7, which starts today.
Wowhead had a big post about it back then.

But then Blizzard altered the patch notes at some point, yet Wowhead didn’t update their article or make a new post about it, leaving us all to think the original plan was still in place since most folks failed to note the stealth “nerf” to the original patch notes.

Now Blizzard has “confirmed” the rotation continues on until the TWW pre-patch, and we have a new Wowhead article.

Just like in ReMix with the LFG cross faction grouping change so you can now only group with your own faction (sorry friends who rolled the other side for cosmetics!), Blizzard continues to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

/moo :cow:

How far the golden standard has fallen.

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This would be the best way to please everyone.

Unfortunately we just got another week of rotation with no warning other than Blizzard (failing at) cleaning up the evidence to pit us against each other again.