Ranged Survival talent in Dragonflight

Ironic statement, considering which topic you’re posting in.

Anyway, there are plenty of SV topics that I’m not posting anything in. Why? Because those have nothing to do with this topic. You should also look up what “derailing” means.


They were both proccs that allowed you to spam cast your primary dmg dealing spell, for lock and load you would cast exlosive shot 3 times in a row and for MM you would now spam aimed shot 2-3 times in a row.

This has litrally ben my point about the legion rework, they reworked all speccs from the ground up which resulted in the old hunter playstyle being pretty much deleted form the game. I 've always been of the opinion that one specc should’ve kept the old way of playing and if survival was to be a melee specc MM would be the specc that would make the most sense to stay the same.

They were extremly similar changing between hunter speccs where so much easier than changing between amges or lock specc since once you got over the diffrent spell names you realized that the playstyle itself is very much alike. And they were outdated even by the standards then, blizzard wanted to rework them for WoD since they were so outdated, now if you ask me i would preferd them to stay that way but thats becuse i have a dog brain and enjoy simpler speccs.

You seems to have a lot of rage for melee survival that you end up projecting to others. Im not doding this, im of the opinion that making survival melee in the first place wasa misstake and would’ve prefed to see it continue to evolve as ranged. But survival is melee now and that unlikely to change in a long time.

They were considered so by blizz and pretty much the whole community, in BrF survival was by far the simplest specc to play, i loved it but it was simple and very basic.

I’ve never argued against this?

Ofc it would never be able to fill the role of a ranged survival specc that has been allowed to evolve over the past few years, but it would allow it to change up the feel for MM and while providing some diffrent fantasy. And it would in no way mess up the current MM tree the way you say it would, MM has very little interactions between their spells and alot of straight up dull and pointless talents. There is room in the tree for stuff like a aimed shot replacement and i would argue these talents would make MM beter since now you get to make gameplay choices in the tree instead of choosing between diffrent % dmg increases and being forced to add the focus regen to your builder.

Druid was diffrent since they had tank and dps in the same talent tree from the start, they had to eventually seperate those for balance. And sure they dont need to give all aother classes another specc but the outcry if they gave hunters a 4th specc would be enough for them to avoid the issue all together. You will also end up with the problem that there is alot of people asking for a hunter tank specc so they would now be angry over getting a 4th dps specc. Unless blizzard decideds on a 4th specc as a feature for a future expansion its very unlikely to happen and even if we get a 4th specc its far from certain it would be build from old ranged survival.

The topic should be deleted like every other post for the last 5-6 six years where you and Bepples have derailed literally every topic regarding SV,.


blizzard just needs to stop already trying to reinvent every spec in the game every xpac. its ludacris.

sure if there is some flavorless spec with bad design then take a vote with the player base that actually play and or care about said spec and layout some designs and work with the customers to create a perfect polished spec.

they need to stop making decisions based off what “they think will work” because as history showed they have 0 clue. and the few times they got it right they did a 180 next xpac.

i dunno about anyone else but i grow tired of this. if it aint broken dont fix it. if it is broke then start over.

i will always be one to point out this ranged survival deletion as a slap in the face to every player that played that spec. you dont do that. they did. its 1 of many reason players are up and leaving in troves. its not because people are out growing the game. its not because of real life stuff. its because blizzard keeps trying to reinvent every aspect of what people love about this game. and that alone is what is pushing everyone away.

just look at tv shows or music bands. the walking dead. or metallica with load album. they all had something good and they tried to change and looked what happened. blizzard is right there on that same wagon. just stop already blizzard.

they keep on trying to reinvent the wheel they gonna end up with a square dud.


So, a topic that was created to talk about RSV(this topic we’re in right now), it should be deleted because me and Bepples(who created this topic) have derailed this topic by talking about RSV?

Sound logic…


RSV doesn’t exist. So yes, it should be deleted. Lack of logic is someone who continues to whine about something that was removed 6 years ago and continues to flood the forums with the same exact drivel for those 6 years.

This wasn’t your argument. But feel free to continue moving goalposts.

Btw, based on your claim of…

…here are some topics about SV from the past 2 days that I haven’t posted anything in. If you want more, I can go back over the past 10 days instead. Feel free to talk about current SV in those as much as you want to, rather than coming here to complain about people who’re asking for the return of RSV.

#Survival hunter - alpha update feedback
#Confused about Hunter direction
#DF Survival Suggestions
#Dragonflight Survival Tree feedback
#Survival Shroud
#DF new build surv
#Sv hunter question
#Survival Hunter feedback,
#Hunter Class and Spell Tuning - Dragonflight Alpha Build 44795
#When to use Carve
#SV changes
#Survival has explosive shot?
#Two Small Hunter Changes
#Survival Hunter

And on that note, shall we go back and check literally every single topic or discussion that’s been had regarding RSV, for the past year or so? How much you wna bet that we’ll see you in there, complaing about us as usual?


Yeah and eventually msv is going to have been around for longer than rsv.

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I personally don’t think survival is confusing at all. It is a melee class that can chuck certain abilities from range, like bombs, traps, poisons, and pet skills. I think the problem (something I think you recognize) is that their just hasn’t been enough ideas added for the spec because it has been living off borrowed power in the last three expansions (not a unique problem for survival only). This expansion strips away a lot and shows what classes have been developed more than others.

An idea that hit me is why doesn’t a spec like BM/MM get a melee skill for a cd? Imagine a big power shot type move called “Point Blank” or something where they can blast a target for a lot, but it has to be right in melee? The more I think about the problem, I think you could argue that hunter became way too focused on divorcing the melee and range from one another, creating this unnecessary design challenge we see today.


The fact that you’ve whined about RSV for 6 years speaks for itself. You need to grow up and go touch grass.

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Nice job, dodging the actual post you replied to. Anyway…

…says the guy who’ve spent the better part of the past years, on and off, on here to complain about people that are talking about RSV.

This is especially funny since you basically never comment on, or engage in discussions about current SV itself. Pretty much the only thing you actually do on this sub-forum is to talk back to people who speak favorably of RSV, or otherwise happen to post a negative comment about current SV.


Actual discussions happen in the discord. Anytime an actual discussion caught traction over the last six years you and bepples would show up and derail it. You can try and lie but anyone who’s posted here for the last years knows just how much you two have ruined these forums.

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I mean, I just posted a list of 14 different topics from just the past couple of days, that focus on current SV, none of which I’ve posted anything about RSV in. I’m not lying about anything, you’re the one making stuff up on a frequent basis. I know you ignored that list of topics with your previous reply, but it doesn’t go away just because you pretend it doesn’t exist.

It’s also funny how you think that I’ve “ruined this forum” just because I engage in ongoing discussions about RSV. As if this forum is solely about SV.

Here’s your first post in this topic btw, you had made one before this, but that one got removed. This post of yours falls under the definition of a troll post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/en/wow/t/ranged-survival-talent-in-dragonflight/1286725/90


Just think: if they didn’t make Survival melee there would be no problem :slight_smile:


Just let them cry bro, SV isn’t going ranged again, these people feel entitled and these cry threads will continue for years and years to come.


SV will also be a floundering dumpster fire for years and years to come. It’s a little odd to stake so much pride in that.


I do appreciate the admission from RSV people that the specs didn’t have all that much identity difference

Anyway MM gets all of RSV’s thunder and has had all of RSV’s thunder since Legion.

Where is that admission?

RSV had a substantial identity difference and very little of it survives in Marksmanship.


because there is literally nothing a person can make from a melee hunter. i said it before and i will say it again. bm should of been the melee spec. ranged survival was perfect and flawless and polished. it had its own identity and did not play like any other spec in the game. at best they could of added a little more damage to traps and different types of venom and poison arrows and so on.

but as for it going melee that was just absurd. i mean if blizzard had not choice but to get their way with what they think is good then bm should of been the melee spec.

SEE: 1982 MOVIE: THE BEASTMASTER https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beastmaster
SEE: REXXAR https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Rexxar
SEE: BEASTLORD DARMAC https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Beastlord_Darmac

the possibilities were endless with a melee beastmaster. it fits. unlike melee survival. hell, now they are trying to steal everything bm has and copy paste it into the melee survival talent tree just to show further how bm is fitting better as the melee spec. it is much easier to work with and the lore and the abilities were already there.

it might be to late to revert and or make bm the melee spec but if they did, nothing but good things would arise.


The core disconnect here is people’s perspective of what melee means for a Hunter spec.

Some people view it as an improvement and a step towards something more interesting.

Some people view it as a nerf as you used to be able to be a fully-capable ranged DPS and now you can’t.

I’m in the latter camp. I don’t have any affinity towards melee combat so to me taking a Hunter spec that could previously do full DPS at 40 yards and making it not be able to do that is a straight up nerf; whether they did it to BM or SV*. Historically this class has been about versatility and control and the ranged weapon was the most central and critical part of the identity, so any of the Hunter specs being melee in their baseline state looks like a bad idea. And seeing how SV turned out I can’t help but feel validated in those thoughts.

Melee as a subspec option within BM sounds like it could be a cool idea for the fringe of melee Hunter roleplayers but baseline melee BM would have been a really bad idea; only a bit less bad than melee Survival since at least we wouldn’t have two specs competing for the pet companion identity.

* On this point, one thing I noticed is that these two camps tend to focus on different aspects of melee combat.

The camp that likes melee usually has a more roleplay-based stance; the ranged specs thematically aren’t as strong in melee (after all shooting with a bow in front of someone doesn’t work in real life) so it makes sense to have a melee option. While the camp that doesn’t like melee looks at it more practically; the ranged Hunter specs can use their entire ranged toolkit at melee range so what’s the point of a melee spec? It’s not giving us any practical benefit over another ranged spec.

A perfect example of this is on our wowpedia page. It describes SV as “the most versatile Hunter spec, able to dish out damage at any range”. From a practical, literal “state of the game” standpoint that’s complete nonsense. It’s the only Hunter spec that can’t do full damage at every point within 40 yards but must be in melee range to achieve full damage potential. But from a more roleplay/fantasy perspective it makes perfect sense as a bow user isn’t as good in melee range as a melee weapons user while Survival uses a bit of both.