Survival Hunter

Not sure what category to put this. But I want to bring up the topic that survival hunter feels more like an engineer then a survival hunter. With the kit focused around bombs. Blizzard is there a way to bring back throwing axes instead? While we are on this topic why am I required to have a 2 hand in survival as well. I would love to be going around with my pets with 2 1handed axes like rexxar. Why are we forced into these things? I just want my survival hunter to feel more rugged and out doorsy is that to much to ask for?


I am with you here. I would love it if they enabled dual-wield for SV. The whole 2h spear theme is ok for some but i’d rather be in combat with 2 axes or swords.

And yes, I’ve advocated for a removal or substitute option to the bombs as well. There is nothing “Hunter” about a suicidal madman throwing grenades at his own feet, and on his own pet as well! That is just poor design.


I 100% agree with you, I don’t know how to get blizzard to see this, like I don’t even mind if the bleeds stay the same from the bombs you know? Just change it to spears or throwing axes again or even change it completely to just normal bleeds with it. Or just raw damage. I just don’t want to use bombs, I feel like in legion with throwing axes it felt really good… then they took away throwing axes and went in a bomb direction. Kinda crazy to me. I’ve made in game reports and I have done reports on the DF Alpha too.
Idk how they think we don’t wanna be rexxar lol


I wouldn’t even put it as far as “to be rexxar” I mean that would be very cool headcannon for you for example. I don’t make the parallel to rexxar but just thinks it looks much better than the 2h we have now, and I love the transmogs/look from the 1h weapons much more, and especially dislike the sheath on back thing.

But for whatever reason we who want it wants it, it’s still a very reasonable ask. Especially considering they gave it to Monk and DK in SL. Almost feels rude to give the newer and more polished (animations etc) classes it before Hunter and Shaman who have had it in the past and got it removed for “reasons” but since then have had people wanting it back.

I can see that, i have many awesome 1 handed transmogs that I got on my hunter. That I never get to use. Which is a huge disappointment considering we have so much to go with in transmog department. I guess I just say rexxar cause he’s a 1handed beast master and I played him in warcraft3 and loved that aspect of rugged feeling it gave me. Just wish they would bring it into the game more for people like me. But maybe I’m getting to old lol.

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I love and use the grenades fiercly in combo with the grenade talent that gives youre grenades a different effect. I cant imagine if they were removed, but if you could sub or talent switch grenades for throwing axes thatd be cool, as long as i can still use them nades. Love it.

I personally enjoy the engineer-like feel of SV. Early on i even wanted a glyph that made Serpent Sting appear and sound like a pistol! But definitely, there should be more options for glyphs to make it seem more less like an engineer.

I agree. I think the SV hunter should be the one in the group with the gadgets…when others in the group go WTH??? And your like excuse me…let me pop this baby off!

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Honestly I think they should just make an engineering class then for people like you guys honestly. Would solve a lot.

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Agree here 100%.

I dont want to deny people their engineer fantasy but i would rather they just made an engineer class if thats what they want.
To force one down Hunters throats just doesnt sit well with me.
They took RSV and removed it… Then they made it into a melee spec, but did it so poorly no one wanted to play it. Then they revamped it after 1 expansion and made this ranged bombardier/engineer we have now, which just does not work at all with in the Hunter fantasy… Not even the one they made up for melee Hunter.


I agree here too, I have been a survival main since BC “yes I know survival was bad in BC” but I still played it back then. I play it now and I just don’t feel right. Bombs are super cool, I just don’t think it should be with a hunter spec, and at that it’s the main part of the hunter spec which makes me feel sad at how far it’s fallen. Bring back black arrow if you want a bleed to be apart of the spec but this is just my hopes and dreams. I hope blizzard will look at this stuff and think of doing changes or at least giving us something more then just bombs.

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a bit strange to say engineering is being forced down hunters throats because sv has bombs, when half of engineering is based around hunters since classic. guns, scopes, and ammo.

How is engineering based on Hunters because they are the profession that makes some of the equipment that Hunters use??

For starters there is quite a difference between engineering the profession and the class fantasy of the engineer class.

Wow, Hunters use scopes on their Guns… Engineer class with bombs, grenades and other gadgets must be Hunter inspired! Yeah dont think so.


i’m sorry, you’re right. we should remove everything from hunters that have anything to do with engineering. remove guns, traps, explosive shot, bombs. these all belong to some fancy engineering class instead. while we’re at it, we should remove poison from serpent sting and rouges, and their crimson vials, since those belong to an alchemist class. look, id be all over a engineer class, but but saying “hunters shouldn’t have something because engineer’s make it” is silly.

Yeah and that’s not even remotely what I said… are you just trolling or genuinely didn’t get my post?

What I said and have said and thought since they added this silly grenade is that I don’t think it fits the class fantasy of hunters. I just don’t see how throwing grenades at the enemy, grenades that explode into cluster bombs at that, makes any sense when you yourself are supposed to be a melee hunter fighting side by side with your pet. I don’t hate explosives or grenades per say, I just don’t feel that it is even remotely logical (even for a game, where logic is perhaps toned down and adjusted) or fitting as a Hunter to have them.

Sorry but not sorry, I am allowed to have my opinion. I have never tried to force it upon anyone else and I know for a fact that there is plenty others out there that dislike the bomb-style they gave to SV hunters in the revamp in BFA. So stop trying to twist my words and start some argument.

If you genuinely think that throwing bombs at ourselves and our pets and having the whole grenade theme fits a hunter because we use scopes and traps then fine. I don’t agree and I’m satisfied with that. When we get to the bottom line Blizzard makes the call and well, these forums are here for people to express their opinions about it.

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I’ll add on here and state that if you claim engineering is apart of hunters only why do they make shaman gear too? Shamans need to be given Grenades then right? It’s a silly argument. Fantasy of a game is big for a fantasy game itself if you play a hunter cause it’s the “best spec” or “flavor of the month” then you’re not really playing it for the reasons I started this thread. I want blizzard to hear the SV hunters that don’t like bombs and want spears and throwing axes back in the game. I don’t personally like the bombs and want them changed. Because I don’t feel like they fit with hunters in general. What happen to black arrow, throwing axes, hell explosive shot felt better then Grenades. Also hunters have always been around poisons and traps… you go hunt and trap down animals or humans in the wild I would say that is a very Surv hunter thing to do. You use the poison of animals for your weapons. Surv uses spear so why not get a spear throw like back in Warcraft 3? Or give back axe throwers like Warcraft 3 again. Me stating they should make an engineering class or tinker is to help people like you not snuff you out, because I know there is an audience for that kind of stuff. But being a original hunter from the beginning I really wish they would help out the fantasy of why I started playing hunter to begin with.

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I am thinking the wildfire bombs fits the whole image of SV using every tool to get the job done. So you have your melee (your spear), your ranged with your mini-xbow and bombs and traps (well not so much today the "trap master). That being said if blizz ever does introduce Engineer as a class (and if I am going to be honest I don’t see it ever happening) then I think SV would have would have to switch bombs for something else.

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