Survival Hunter feedback,

I’m tripping about the 3 MIN cooldown in coordinated assault. What is going on with that? This was already a sad cooldown, plus with we need to spend 2 extra talents to reduce its cooldown. Even if this is a nuclear nuke ability which probably won’t be 3 is a bit excessive.

Honestly, oh nimrod or nimrix or whatever he calls himself is completely lost at the surv tree and it shows. He is doing the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what many have voiced to him.

  1. Why the increased CD on an already crappy CD?
  2. WE DO NOT WANT KS/BOMB PLAYSTYLE. Get rid of deadly duo instead of just making the proc happen every 35 seconds instead of a minute. Its complete trash.
  3. SURV HUNTERS DONT LIKE CRIT. Why would you add crit to fury? Two, why would you make it proc only under 35%?

They are making surv hunters into a execute spec where they ONLY do dmg under 35%.

Garbo blizz.

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No he is not.

Which one?

Im sure a warlock don’t speak for all survival hunters.

Wut? you are just a troll at this point

Yea, no, your the fanboi claiming everything about the surv tree is perfect, so your opinion rly doesnt mean anything at all.

1- i’m a hunter not warlock
2- I complained when they removed precision (2,4,6% survival crit talent) which actually refutes two of your claims

Looking at the new trees…Well the bloat of points left. That’s a good thing. The bad thing is they all went to the bottom of the tree where it would be nigh high impossible to get three points in. Not really under standing the direction of that unless its going to change.

From what I have read, a lot needs to be fixed, many talents not working. So from the standpoint of just looking, its still a work in process

Well the bottom talents are the garbo portion of the tree. Birds of prey is trash along with coordinated kill, deadly duo, and coordinated assault.
Outside that you get, what, fury? ST you get spearhead?

I dont get where blizz wants us to put the points. The tree is so small and garbo that you almost just want to not use the points.

It didn’t really leave though, we just lost a few points overall. Lost a lot of 3 point talents for sure but gained a whole Bunch of new 2-point talents. And the new 3 point cap stone talents are just an insult.

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Athamos thinks admitting anything about SV being bad undermines the credibility of it being melee so his approach is always abject denial.

100%, spending 3 points on meaningless talents feels horrible. If at least some of these CDs were a major power spike with longer buffs duration, we could have a chance to compete. I think making fury of the eagle 30-sec cd and Spearhead 45-sec cd will add some flavor to the spec.

I noticed that. He will fight tooth and nail for the worst tree not to get fixed while also silently complaining that its complete trash.