
Lmao and the fact you really think that because Blizzard changed mind later. That means you are right?

The problem is…that this thread is still alive. Blizzard said no. After a few months after it is live, We can bring it up again. Discuss and give feedback. But as of right now, this ripcord thread is spam. This is no longer feedback. The fact that Blizzard allows this thread to keep going shows that Blizzard encourages this sort of, cry until you get your way that has shaped the community to be like this.

Your feedback got heard. They don’t agree right now. That is it.

Are you asking me to confirm my preference of having a talent row over the current system? Because I’d rather have access to 2 poor covenants and 2 good ones than 4 lousy covenants that don’t do much at all.

I’d rather have dead Covenant spells than them spend all their development time constantly balancing these stupid spells and Soul Bind trees. Dungeons are content. Covenants are chores.


Y’know what I’d rather have than Covenants at all?

We’re going to be level 60 - so why not let us have the old talent trees back? But that’s something for another thread.

Well that an a story that doesnt’ retcon itself into oblivion.


No, I’m asking why you think the logic you apply to dead talents, doesn’t apply to dead corruptions, azerite traits, specs or covenants.

If a reason Blizzard doesn’t have urgency to balance them is because they are easily swappable (and I agree), but you want interesting or fun covenants, then why is your feedback ripcord instead of just continuing to work towards balacing the talents, corruptions, covenants, etc…

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im not really sure how you defend blizzard and these systems, feels like you spite the playerbase


Sure feels good to be on the right side of history. Let’s go on a journey, me and you.

Bonus celebration thread.

See Khaelyn? It’s all about consistency. If you believe in something don’t give up :muscle:


Honestly feels like yesterday.

It does. It’s super fun how they’ve left half the corruptions or azerite traits dead instead of continuing their work to balance them.

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I don’t like Blizzard or the player base. However, this game offers me enough enjoyment on the things I do like, that I put up with.

Blizzard I don’t like for being slow on changes, for encouraging the player base to be as toxic as they are. For always acting like victims, when they themselves caused most of the problems and how the community is, and don’t have at least enough respect to say thanks, to the countless people who test out things, and give feedback math, and the amount of people who test this game for them. They still can’t be fast enough to make changes.

And I don’t like this community and never have because you all are spoiled brats. Always have been. Since the days of Thottbot and them making a banner mocking Blizzard design changes to hunters. Protesting to crash servers, and just how the pug scene is. This community is the most unwelcoming, spiteful, mmo community ever. And that is coming from someone who use to play old ultima online.

And that’s fine with me really? They were never going to be able to balance all of them and for me thanks for corruption vendor I could focus my bis stat, azerite swapping i could pick the best azerites.

It’s because I’m not being held hostage.

Remember they gave up in Nyalotha and gave us our “best” trait with HoD.

Apparently it is. Because your feedback is always “give up trying to improve, make free.”

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Corruptions weren’t locked behind glorified reputations, a fair comparison would have been being forced into a reputation that only gave me access to a one essence and one stat amp.

Imagine if i picked reputation A i had to make do with VC Major essence and Haste corruption for all content. This is what covenants feel like to me currently.

I’m fine with that. The idea that different choices would lead to different gameplay styles, haste vs crit or haste vs mastery for could be fun. Especially if the design goal was parity and they worked on closing the gap between secondaries for us all.

Instead, they give up, slap haste on this, leave mastery in the dumpster.

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I wouldn’t have been fine with that because a rsham running VoP major would have a free 10-15% higher HPS than me just because I wanted to focus on PvP. I dislike this kind of starting one content behind the starting line type scenario.

You appear to have a different opinion, I’m just saying it’s why I didn’t kick up a bigger stink about corruption because It wasn’t like that and covenants are.

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I guess you did not read the part about parity. The VoP major sham would just heal a different way…

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Covenant abilities can’t be used outside of systemlands zones. Where is this meaningful choice? I remember when I could use talents in older content along with the current expansion. Fun times.

I am falling asleep waiting for some excitement.

:sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:


No, they wouldn’t actually.

They would heal the exact same way, what are you talking about?

Seems you’re the expert on resto shamans so how would they have healed differently?

The VoP Major sham would spam Chain heal
How would the VC major sham heal?

Surely Daark this far into us talking I don’t need to remind you I have two 12/12M shamans, a 2400 Arena shaman and a 2200 Arena shaman and a 3rd shaman who has poor gear but is still 4/12M. I don’t think i really need a lesson how how shamans heal but you sure have me interested in what you plan on saying.

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i dont think its too much to ask to not have to complete a laundry list of chores to be able to play the game at an optimal level. What makes the community spoiled? not wanting to come home from work to spend the entire day having to grind essences, or doing garbage content they dont want to do to remain relevant in the game? ive been playing since i was 8 or 9, been subbed every xpac other than bc (mom prolly didnt wanna pay idk). the second they put these insane systems into the game, ive lost so much interest.
AP grind/legendary acquisition in legion had me quit 2 months in. this xpac i did the same thing again and came back around mid may of this year. this game is taxing to play because its a huge time sink to get to content I WANT TO PLAY. its a requirement to do them, non optional things. Blizzard gets informed of these terrible systems in beta, and have ignored it in the past. this time they dug their trench too deep and its going to be a nightmare.
No one asked for these systems they remain intent on putting into the game

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Covenant abilities = garrison abilities.

Covenant abilities only used in systemland zones. Garrison abilities only used in WoD zones.

At least WoD had the decency to give a new talent tier and leveling perks.
