Perfect time for Account Bound Essences

We’re looking down the barrel of over 2 months of little to no content.

Blizzard let us hop on alts and play around inside raid, inside arena and BGS.

Let’s go!


Alts should not be Mains

but we should be able to do decent content as more than role not all of us are lfr heroes like you


I would respect them a lot more if they came out and said exactly this lol.


ion confirmed that there WONT be account wide essences in 8.3

they are thinking in “lowering” some of the requirements.

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If you need more than 1 character at main level, simply put in the time and get the essences you need.

I dont think that replacing a fellow players by an alt in a Raid is the reason Blizzard is not allowing account bound essences. There must be a specific reason (other than time metrics).

BTW, i really enjoy LFR. It work great for me since i can raid when i want unlike guild runs where i needed to be on schedule. I do miss organized group certain days…


You’re right, I don’t expect to have the reputations, the transmogs my main has.


I’ve already done it twice.

Looks like you’ll have plenty of time to earn those essences. Happy grinding, friend.


not just raids M+as well. I leveled a monk so i can tank and heal for m+ as well so my friends can dps but seriously cbf doing all that nonsense again so i can do my role correctly. Yes are only doing 15s but having the correct essences add so much dps and can actually make he difference about us making the timers


Just kill the system for good already.


and gears which essences are a part of.

no they’re another grind on top of everything else that’s honestly just a headache. If the essences had cool mage tower like unlocking quests to them I don’t think people would be complaining as much.

It’s not fun being time gated from being able to enjoy endgame content. I’d rather no life it in a weeks time personally. That won’t get you all rank 3s though, something essential to being viable depending on what essence is good for your toon.

I suppose that time gating gears and essences with rep, raid lockout, weekly chests, etc. on each character is way for Blizzard to put all character in the same brackets (415-445) and try to balance pve and pvp.

No it’s just time gating in general. What ended up happening is most people I know did the grind once and are just now ‘getting a toon ready for 8.3’.

What’s happened is a lot of people who play arenas are just playing their mains and main comps, so there aren’t all these fun balanced comps you find in arenas this tier. It’s just all mages, rogues, locks, rdruids ect.

What sucks is I love the essences. Being able to select them for BGs and PVP in general is really fun. I took Ripple/Space in an EOTS and used it to abuse people in mid with dragon charge, had the most fun ever that day doing so.

I feel the game would be better if we had 4 PVP talents+ to pick from, but the essences are just fun in general the way they are laid out imo.

It’s a shame they killed alts

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Until blizzard refuses to buff the classes and specs that under-preform and we have to wait and wait and wait for them to fix it. It is nice to have alts that with a week of running content is geared and ready to roll. But, since essences are not account bound and the neck ap is not account bound = the customer gets screwed for not picking the right main at the start of the tier.

Account wide essences and neck ap allow you to change to an alt and not be so far behind a mains progression when the devs screw your main.


This is such an overblown issue. I have 3 alts with Rank 3s in all 3 slots. Rank 2s are given to you for no effort, and Rank 2s are enough to do even high end content. Rank 3s are usually time gated, where you just have to wait them out and they all take about 3 weeks, which is nothing.

You’re playing the wrong game if you want to gear up a main in under a week.

Gear is easy to get, it is the essences that are gated over a month of waiting. A month in a CE guild is a long long time to be screwed.


I would agree with your stances other than I was someone who had to get Nullification Dynamo rank 3 to do the most damage I could as a tank. That took exalted with my main, and it took me forever to do because I completely hated rep grinding in trashcan gnome land.

It’s a completely personal problem, but I hope they avoid things like this in the future. The rep time gated ones were the worst IMO and it’s a shame Null was a part of that :laughing:

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