It's time to make essences account wide

Blizzard, It’s time to strike while the fire is hot.

If you’re going to give players a free 110 for hitting 60, please capitalise on this by making essences account wide for those people who quit their mains.

People who already know what essences are aren’t going to want to return to start leveling essences on a new character all over again.

I think the community was split over this originally but after seeing the exodus of players to classic it should be clear that players are sick of these methods of trying to keep us playing.

It’s backfiring and people aren’t opting to do the grind twice to “keep engagement strong”, people are just quitting.


Agreed. For the last few expansions Blizzard has been designing content almost exclusively around the end-game grind while keeping barriers around fundamental systems to grind said content until it isn’t relevant anymore (i.e. next patch). Getting really tired of having to grind so I can grind.


It’s really sad, last tier we had a full BoD alt run that we’d run each week because everyone had an alt with somewhat competitive neck level.

This tier i think most people jumped on their alts, begin the nazmir quests and just said “nah”

At least with AP you can do the bare bare minimum and eventually AK will be so high you’ll be the threshold easily (65 this patch).

Essences… essences don’t get easier the longer you put them off - They were fun to do the first time but the idea of doing the 50k grind twice makes my stomach turn.



It is really odd you think someone who managed to play to 60 in classic is going to be scared of putting in a little effort to get these.

Have you actually ever considered other people might enjoy earning these on alts ?

I’d sooner believe the earth was flat.


I considered it and concluded that not many people enjoy grinding essences with the RNG aspects.

Source: lots and lots of anecdotal data from the forums and in game.

I enjoy it. I like earning things on my alts. I have read these threads and there are others like me out there.

Agreed. In comparison to say like, Legion, this new essence hunt is annoying and less “fun” as far as I’m concerned.


Ok how many alts do you have rank threes on? I’d honestly need to see some proof to believe this.

IDC about the classic side, but considering you’re yet another person with an opinion hiding behind an alt I’ll consider my opinion more relevant and say its in fact a gaint PTA to farm these on alts, especially if you need to have your heart level relevant (read 65) on alts. Throw in the benthic grind and its a bunch of nonsense time sink. Predictably you don’t do harder content so the grind is probably all there is for you, but for the rest of us not so much.


They aren’t going to make them account wide, as they see them as character progression like your HOA. Using classic as an argument for it is flawed, most classic player have no clue the grind they are getting themselves into. There is NOTHING account wide there! You have to earn everything on your alts.

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IMO leveling and such in classic IS the experience, whereas in BFA it’s something you need to do to HAVE the experience. I’ve been putting a bit of time in classic, I think on one of my toons there today my GF and I spent 5 hours ish and managed 7-10. The difference is it was fun. On this guy I spent maybe an hour on the AP grind so I can get 65 by tues, and by the time it was over I was frustrated. It isn’t fun, and the WM on requirement to make progress actually feel like progress ends up restrictive due to all the "brave’ horde warriors who only start stuff with you if they’re in a group of 3 or more.

Good game design vs bad game design.


how about a big fat cup of…

… no

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Can you expand on that? You don’t like the idea? You enjoy grinding?

Earning them once is fine. Earning them again, and again, and again is just inconvenient.
Time gating is not difficulty so I don’t get where the sense of pride for earning them is coming from.


game is about putting more time into 1 character so you evolve a connection to. Unlike many games, WoW actually handles this very well. If suddenly everything was account wide, game wouldn’t feel so huge, and most players wouldn’t care about their character because the next day some new class will replace them.

There is a very good reason why you get what you pay for.

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One of the best changes they could make in bfa.


Sure you do, from what i’ve seen every person who disagrees is usually on a level 20 with a hidden profile like they have something to hide.

I dont hide. I know what a grind is, i know what it feels like to earn stuff on characters and this isnt one of them. Its pointless to grind out the same stuff again and again. That isnt fun.

I havent touched my alts in months now because of it. Its a terrible system for alts and blizzard knows they screwed up.


How required are getting these essences if I come back to play everyone was saying how bad of a grind they are?

lol, me posting on a second account has nothing to do with me earning this. Also you have selective perception because lots of people can said the same thing posting on max level characters.

Hey, but go into denial because others don’t agree with you it that floats your boat.