I am not an expert on shamans. I’ll give the example as fury instead.
SMF vs TG. SMF would prioritize haste and attack faster. the TG warrior would go crit and hit harder. Mastery and vers would be even. The SMF warrior would prioritize Raging blow and enrage uptime while the TG warrior would prioritize BT and maximizing the dmg done during enrage or reck. The SMF warrior might use expedient and CLF while the TG warrior would go sever and VoP.
Both would output roughly the same numbers, but would play differently.
That doesn’t apply to shamans. Resto shamans would heal the exact same way except one has 10-15% higher HPS because he has VOP Major.
I think you would find many cases like this.
This is how it’s looking on beta by the way.
Shamans will be healing the exact same way except they hit their covenant ability whenever its up yet the Necrolord healer will do 5-10% more HPS because they hit necrolord.
What is a optimal level?
Do you need a optimal level to complete the content?
You spent that time grinding essence for what? A rush to do content?
I agree with you that Islands, warfront was not what it was promise, and it failed.
Like I said, it is not a problem with the systems per say, it is the fact Blizzard is not mobile enough to make changes to systems or tweak numbers at a pace that is acceptable to the community. That is the main core issue of Blizzard. They are slow.
But the things you don’t like. Taxing systems, grinds. That is part of the charm of MMOs for many players. Grinding and MMO goes hand in hand. At some point, you must ask yourself that is it wow that is the problem, or just my taste have changed over the years?
Either way, I like these systems to grind. They could do much better with them. I want Tabards to give rep in dungeons again. and I don’t like how wow has turned more into a mobile game than a mmo.
if you dont have your essences then you wont be competitive at all. Same goes for corruption, and these two things had EXTREMLY alt unfriendly systems in place. there were no vendors before, and blizzard let it ship like its no problem. people dont make alts to fill a bar of required things to do all over again, they want to experience content again in a different way. These taxing systems and grinds shouldnt be where most of your damage comes from.
The main problem with the past 3 xpacs is they are tying player power into all this. Its forced (if you care about playing ANYTHING competitively)
That is a flat out lie. No one on the pro ripcord side has said get rid of covenants we just want the player power aspect like covenant class abilities separated from them . There are still plenty of things that can remain like signature abilities and soul binds .
I’ll join the ripthecord or whatever cause I would hate to be forced to level 4 chars 3 (ok maybe 2) of which I won’t use ever again just to experience full content, while my main is limping in maybe 1 or 2 specs… And hating my decision no matter what I choose cause: Im giving up on other mogs, mounts, unfitting lore for class, wrong abilities vs spec or FoTM that will proly change next patch…
What is a lie is you saying the rip cord pullers want to do away with the system .
The class abilities are just a small part of the system . There is plenty that can still stay part of the covenants. In fact most rip cord pullers have said they want to be able to pic a specific covenant and stick with it but as it is now they are going to go with the choice that gives them the better game play then the covenant they would of preferred for aesthetics .
Let’s see what player power could still be a part of covenants if the class abilities are separated and made into talents.
Soul binds that are passive talent trees that buff abilities . No those aren’t player power
Conduits that go into said soul binds to add additional passives to buff abilities . No those aren’t player power either
Sinature abilities : Nope not player power either
I guess you’re right the only player power the covenants have are the class abilities and taking them out destroys the system completely