
Sometimes you just need to tell the cook his food tastes bad. Short and blunt.
The players are giving their feedback; we want consequences in our game. Because then it feels like our choices matter.

You already act like because you raid. That means that your input matters more than most people. So now you are saying because you don’t like this system. It should get changed because you are the center piece of all customers?

Really we going down that path?

Batman is working at his desk… Alfred serves him a bowl of soup. Batman tries it and yells “Cold!”

Alfred responds with, “It’s vichyssoise.”

Batman doesn’t understand…

Alfred hits him with “It’s supposed to be cold.”

Batman goes back to eating…

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I’ve never said or implied that. I’m merely passionate about this fact because if they fail to make a good system I will lose raiders as I’m a raid leader. If you believe in something no point muddying the waters.

Stop assuming.

and while you doing that. The cook gets flak for changing something people like.

The point being is, just because you think you know best. Does not mean you do.

feel like that would be more appropriate to say for blizzard

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Theres going to be DOZENS of upset people when power is decoupled. Just like there was outrage when Azerite vendor was introduced, essences became account bound and corruption vendor was added lmao.




Seen the threads so many times, Blizzard really stuffed u pthere

Oh i’m sorry, just how you keep bringing up I don’t play the game or anyone who does not raid you put them down and act like his or her feedback does not matter. I thought that is how your felt. My bad for assuming <3

I do know that listening to the people you’re serving food too is important, because if they don’t like it then they’ll stop coming to your restaurant. Yes, the cook should try new things to give his customers something different to taste now and then, but if they know that the customers liked something in the past - CONSEQUENCES - that they haven’t had in ages, why would they tease them with the idea that they MIGHT get something that would certainly be a fresh taste after so long?

I’d like to bring up that the most significant difference, at least as far as WoW is concerned, is not just the multiple ways to experience the game as you reach end-content with your choices of character and spec, but the fact that there are multiple and divergent end game contents.

This is, to me, is one of the areas where trying to force a Single Player RPG form of character progression falls down. If we only raided, I’m sure covenants would be much easier to implement in regards to player power. But what works for raiding, doesn’t work for M+, doesn’t work for PvP, might not work for Torghast, and for the really dedicated - might not feel good for world content.

At the core of an mmorpg, to me, is the expression of your character against the backdrop of a vibrant world and how you use that character in tackling various forms of end-game content.

Player power, I feel, should never be connected to how you present yourself in the world. They learned this with the glyph system. A shame the Dev team never spoke to that guy. Could have saved time. :confused:

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That was after the system got used, and part of the game and we played through the systems Blizzard wanted for awhile.

Now you are acting like your feedback got heard in BFA. That you should now design the game, and save Blizzard the trouble of a system that will get changed later, because they listen to your feedback on bfa systems.

Are you all kidding me? The level of ego this community has is amazing.

World of Warcraft is suppose to be a Computer Roleplaying Game, and it feels like the Roleplaying element hasn’t been there for a long time. Legion did a good job with the order halls and specific class quests, but then…


Feedback about azerite was given well and truly in advance and questions were raised well and truly before Corruption was introduced. Guess what, they simply didn’t agree with our feedback



People kept giving Blizzard feed back about azerite gear in the BfA beta and Blizz said no and people kept giving feed back after they said no and the changes came and they were for the best .

So no doesn’t mean we have to stop trying .It might in your little Miss or Mister aggressive attitude world .

Might want to eat a snickers your replies are getting a little heated .


Didn’t you literally just tell me that they’ve left many talents dead because they are easily swappable and so there is no urgency to fix them?

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Question: Account-bound Essences have been one of the most-requested features for a while now. Can we expect them to be released later, such as in 8.3.5 or 9.0, or will that definitely not happen?

Answer: But account-wide Essences are not on the table for Visions of N’Zoth .

Question: Aren’t you afraid that Corrupted gear could be even more RNG than Warforged and Titanforged items?

Answer: We don’t think so, no.

That interview sure held up well didn’t it?

This is what ego looks like, when the community begs Ion to do/see something and he simply cannot see it.


And they tossed you a bone much later after we got to play it the way they want?

Hmm, here is a thought. Maybe just maybe they thought the system was fine without the vendors, but did it anyway because it did not change the core system, and they tried it the community way.

That does not mean how they did it was wrong because they changed it. Just means they gave community what they wanted after awhile.

And in this case. They are saying no. And IT COULD very well get changed later on in the future, but you all want it changed now.

It really is like spoiled kids.

Yep, looking forward to it.

It’s amazing Ion has such a great track record of saying things in interview then doing a Olympic level backflip months after.


I’m super glad we want the same treatment for azerite traits, corruptions, essences and covenants. Much fun.

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There’s so much fun here I’m rattling my bones in delight.
This hallow’s end it will be I who makes the music.