I'm doing the essence grind a third time

Honestly doing it a second time was awful and I hated it, but the people I play the game with made it worthwhile to stick around. Now faced with 2+ months of no new content I decided to do it a third time.

Guess what, It still sucks and It’s boring. It’s the most mind numbingly boring content in the game and I refuse to believe anyone likes collecting Fathom Ray meat.

Blizzard, you’ve already let everyone know that you thought BFA was too alt unfriendly when you talked at Blizzcon and you plan on fixing it in Shadowlands, why not fix it now - It’s an easy fix.

I’ll post on my alts below so nobody can say “you just want multiple mains for nothing” because I now have 2 characters with BIS essences and I’m working on a third.

This Character is 7/8 Mythic and I raid lead a 4/8 Mythic Alt run with this character now.


Second time was lousey, I’ve already got 8/8 Mythic with this character too.


Third times a charm, wait no it’s not this sucks.

This character is 3/8M already, I raid lead a pug Mythic for this character also.


I’ll absolutely not be doing it a fourth time though, but It’d be fun to do content on this character.


Why can’t druids be dwarves?


Just on a side note, this is a rare instance of a thread that is majority dwarf (at time of writing this).

I too am doing it on three. This, Manlion (Khaz’Goroth) and Cindersong (Frostmourne).

I personally don’t find it a big deal, but I acknowledge how hard getting say vision of perfection 3 and Condensed life force 3 might be for some people.

It’s unfortunate really.

I used to (personally) Raid lead a full guild alt mythic BoD when it was current tier, now my alt runs (We do 4/8M) are made up of 3 separate guilds that all had their own alt runs in the past.

“I’d be interested in alts but…” has become such a overused statement at this point and you can’t fault them for it. People want to play alts but don’t want to put the hard yards in

Oh you don’t need rank 3 essences, you can get rank 2 fine.

Sure you can, but not having 3 handicaps you and makes you way less competitive and have less attachment to the character.


Is why mine are 3 also. I think it’s a me/problem but I can’t handle 2 either, makes me sick.

My guild on Alliance are struggling to get enough to push Mythic, probably for the same reason. Mastered heroic now though and 1/8 so far.

Honestly I’d love to gear up my Paladin/Druid.

I’m a raid leader who enjoys raid leading so much I often lead pug heroics with people who haven’t be able to get AoTC or even finish normal. I’ll bring guildies alts who will help carry them through.

Unfortunately due to this, It’s restricted to 3. I’d love to play all healers.

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Paladin might not be bad, noting BiS ST head would come from m+ and BiS chest would be from Heroic Warfront

Answer is easy, don’t play alts. Your main needs work.
Also they are alts for a reason. They don’t need to be maximized and theorycrafted to the max that’s what your main is for. It isn’t even that hard to get some decent enough essences. The only hard one to get is blood of the enemy

So your solution is to just quit playing?

Seems like something Blizzard would want to actively avoid…

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Not in a millions year will i understand why people do stuff they hate :roll_eyes:.

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Glad to see you’re not letting a learning disability set you back. It’s a means to an end.

I hate going to the gym but I do it so I can eat chocolate and feel good about myself.


Quit playing what? Just play your main, that’s all I play and I get tons of enjoyment out of it

Seriously though, I’m really not going to be going through this for a thirteenth time. I’m putting my foot down there. I mean, maybe just five or six more, but probably not anymore, maybe.

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Sorry you’re either making an effort to ignore my post or you’re misunderstanding.

I’ve done the content I wanted to on my “main”. Now I would like to do content on a different character. My Shaman which is now my main is 8/8 Mythic, level 70 neck and has BIS essences.

I’ve completed all the content in BFA currently.

Blizzard is lucky I have such a great group of people I play with.


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Definitely, probably maybe. Just seven or eight more times, lol.

Oddly i do the same thing you do.

So then, you exactly understand why people do the things they hate.

I have to work at a job so I can get money to pay for WoW.