Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why


I can keep going with another 8 posts of me saying Blizzard’s move here is bad.

Should I? Or are you done acting like a petulant fool?

Are you going to pretend this one single issue you managed to latch on redeems you for all the other times you literally jumped to their defense even though everyone was literally dogpiling you about it ?

I never claimed that I haven’t been pro-Blizzard when it comes to their choices at times.

But you’ve been the one crying here about how I ‘secretly approved of Blizzard pulling the slime cat from LFR’ after I told you multiple times that I opposed it.

You’re wrong, so get wrecked.

Every time except that one time is now “at times”.

At least I wasn’t wrong about Covenants, you know, something that actually crashed the MAUs.

Literally no evidence supporting that, but okay.

The way Blizzard counts MAUs, you can be counted as multiple MAUs in a quarterly report by playing multiple Blizzard games. So if you were playing Diablo 3, WoW, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm in one quarter, you’d count as 5 MAUs, if in the next quarter you dropped Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm, you’d only count as 3 MAUs.

Blizzard doesn’t list MAUs per game, so it’s impossible to know where the MAU losses came from.

Except you know, the q to q an y to y MAUs crashing after the poor reception Shadowlands got everywhere.

Just a coincidence I guess. Not your first time supporting a sub killing idea though.

Again, they don’t list MAUs per game.

And each person can count as multiple MAUs if they play multiple Blizzard games.

It’s not rocket science, really.

You’re guessing, and it’s fine to guess. But that’s all it is. A guess.

Need more of these threads. Clearly Blizzard isnt listening.

Yeah they have a bad habit of that. I mean just look at all the support pulling the ripcord had, and it STILL took them forever to actually do it.

And then WoD and flying…

Wish they would do something about legion raids too already, has anyone even confirmed whether if there is a bonus yet for DF?

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Yeah, big coincidence that it just correlates to Shadowlands poor reception.

It’s really Diablo III’s fault. Really.

Could literally be any of Blizzard’s games.

Starcraft II is losing players, as is Heroes of the Storm, Diablo III, Hearthstone, and yes, even WoW.

Yep, could literally be any of Blizzard’s completely dead franchises that have seen no meaningful updates in years really.

Probably nothing to do with the brand new WoW expansion that bombed.

Totally unrelated. Sudden big decrease in all those remaining Starcraft II players that just coincidently quit as Shadowlands was bombing in Season 1.

This is why no one takes you seriously btw.

you can’t roll on personal loot though? The system gives you the rewards there is no rolling?

There is a sort of internal rolling. But with group loot, there will be less overall loot. It’s just everyone gets to roll on it. Only those that can equip it can need. But it is completely corruptable. If the concern with personal loot is class stacking or gear type stacking, that 's completely possible still with group loot. Because you can get other people to go in with you that can roll need on the same items.

No, you still get 4 items for a 20 player group.

I’m going by Blizz’s blue post that says it will be overall lower but they are willing to keep an eye on it and adjust if necessary in LFR. So that seems to indicate it’s less.

Where does it say that? I’ve read the post a few times, and I don’t think that’s there.

Additionally, the current plan is for Group Loot to be active in Looking for Raid, though we’re open to taking action such as increasing the quantity of loot from LFR if the friction proves to be too much there.

That doesn’t say anything about LFR dropping less loot, just that it might be buffed to drop 7 instead of 5.

If it doesn’t drop less, there’d be no need to adjust in case of friction.