Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

I think they are worried about the players who make up drama because the rolling on the gear is being moved from behind the scenes invisible, to public display.

The post is talking about if too many identical drops happen to drop. The amount of loot is the same, but in the case that the system pops out too many identical drops (for example, 3 of the same shoulders and 1 ring) they are going to attempt to combat it by increasing loot drops.

At least thats what I gather from it.

Yeah but everyone is saying both are the same, you can’t see the rolls. So if it’s not less, what friction would it cause? You can only need on what you can equip.

That could be the case. I don’t know if it’d do dupes, since they said this will be improved and has not been tested except at Mythic level so far.

Never underestimate the wow playerbase’s ability to make up drama over nothing, or false information.

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someone will make an addon that just rolls need every time its possible. and im going to install it.

Who knows, you could be right and they actually did drop the amount of loot but just decided not to add that detail because
 well loot make people go cray cray.

Just gonna have to take a wait and see approach.

If it’s fake drama, I don’t think they’d need to even address that though. They stated making it more drops. Which is curious.

I think they should just back up all difficulties with the loot trinity.

I agree that instead of doing that, they should just tell the players acting like this is the end of the world that they are being ridiculous, and that they need to calm down.

I think they should rise above that and give real options and stop acting like it’ll kill them if they do.

Just make it drops, crafting and vendors. Give people multiple ways to gear. Other MMORPGs do it. Including their greatest competition right now.

On group loot as trial raider u are gonna be forced yo pass items for 2 weeks , u maybe get a item no1 wants , that sounds fun?

3 melee dh monk Rogue

Boss 2 Rogue loots item

Boss 3 Rogue is unable to roll again, monk get item

Boss 4 has weapon dropw goes for dh hahaha

Guilds will need to remember Who looted what

Because some Lucky could gain 3 items, and others 0

People keep bringing out this story, but then forget to continue it past the trial period.

Week 3 (once trial is passed):
you are now near maximum priority for loot, as you get the biggest upgrade.

Rings everyone can use - when you have outgeared the raid that is what happens. People when they are gearing up should have an equal opportunity to get gear of the type they are wearing. Otherwise, you have situations where some gear types are fully geared and ready to process to the next level and a bunch of people who haven’t been able to get gear because they are competing against 10 others for the same gear holding the first group back through no fault of their own.

So, GL doesn’t create this problem, as it exists under PL. It just moves it from making it harder to gear underrepresented classes to overrepresented classes.

 I just explained how it does. You are a cloth wearer you probably got more than your fair share of loot under ML/GL

In any case I am going to mute this thread now I have beta and can comment in that section.

I am not even sure you raid. Which is why you dont see the problem.

For those of us who have for well over 15 years or longer at this point in WoW. Letting other players have control over what loot you can and can not get has always been an issue with GL and ML. I am NOT making this crap up as you so want to suggest. Heck, go raid a month on Wrath Classic and you will see the drama first hand. The thing is people are just inherently controlling and greedy. Its a survival instinct. It is what it is.

I have seen and experienced countless times people post raids and guess what
 (fill in random item name) is Reserved in the title. Yes people will claim something is going to their top DPS because, well said DPS is the GM of a guild and running the PUG. So you can choose to come or not.

I have seen and experienced players trying to loot council items, claiming X or Y is best in slot for you, but not the item that just dropped, because said item is best for someone else. When in reality it isnt and they just want an excuse to funnel gear to Bill.

I have also seen and experienced players who roll need on every item they can equip or use and win back to back rolls due to just pure luck. There is no telling how many times we have had to pug a healer or another class for a buff and that son of a gun get a mount and 3 items and a BOE during the raid. Were everyone else didnt get nothing

I AM NOT MAKING THIS STUFF UP!!! Stop trying to suggest that to everyone as some means of trying to prove a point. ALL that I listed above has happened multiple times over the past YEAR
 Not my life time


Going by this expansion, I raid at a higher level than you do.

In bad guilds. The solution to this is actually to leave the bad guild and find a better one, instead of hurting the guilds that can use the tools responsibly.

There is something above Mythic Raid?

Yea Sure
 Why not
 Eventually you will go through every guild out there

Anduin/Sludgefist/Kel’thuzad Mythic are a completely different level than Skolex mythic.

Again, you assume this is my only character
 GG You assume a lot