Where were the Slime Cat in LFR complains before today?

Lord forbid you actually have to take one baby step outside of AFK LFR raids for something lol

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I’m kind of sad that it’s not just a giant pet slime cat but in mount form.

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It’s “New” kinda in the same sense when you vomit after getting sick you have a whole “New” meal right there in front of you!

Real answer: (devs are lazy and don’t even pretend to care about making new mini raids or dungeons to keep players busy in the lull between expansions anymore. Enjoy your heap of steamy regurgitated raid!)


Lord forbid someone not act like an elitist jerk in what was always the more casual of MMOs.


The achievement for earning the cat literally says ‘all difficulties’ and has for a very long time.

What part of ‘all difficulties’ excludes LFR difficulty exactly?


Here are my baby steps outside of LfR

And these are yours

Looks like I took bigger steps then you and I want it in LfR


Every player can get the mount. Just queue up for an LFG group as if you’re queuing for LFR.

All I can hope for is enough people complain about it. If enough people do they might change it. Remember the hawk mount that was a rare drop during a TWO WEEK annivesary? They made that a guranteed drop when enough people complained.

Seriously, this should have been an easy win for Blizzard but at the last minute they had to back out for whatever reason! That cat mount being in LFR was one of the main reason I even sub for this season.


No, you’re not.

LFG groups are not LFR, not by a long shot.

I guarantee you if Blizzard had pulled this crap with normal and heroic and said ‘you gotta do it on mythic to get the mount now’ you’d all be pitching a fit over Blizzard pulling the rug when the achievement specifically said ‘all difficulties’ for months.

This isn’t right and no one should be supporting this. It’s disrespecting players time, which is something Ion specifically said they wanted to change moving forward.


Sorry, but it’s really kinda ugly. lol


THere is a difference .

LfR randomly puts you into a group but you always get into one.

LfG you have the possibility of not getting invited.

LfR is a guaranteed spot

LfG is a possibility of getting a spot .

Big difference between a definite yes and a maybe


Yeah not happy with this. This was originally a mount that was meant for everybody, for free. and it was the runner up in popularity. Up until now everyone thought they could get it in LFR- but now people who dont like to raid/cant raid are looking at a short season window with little warning.
I dont raid anymore and with three full raids required to do this, being able to break it up into smaller chunks in LFR so i dont have to try and find a raiding schedule that fits my real world obligations is a pain. I dont want to buy three frikkin carries but i might end up doing just that. ugh. please change it.


Also LFR has reduced difficulty when it comes to encounter mechanics, which for some players is all they can handle due to physical disabilities making more challenging encounters inaccessible for them.


They’re making a mistake by restricting it from LFR. This could have actually revitalized it in participation.


And this was something I was really looking forward to. I get into queue now, see it’s an hour, and nope right back out of queue.


i agree but if they done this
i do not know why they did not put this as heroic and mythic only

But how are the mythic raiding guilds that carry the developers’ characters supposed to make a bunch of gold off of charging for carries?


Yeah, I heard that CN LFR queues are endless and I was hoping to get the plate recolor…but I’m not going to spend an hour+ waiting to get into them each.

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THat’s why I had to stop doing Heroics after Anduin .

The arthritis and slower reflexes was making it harder to do .

Damn heroic raiding was so much easier at 47/48 then it is now at 55