How many of you have made peace with slime cat mount?

I was at peace with it to begin with and I’ve moved onto FFXIV again working on my machinist because I’m curious about the chainsaw ability and looking forward to Spider-Man on steam this Friday.

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I won’t .

I will probably do normals for it because I have already done them before but I still will continue to say what Blizz did was BS.

They can’t say they didn’t know because no one talked about it when it first came out months ago.

They have used that excuse in the past to go " No one told us about the problems during the alpha/beta" then to months later go " We are making changes based on feed back we got during the alpha/beta".

They knew people were expecting to get it in LfR but decided imo to go " You know what we got our new boost trade channel coming and we are starting a new quarter so why not make it so that if people want it bad enough they may decide to buy tokens and up our profit".

I guess giving people a reason to want to come back and play wasn’t profit enough for them .

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I sure as hell haven’t!

Pretty disappointed with it love the graphic, but the fact that it can’t fly keeps another mount from ever being used.

I just don’t participate that way if enough don’t then the metrics will show it as an abysmal failure and they won’t try this garbage anymore.

I mean I just farmed it out? Does that count as making peace with it?

Sorry to hear about your guild Drysi. My guild is both horde (Shandris) and alliance (Bronzebeard). We do things together. We’re more active on the Alliance side, but we welcome all players. I recently moved the Horde version to Shandris because I wanted to both factions to exist on the same connected realm. If you want to raid, runs keys, etc with others, you are more than welcome to join Nation of Dragons.

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Well I wanted slimecat to only be available to people who voted for it, but I’ve made peace with the fact that other people can get it.

Well, I’m sorry to read this.

For others who are looking to complete this and still have not, please consider using Looking For Group. My guild will continue to pull groups together over the next few weeks. All three fated raids were complete in under 3 hours each.

I feel peaceful riding my slime cat.

I am at peace knowing I will never get it and that there are much better mounts in my collection even though they were a pain to get unlike slime cat anybody truly can obtain them.

Gettin’ it Tuesday, so it’s been more making plans than peace.

Boycotted fated raids over it. I refuse to do them because of how Blizzard handled this.

Couldn’t care less about the mount. The mount has no value, it’s not a desirable design or significant enough.

Personally I would put it on a vendor for 10k due how low effort it feels.

The normal fated raids are not that difficult, I completed all three in PuGs.

I may be the only one that likes it.

I was thinking of making a joke about the mount, but “that wouldn’t fly” around here

Another thing I finally made peace with is that we as players must stop this fighting and bickering we must cast the stones aside we must unite against Blizzard.

Are you all really going to watch as they do a scorched earth policy to the game we love destroying it and making it so when Microsoft takes over they have no choice but to shut it down.

I propose a truce a cease fire if you will as players let us unite and drive back the enemy from the gates and reclaim WOW as the game it once was.

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I don’t really get to play that much anymore now that I have a new job, hours, and even home life. I was a little irritated it was not in LFR, mainly because it was something we could vote on previously and could have had for free if the votes went right.

I am beyond it now. I am at 485 mounts and suppose I just wanted this one as well to add to my collection. But it will never be.

Thank you Cassielee. <3 I will keep it in mind.

I wish more posters had this attitude as this has been the most ridiculous topic Ive seen posters whine about. And for this forum that is saying something.

The only mounts Ive seen drop from LFR are anniversary events that are not connected to current content. If players want that butt ugly mount so bad then they have until November to get it. If they choose not to do the content required then thats on them. Enough with the kitty crying.