Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

Let me first say I have been playing WoW since 2005. I have experienced all the in-game loot systems and the player generated systems that came about from the original loot designs, like Loot Council and EPGP.

Personal Loot has not been perfect, but it has however been the best system so far.


  • No Ninja Looting
  • Easier for Raid Leads
  • Faster since its self admins
  • Prevents/Reduces Player Favoritism with-in the raid team (i.e. forced loot funneling)
  • All loot that drops is at least equip-able
  • Gives player choice of what gear is best for them
  • Ensures everyone has an equal chance of loot


  • Not able to trade gear to other players unless you have same item level or higher equipped. Annoying with rings/neck or trinkets for example due to secondary stats or effects.

Group Loot on the other hand isnt as bad as Master Looter, but it still has its flaws.


  • Promotes raid diversity due to all armor types dropping regardless of make up.
  • At least its not Master Looter (ML would bring GDKP & EP-GP systems into the game.)


  • The pro is also a con as ALL armor types can drop regardless of raid comp. So expect bows to drop even if there is no hunters, or polearms to drop when no one is using them.
  • Ninja Looting, players rolling need on an item after everyone else rolled greed or pass, just to get the item.
  • Harder to admin fair loot distribution. Raid leads will need to make sure players don’t roll need on every equip-able item that drops regardless if they need it or not. As this can hurt the chances of players that have not received items getting gear.
  • Makes way for Loot Council issues. Where other players in the council will allow players to roll Need or not on items if they do not deem it BiS for said player. Taking away a players right to choose what gear is best for them.

Like I mentioned, I have been playing this game since 2005 and have been raiding across multiple characters for almost as long. I have dealt with all the systems and even raid lead many of them. Personal loot while not perfect has been the easier system to deal with and also the less drama causing. It at least gives the player the choice to choose what gear they want to keep and what items they want to allow to be rolled off to other team members…


I mean I agree with you but isn’t there several of these threads already up? Plus I feel like people who prefer master loot and loot councils are going to cling to this for years to come. They arent going to give up their new found power to abuse over others. Its a fight that the normal gamer will lose against the selfish ones.


At least in LFR. Putting anything but personal loot in random groups is stupid.


Yea many of the threads are just people showing their anger and not explaining why they are upset. It can be hard to get a message across in the middle of a screaming crowd.


I do think in LFR they may or may not have said they was not going to use it… So it may be normal and up… But dont quote me on that.

Regardless I can see people getting rage kicked for rolling need on stuff in LFR if this goes through…

I just don’t understand why Blizzard is allergic to options

Why is it all one way and then shifting to all a whole other way

Why is it so hard to be like “Hey, this has its moments, you can use this if you want, but we also reintroduced group loot with a few touch ups. You can decide what you want to use”


Yea OPTIONS = Good…


Why do these complaints always come from Alliance players?


I have multiple characters mate across multiple realms and factions. Poor troll BTW…


I think it’s weird people are so hellbent on going back to personal loot, but those same people when ML was removed and people asked for it to come back just told ML people a bunch of toxic nonsense and to get over it.

Gonna be a no from me. Personal loot was bad.


Tbh I’m not even a raider nor do i really care. ML is corrupt and PL was superior because it couldn’t be corrupted. Of course this is purely a matter of opinions. But at this point I have FF14 and Ashes of Creation so if wow wants to die faster by allowing its community to devour itself, then go at it!


I rejoiced when Personal Loot was added to the game…


Don’t particularly care. It doesn’t make what I said less true. Personal loot was bad. It did nothing for organized environments other than forced split runs. And, when people who liked ML asked for a choice, personal loot people did nothing other than go after them and say they were wrong and shouldn’t have it.

Now the shoe’s on the other foot. It’s karma, in a weird way.


The karma surrounding all of this is pretty amazing.


Karma? What are you even trolling on about? Honestly unless you have anything constructive to add for or against PL/GL. Then please just dont say anything. Your just coming off as a troll and no one will take serious.


Yea, personal is what is fair and avoid ninjas. I just wish they would unlock the ilvl stuff and make everything tradeable. I don’t see a reason to ever push for ML or GL.


Not as much a con, honestly unless you’re trying to help gear a friend and funnel everything over. Because leggos aside, usually higher ilvl is an upgrade.

My main is an Orc, I mostly only forum post on this one.


“Additionally, the current plan is for Group Loot to be active in Looking for Raid”

Usually yes, but when it comes to rings and necks it is often not the case. Just for example since I am posting from my Ele Shaman. Crit is very very very low priority for me for single target DPS since my Lava Burst are always critting on targets I have flame shock on.
Which means if I have a 298 Ring that is Mastery / Haste. It will always be the better option even if a 311 Ring drops that is Crit / Haste. The 311 ring can actually be a DPS loss.

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