Cat mount not being in LFR is good

The literal reason was participation rates.

Friendship Moose, Friendship Bird, etc. Players run these so often it’s legitimately faster than LFR’s queue time.

I am friendly with someone who does Achievement runs as well. If you can wait in LFR Queue fors 45min, you can absolutely do these Friendship runs. In many cases, the carries are in Mythic-level gear. And typically the folks in these groups are some of the nicest, most patient players you’ll come across.

I’ll tell you what sweetie, I’ll answer that question when you tell me where I said one has to do with the other.

Were for a single boss.

Not Thirty of them.

You tell me. You made the original post. What was the purpose of typing out the whole part about you being upset because the wording was inconsistent (which it is btw) , just to follow it up with something about your knowledge of a fight and your inability to raid lead.

So what?

Slamming Normal mode CN, SOD, and SOTFO is going to take a grand total of 4-6hrs. You’ll spend that much time in LFR queues alone.

And those are great, they really are, if you happen to be playing at a time when people are doing those runs, and there’s room for you in those groups, which is not always the case.

The reality is that some people simply prefer to run LFR as their chosen content, and they have zero interest in exploring any difficulty modes higher than that, whether it’s because of their real life schedule, their physical ability to play, or just an unwillingness to really go beyond what they consider their ceiling when it comes to content difficulty.

This wouldn’t even be an issue if Blizzard had made their stance on the slime cat clear from the get go. As Tovi pointed out, saying “Hey, you can get the slime cat on any difficulty.” until 2 days before the event starts, then saying: “Oh whoops, except LFR players, nah, you get nothing.” is not acceptable.

Well I never said one has to do with the other so I can’t.

Where did I say, hang on let me get the exact wording, I’m mad about word inconsistency in an achievement logically leads to or what is has to do with my lack of knowledge with a fight?

Goldfish memory strikes again:

Sweetie, I followed that up because you said:

Remember? This whole thing started because you attacked me for not wanting to lead a raid and wanting free loot. I know that happened an hour ago…

Have you heard of the Logistical endavors that went into running the Friendship Mount runs?

It was a lot. And they didn’t manage to get everyone who wanted in.

And those were for one boss.

Now multiply those logistical factors by Thirty.

That’s why their naive hope of getting the friendship mount run effect going again is a tall ask in a much less active playerbase and in a time when pugging has an RMT investment

I’m more than confident saying this: If the Achievement text said “Normal difficulty or higher” from the start, there would be no issue. It’s totally fine to feel slighted, but the reality is that S4 is still in development. This reward is part of S4. You don’t need to agree, but I’m not appealing to emotion here.

FWIW, I have no issues if it’s a reward from LFR as well. The only reason why this is an issue is because of datamining.

Actually, if all the filthy casuals like myself were queuing for LFR to get the slime cat, they would be almost instant like they were for the Core Hound and Obsidian Worldbreaker at the beginning of the event.

This makes sense if you reform the group after every boss. It’s the same number of groups otherwise (with some exceptions).

At the start, sure. What about 3 months later?

Okay, got it so you’re not going to explain why you typed up a paragraph about your lack of knowledge about the fights and inability to raid lead after simply saying that the wording of the achievement is inconsistent IN YOUR ORIGINAL POST. You continue to deflect, you continue to insult, you continue to pretend like I’m asking a difficult question.

What does your knowledge of the fights and willingness to learn or not learn have to do with the wording of the achievement? You have no logical conclusion here because you don’t have a point. You’re just circling with this other person here in an attempt to validate yourself but it makes nobody look silly but you when all you’re doing is not offering any rebuttal and keep calling me a big dumb dumb goldfish brain. It reflects pretty poorly on you when you do this sort of stuff online.

The achievements for fated raids are literally available to view in the game right now. It really has nothing to do with datamining, you are able to go into the game right now, look up the fated achievements (which were added to the game in 9.2.5) and see that the achievements say that clearing the raids on ‘any difficulty’ rewards the mount.

Log on and hit “y” (open your achievement page)
Go to Dungeons and Raids.
Go to Shadowlands Raids.
Go to Fate of Nathria and tell me what it says. I’ll give you the answer if you can’t log on.

S4 is still in development. To me, it’s the same concept as the Dragonflgiht pre-order stuff being literally “Shadowlands content,” but we consider it Dragonflight content. The S4 files might be there, but you should consider them part of S4, and not S3.

Log on and hit “y” (open your achievement page)
Go to Dungeons and Raids.
Go to Shadowlands Raids.
Go to Fate of Nathria and tell me what it says. I’ll give you the answer if you can’t log on.

If I can log into the game and look at the achievement panel to see the achievements, regardless of whether or not I can earn them right now, that is a lot different than datamining something from the game files that I don’t have access to.

Something in the game files that is datamined is subject to change at any time. It may be altered significantly before I get access to it, it may even be removed before the patch it contains goes live in which case I’ll never get it.

It’s entirely different when it is in the live game and I can view it by searching the achievement panel.

It’s really not.

If Blizzard makes an achievement for S4, and S4 is still in development… Why do you feel it’s mandatory that anything related to S4 which is shown in S3 must never change?

“Here are the plans for S4.”
“We’ve made some changes to S4.”
" :angry: "