To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Considering I have never attacked anyone for playing solo that’s actual comedy gold.

I really wish ignored = muted too.

I don’t mute this thread because it is fun reading some of the replies to the troll that Vulpera Bloodypaws has some great comebacks to them as to many others which is why I won’t mute threads just ignore the idiots. :smiley:

I meant just for the people you ignored, not the entire thread.

I hate getting notifications from them.

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I don’t get anything from anyone I ignore on here maybe it is in your settings.

The troll replied to me yet didn’t see anything only got a ding when you replied.

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The slimecat mount isn’t a season reward. It’s a participation reward. No different from the Corehound or the Obsidian Warbreaker. The latter of which was available in LFR.

Season mounts require heroic or mythic kills of the final boss. There is no new ‘season mount’ as the mounts from Sepulchre of the First Ones will be attainable until the pre-patch for 10.0 drops.


False. It’s a seasonal reward for doing all the dates raids.

Those mounts that you’re talking about are holiday event mounts. Different things.

You clearly don’t know what a seasonal mount is.

Seasonal mounts are seasonal.

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It must have really hurt your feelings to be proven wrong by me.

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Funny the troll keeps trying to reply to facts yet keeps having to delete because even they know it is a fact.

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I see this at the bottom of my page:

I wish I didn’t get anything but oh well.

oh ok then that has to do with your forum settings on mine I have no unreads due to settings give me a sec to look at mine.

looked through my settings and did find a part about unread posts do you by chance have “Enable defer to mark topics unread” checked? that could be the problem mine is unchecked.

Congrats, you know basic facts. They’re also available only for heroic and mythic kills of the final boss. You can’t get the seasonal mounts for each season by killing the bosses on normal.

So are you going to start pushing for Blizzard to take the reward away from normal raiders as well? Should only players who clear the fated raids on heroic or mythic get a chance at the mount? After all, normal difficulty has never given seasonal mounts either in the past. No?

Didn’t think so.

Fact of the matter is this. Blizzard added the achievements for Fated raids back in 9.2.5, since 9.2.5 the achievements stated that you must clear the raid bosses on ‘any’ difficulty. Any being the key word there, because any also includes LFR. Then a few days before the season is due to go live, they pulled the rug out from under LFR raiders by saying “Oh, sorry, not you guys, normal raiders or higher only.” despite the achievement text not saying “normal difficulty or higher” like it does for every other achievement that requires a specific difficulty mode.

This is egregious enough on its own, but it’s even worse when you take into consideration that there are many players out there who do not come to these forums, and who do not look at external websites like wowhead and mmo-champion, who are expecting that they can get the slime cat via LFR and will clear all the raids on LFR, only to get screwed out of the mount because Blizzard misled them by not making the text of the achievements specific.

Mine is unchecked too.

It’s fine. I’ll deal with it.

Let me think on this maybe it is something else because I think I have something either checked or unchecked.

The fact that you think that just because you cant see my comments means they are deleted rofl

:rofl: say what troll I can’t hear you speak up :rofl:


KSM mount is a seasonal mount
Gladiator mounts are seasonal mounts

Neither of those require heroic or mythic boss kills.

Nope, Normal raiding is still raiding unlike LFR.

Its not like it could possibly be an oversight they missed. Either way they have all the way until patch day to make any changes they want and they made the change. Deal with it.

I dont have any sympathy for people that choose to limit their gameplay and then complain about it.

We’re not discussing M+ or PvP. Stay on topic. We’re discussing raiding.

LFR is also raiding. It’s literally called ‘looking for raid’ the word ‘raid’ is literally in the title. Also LFR can be harder than normal in many cases.

So you belong on Reddit, specifically the AITA subreddit. Gotcha.

what is the troll trying to say still can’t hear them :rofl:


ROFL you really have him scruffled :rofl:

But that means he’s your problem now. Hot potato!