Please revert back to Personal Loot / Here is why

It doesn’t after this morning’s little tantrum they threw. Notice how they’re absent from the Beta thread now, because they got seriously trashed for basically admitting they’re defending this as karma for people who praised the removal of ML.

After the number of LFRs I’ve done since Mists and PL were put in the game, it’s not an anecdote anymore, it’s a statistically significant sample.

No amount of sample can prove that something doesn’t happen.

A single example can prove it does.

Again, just because you haven’t experienced something, doesn’t mean other people haven’t.

I for example, have experienced people rage whispering me because I happened to not want to hand over loot that I got, that wasn’t an upgrade, but was something I wanted for transmog.

It can and does happen.

inb4 he accuses us of being the same person sockpuppeting.

It can prove it doesn’t happen with anything other that needle in a hay stack chances.

You don’t really read what you reply to don’t you ?

Let’s put it this way : the was more loot drama in a single lockout of HFC than in the entirety of PL’s history in LFR.

No, but if you share an opinion with Carhagen, you’re most likely on the wrong side of the debate for sure. The dude defended every boneheaded move Blizzard has made in the last 5 expansions.

Like that’s a strike against your opinion.

I’m not making claims about the regularity of the event. I’m simply claiming that it does in fact happen, and has been observed to happen.

You added all this “what about frequency” stuff to backpedal.

Loot Council is a bad thing? I absolutely hated not winning my BIS because it was a temporary upgrade for someone else.

I did. You decided to ignore it to try to score a point because you’re still mad ML got removed.

Because frequency matters. We’re about to go back to the land of Dragonsoul LFR.

Except, you know, when I didn’t.

But you believe what you want buddy.

Great, that’s unrelated to my claim. My entire claim is “it does happen, and it has happened to me”. That’s it.

This is just you backpedaling after it was shown that it does happen.

When was that, when they moved 3 chairs in a pub in Boralus and you said that was also bad the chairs were fine ?

I don’t need to believe anything, everyone has read your posts since even the old forums were a thing.

No. I never claimed anything other that it’s the frequency of loot drama that’s about to take a huge spike.

Because I remember HFC and Dragonsoul LFR.

Multiple times in fact, but if you want a more recent example, I have been vehemently opposed to how Blizzard treated LFR players in Season 4 to the point where I have chosen to boycott fated raids entirely because I refuse to give Blizzard a metric for what they did there.

In that case, your claim includes the passive assumption that mine is correct.

It may be a ‘statistically relevant’ sample, but no one person can have been in a very large percentage of the total number of LFR groups that have ever been formed since dragon soul. Maybe 0.05% if we are being super generous.

The Slime cat stuff ? Really ? No one cares about that. It’s not gonna change and it resulted in exactly 0 change to subs.

It’s an ugly mount no one will ever seriously use.

That’s the beauty of being statiscally relevant : the error margin becomes low.

Plenty of players did actually and I was one of them.

There was thread, after thread, after thread posted on these forums about how the slime cat needed to be returned to LFR and I was one of the many who opposed what Blizzard did.

It ultimately didn’t matter because Blizzard stuck with their stupid move anyway, and as a result of that I chose to boycott Season 4 fated raids.

It has not been observed by 1/25th of 0.05% of the total sample size. At best, you are talking about 1/50,000 of the total sample, with the 0.05% figure being probably a massive overestimate.

No, no one seriously cared about that. Everyone who whined about it is still subbed.

I bet if I look closely enough, I can find you defending the fact the raid achievements said normal all along and that only the meta said “Any” and thus it was just a simple oversight on Blizzard’s part.

Actually, that bait and switch is what caused me to cancel my sub that is expiring next month. I also haven’t pre-ordered DF because of last minute changes that could potentially ruin what I thought would be a good expansion.

Kind of like whats going on for a lot of people mad about PL being removed.

Amazingly you can be upset about something and not unsub.

You won’t, because I was 100% opposed to the removal of the slime cat from LFR.

My argument was because the achievement said ‘any difficulty’ then that included LFR and removing it from LFR after having the achievements in-game for so long was unacceptable.

You’re lucky I don’t have energy enough to dig up the posts and I can let you pretend you’re not the reason the “Blizzard defense force” was coined on the old forums. :rofl: