Paid Transfers to PvE Servers Should be Allowed

You do know paid transfers were a thing in vanilla right? So your strange moral crusade is really… strange


she owns all u guys lol

PvP to PvE yes. PvE to PvP no.


Right, because actiblizz hates money and wouldn’t stoop to making a service available to everyone willing to pay for it.

Ilarra-turalyon - this guy, attacks everyone that brings up these topics on here. he says the same thing everytime, ignore him, hes a pathetic lonely troll LOL

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well its a way to keep people playing yes. They tried pvp and did not like it so let them go pve. But if pve wants to go pvp its a no go.

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Again, I’m almost positive that’s how it was in vanilla. You could transfer from PvP to PvE but not the other way around. This was to prevent 60s transferring with their OP raid gear and ganking lowbies. Also there was a 6 month(?) cooldown.

I’m honestly surprised they haven’t added it yet considering they would probably have made a fortune this week.


yep. There was a small patch a bit ago, I need to look at what got patched

It is not a moral crusade. It is the fact that so many are whining about having to deal with PVP on a PVP server.
Really getting tired of their temper tantrums. And perhaps it’s a good time for them to learn a few life lessons.

  1. Life is not fair.
  2. There are consequences for your actions.
  3. Stop blaming others for what you did.

Yes and was only offered on the Naxx patch. Phase 6.

They don’t own anyone. They’re sitting around being a jerk simply to be a jerk posting on a 120 retail toon so they don’t get seen as being horde on a horde dominated server telling people to shut up like a dummy. They don’t have a clue how bad it actually is out there for the minority factions. I challenge them to make an alliance on Herod or horde on heartseeker, level to the appropriate range in the next couple of weeks, then report back if they want to keep virtue signaling. It was nothing like this in vanilla even during the two months (April-June 2005) there was honor but no bgs.

Paid transfers to PvE servers were in vanilla, just not back, so it’s not at all unreasonable to ask for them.


To be fair, it’s their right as a consumer to express disdain since many are complaining they can’t play the game they’re paying for. Whether that’s hyperbole or not is hard to say without concrete evidence.

Your arguments don’t really apply since we’re talking about a service being disrupted. Now it’s only up to Blizz whether or not they want to respond to this or just leave it be. Personally I think they’re going to just leave it be and take the potential sub hit. I’m sure in time people will adapt and get over the issue as is usually the case.

But again, I’m just surprised they didn’t jump on this to make some $dollas$


Calm Down Patrick!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah so instead of 65/35 splits we can have 85/15 splits. That’ll be great.

I think they’ll wait til the free Xfer window is over but will definitely cash in on this opportunity before it calms down. Honestly as a business, and since they manufactured this issue, they’d be dumb not to lol

Ahh. After catching up on other replies I understand the reasoning. I still wouldn’t put it past them, though.

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doesn’t mean it needs to wait til naxx now, it’s sorely needed to keep subs.

Is that true? Is that really sorely needed? Couldn’t blizzard merge horde heavy/alliance heavy servers? Could they take those (PvP) servers specifically and put faction-based queues? I would like to point out there’s a bunch of servers right now with queue times that take all night.

Who’s unsubbing? People aren’t even turning the game off.

No blizz can’t merge servers, servers are already over capacity. And queues have nothing to do with it, just because the Horde players keep their subs up doesn’t mean the alliance players are having a good time.

And have you been on the forums lately? Many people are turning the game off because many people can’t play.

You’re kidding right? There is no way you’re actually this dumb.