Can we get SOME communciation?

You’re assuming no pve server Alliance will queue them, or all Horde on pvp servers will queue them.

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If the overall population is skewed towards one side then that side is going to have queues regardless of what type of servers they play on.

It’s not though. Most Alliance chose pve server, most Horde chose pvp server. Overall factions are 50/50

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Well yes. But I been playing since classic dropped, my original server was going to be whitemane, I wait in que for like 5 hours before I decided just to swap to Sulfuras, it was a gamble I was willing to take to be apart of a pvp server.

@Karix - I see you are still on your almost one-person quest to (1) tell people WoW should “teach them a lesson” or (2) advocate a position to strengthen the minority “ganker” position.

“Impressive” and “exciting” are not words I would use to describe any faction camping landing zones (4-10 lvl 60’s on my server in all 55+ zones). Instead, I would call it what it is: improper use of a game mechanic to either gain “honor points” (where there is no “honor” in the kill itself) or simply griefing/ganking.

Please. This discussion has been going on for weeks and you are a severely limited group of people trying to hold up this “punish them” argument. Drop it, or simply agree that you have no rationale behind your points other than wanting to punish players who wish to go PvE (one way or the other). #stillwaiting

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Great post, fully agree we should get some kind of communication from the devs. Also see my post: Paid Transfers to PvE Servers Should be Allowed - #50 by Ilarra-turalyon. With you 100% @Archivan!

They’ll only fix the faction imbalanced by re-implementing zone phasing.

I don’t think anyone wants that again.

The Gankfest Servers don’t allow for an opt out, whatsoever. That’s why those Servers system structures are garbage. Don’t want to PvP? Tough! That Server type allows for it, unlike the PvE Servers.

IDK how much clearer I can make that. And I am on your side that Ganking is garbage. Being camped is garbage. Unfortunately, Gankfest Servers don’t allow you the freedom of choice to not be ganked/camped. That is the system and nature of those Servers.

PvP does happen on PvE Servers, but it’s a choice. And they put a stop/end to being ganked/camped. Unfortunately, PvP Servers don’t offer this, and I don’t see why anyone would want to be a target, for their whole gaming duration.

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This right here is why im not taking you seriously. You cannot look at the current state of phase 2 pvp with the massive faction imbalance and tell me theres no problem. Youre absolutely in denial

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Maybe not on this particular subject but I can agree that they definitely do need better communication.

The whole keyring mishap proves that much.


Looks like you know how to solve your problem you just don’t want to do it. Reroll and relive your glorious leveling experience.

I think everyone has read that a million times. The problem is PVP for alliance on at least 90% of the servers means not being able to do anything at all, because everything is being camped. I literally can’t go anywhere without a ganksquad killing me within 5 minutes. It took me 25 minutes to get from Thorium Point to BRD, and the only reason it didn’t take 40 was there was a small group of alliance in BRM helping to kill some of the horde.

The problem is if you’re horde right now, every server is PVE, and if you’re horde on a PVP server, it means you’re on a PVE server only you get to gank people and farm honor too.

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Again, that is the nature of Gankfest Servers. And there are Gankfest Servers that are Ally heavy. And majority of PvE Servers are Ally heavy, so I’m the minority faction (not talking about Mankrik).

Because of your inability to opt out, it’s a miserable experience. You’re a target, period.

Point me to a gankfest server that is ally heavy. PVE servers do not count, because if I wanted to get to BRD as horde on a 99.9999999% Alliance PVE server, I could get there simply by not having PVP turned on and walking there.

I’m going by this graph:
And this list indicating if they’re PvP:

I believe that’s my point. Gankfest Servers inability to turn off the “PvP” ruleset is why players are really upset.

You’re a walking target, and you can’t expect to be left alone simply because you want to walk into a dungeon, in peace. You don’t have that choice nor freedom on a Gankfest Server.

That graph is based off data three weeks in with the CensusPlus addon, which was broken by Blizzard three weeks in. They’re not accurate anymore.

You can run naked/corpse run into an instance with your group, and spam run it while you level.

Even though all those posts warning, “Make sure to be level 60, fully geared, and have your epic mounts before THE PURGE that will be Phase 2 hits!”

I spent last weekend checking out some servers where there was particularly high balance disparity. Stalagg was one of them. I ended up rerolling Alliance, and came to Fairbanks.

It seems that in the server discord, Horde are also saying similar things about being camped, not being able to do things, etc.

Small stealth groups, 3 to 5 druids/rogues seem to be enjoying WPVP, as to 5 to 10 or 12 person sized roaming groups. Some of the larger, multiple raid escort groups for BRM seem to be coordinated among guilds, which might be something that could be called community building.

Some have said that there are just general issues with large populations.

So far, I’m still leveling, but have entered contested zones, and have only been ganked by high levels a couple of times…

Make sure you download the Spy addon. It’s awesome!

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Still doesn’t mean there are zero Ally dominant PvP Servers.

Check out the Heartseeker forums for a reverse side. I think Heartseeker is actually the worst faction disparity of any server, and it’s Alliance heavy.

Based on the best data source we have available, which afaik is the raid log data at, it’s showing at about 80:20 Alliance to Horde.