Buff Alliance or we all go horde or cancel accounts

heartseeker, arcanite reeper and grobbulous say hi.


link your source of information… oh you just make it up as you go
here ya go

how about this we change the game just for you carebears we remove PvP competly re-design the game around you and call it something like “Battle for Azeroth” ?


On the one hand, absolutely true.

On the other hand, PvP has – sigh, once again – happened on a PvP server.

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What terrible advice! Dearest Charax, how can you not let someone know the distinct joy of listening, nay STRAINING, to hear every minute tonal shift on their speaker as they carefully maneuver, alone, around the two wrecks, a request to obtain two lockboxes in tow, awaiting that one sound that they both desire, and dread, to hear, all at the same time in those cold, frigid Darkshore waters…


That moment of heart stoppage, that sudden recognition of impending doom, the knowledge that they will be lost in the Deep Ocean, Vast Sea… Never to be remembered again.

Funny you should mention that… I did that quest just yesterday for the first time in Classic (did it before in Vanilla).

You kill the last murloc, your breath is half way expired and the box is still 40 yards away. Do you conservatively go for a breath of air or just go for it?

I went for it, started to regret it as I reached the box, and desperately tried to swim to the surface. I plunged through juuuust as my air expired. Definitely exhilarating!

I don’t think Classic truly recaptured Vanilla for this quest. I recall many glitching murlocs on different levels of the boat that would suddenly spring on you, often killing you, or dazing you as you try to escape but drown.

I think I veered off topic on this one! :slight_smile:

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I have 9k honor and 300 kills. Mostly 1v1s. I am loving phase 2. Honestly I would be super down if we just got complete horde take overs on pvp realms. Alliance don’t want to pvp? Cool we will take ironforge and stormwind. Have a completely horde server and just have universal arena flags on everyone that would be dope. Oh I guess we will also be taking that big tree city with the pretty kitties on it :slight_smile:


Wtf is that thread… if you can’t deal with pvp, just roll on a pve server.

Personnally, i’m having a blast and guess what, i’m in the alliance.

(Lvl 39 atm, forum won’t update)


i’d just roll pve. That being said you should choose the dominant faction lol (or not). Manrik = horde. Pagle = alliance, etc.

I’m not sure how summoning you will help me in any way.

Zomg!! I got WTFPWND, and NERF horde, right MEOW!!! Dang man, /crymorenoob

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Stay in retail you are delusional and never getting your way.


Go ahead and reroll Horde. We don’t mind either way.

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Neither am I, because you seemed to do so without purpose.

I’m sure that sounded better in your head. But what did I expect from a troll named trollreview trolling the forums on his retail troll.

You could say that about any post. At least mine have some kind of apparent purposes; and this is my retail character, technically. You think I’d play that garbage past level 10? Hah.

I wonder if he bought that lvl 110 just to make this troll post

:sob: what a joke

As Alliance, I do not endorse the title of this thread.

Off Topic
Change avatar and change back and it should force it to update

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How about we just agree that Paid Transfers to PvE Servers Should be Allowed - #50 by Ilarra-turalyon