Why is there so much Phase 2 hate?

pvp happened reroll git gud l2p noob lololol

Oh you mean just like vanilla was? lol.

There wasn’t a single server like Faerlina in vanilla. You didn’t play if you think there was.

There were imbalanced ones but they were more like arcanite reaper where you could still breathe.

I expected a similar experience to what I experienced in vanilla. This was certainly not part of vanilla. And I played on a high pop server in vanilla too as alliance


The answer can be found here (along with the solution): Paid Transfers to PvE Servers Should be Allowed - #50 by Ilarra-turalyon

What amazing, heart pounding, exciting world PvP this is. Phase 2 truly is amazing.

The faction balance is a serious problem that I can commiserate with, but wouldnt it be better if Blizzard tried to solve the imbalance problem instead of rushing out content at the expense of the enjoyment of people on servers that are playable as intended?


3 weeks of not being able to level. I love the fact that there is large scale pvp happening, but atm it is impossible to level in the open world if you are 45-59

Source please?

The “Vanilla” experience was not a mass horde dog-pile onto Alliance.

It did not involve at least a dozen roaming hit squads in every high-ish level zone hunting down every 48+ alliance player. And this isn’t including the ones that camp choke points / crucial areas you have to pass through to do… just about anything.

It did not involve almost all ‘end game’ flight points (EPL, WPL, BS, SG, Feralas, Tanaris, Winterspring, Felwood) having constant groups camping them for alliance to land.

It did not involve high end neutral towns (Gadgetzan & Everlook) being Horde towns all-day-every-day, because raid groups of Horde clear out the guards and relentlessly camp any Alliance who dare show up.

It did not include taking the boat from Menethil to Theramore (and vice versa) requiring you to corpse hop across the dock, do a final corpse-hop onto the boat, and then spirit res on the other side.

It did not include upwards of 6 deaths at a minimum to zone into any BRM instance. With the entire experience being a res timer inducing corpse-hop from the ‘dismount’ point all the way to the instance portal. And that’s if you’re !*@&ing lucky.

In vanilla, I had a lvl 60 alt on Skullcrusher; one of the most heavily populated pvp servers in the world. STV was a warzone, and ganks were pretty frequent the world over. For both factions. However world pvp was an actual thing. World. Player. Vs. Player. Not world one vs fifteen. Not world leap-frog-deaths-to-every-dungeon-entrance.

I actually like being on the underdog faction for pvp. It makes for a target rich environment. But I can’t set foot outside of cap cities without having at least 5 horde dog pile me as soon as I leave stealth. I cannot hearth back to IF - or even SW - without getting ganked while my flag wears off in my own faction city. I cannot actually gank anyone, because there are so many bloody Horde out there that I’m lucky if I get 5 seconds alone with my kill target to 1v1 them.

Plenty of us know what world pvp means. This is a far cry from world pvp.

P.S.: I recognize that there are a couple of servers where the split is insanely Alliance biased (Heartseeker). So my post applies to the Horde on this servers as well, who have it quite hard.



That server looks mess less than mine right now. I wish we only had to deal with that many horde. That guy is lucky!

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Agreed Guzzlebeard,

Blizzard rushed P2 and it messed up the full game. Numbers are down on Horde and Alliance. Over all people are enjoying the game less.


I’m sure blizzard is not looking at a vocal minority. I’m sure they’re looking at realm statistics, death statistics, in game chat logs, and subscription cancellations.

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I dunno, I’m enjoying the game just as much as I was before, in my Normal realm, since I knew drek like this was going to happen. I am certainly enjoying the forums more, though, with the tears of the ‘hardcore’ PvPers who said anyone who isn’t on a PvP server is a carebear and isn’t playing the ‘real’ game. Phase 2 has been GLORIOUS as far as I’m concerned, and I’d like for it to carry on through Valentine’s day.

Pussies that’s why. Games are fun when you can lose. Rpg’s should have that element of fear that a gang could slaughter you if your out in the world alone, just like real life medieval times.

What server are you on, I’m sure it is fun for some if not most Servers. On my server it’s 6 to 1 on peak times and 3 to 1 normal times now.

Example: Last night horde attacked IF with 15 people, we had about 25 in IF and killed them. I go to BRM and my Spy shows over 200 more horde. I go to BS another 10 man raid of horde at FP waiting… The Ratios are too off to play. I love PvP I hate logging in to die for 4 hours to a field of Horde.

But let me know your server so I can look it up and I’ll better understand where you’re coming from.

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I think a lot of people were under the impression there’d be a fair bit more time before Phase 2 hit after launch.

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This is nothing… I’ll make a video this evening of my server

I mean. I love wPvP and BGs as much as anyone, but when you have limited playing time because of real life responsibilities it makes it less enjoyable. WoW grew with it’s playerbase. Most people aren’t the no-lifers that can camp someone all day for 10 honor points. Or are they? :thinking: