Everywhere I look, I see thread after thread about Mythic Plus and everything wrong with it. One person is so fed up with it, they make DAILY posts and numerate them to have their class fixed just so they can play this content. Content everyone seems to feel is broken. So my question is, looking at just the few sample threads below…
Why is it “broken”, and does it need fixing? Or is it working as intended and Blizz is fine with it in its current state?
“Fixing” M+
Small steps and ideas to make Mythic+ more enjoyable
Bring back the old Key Levels system in Mythic+
How to fix mythic+ overnight
M+ revamp fixes
Blizzard, please do something about the state of M+
Suggestions to improve M+
How to fix M+ pugging, lack of tanks heals and toxicity
Mythic Plus and the Joys of Hating your friends
Mythic Plus is harder AND less rewarding, in other words simply NOT FUN
Maybe one of you has some insight, cause it feels like this whole community is up in arms, and it is starting to spill out into open world content.
I think its more of a sign that Blizzard has finally found something that people are passionate about grinding forever. The mass number of posts means people are invested in the game mode and want it to succeed.
But can it actually succeed? Seems like such a broken system. Aren’t they better off just removing it?
Forum go-ers are a tiny percentage of the player base. None of the views expressed here, even positive ones, represent the whole. If [INSERT END GAME] is truly “broken” to the point that participation dips to irrelevancy, you’ll see changes from Blizzard.
It already succeeded. Not to say that it’s perfect, but it’s still content that anyone who wants to get into can do and go as far as their skill allows.
I get that you can start at M0 and work your way up without touching any other content, but it feels like everyone on this forum, and other fan sites, feel it is clunky at best and needs to be redone in a lot of ways. Or are these few just not good at the content and need it to be nerfed to suit their playstyle?
thats what this thread is about. lol you dont even do keys, why worry about it? mythic+ “issues” arent hurting your world quests or delves.
I also don’t own a circus, but I can still ask if they should use animals instead of digital interactives.
You must be reading only the posts that agree with what you want. Plenty of people aren’t having issues with it. No system is going to be perfect for everyone, especially with the massive skull variance between players.
I would love to read some “M+ is great” or “Don’t change a thing about M+” threads. Might make this entire line of inquiry moot and point out the other threads as complaints only.
Read the counterpoints in all the threads you linked.
Over 100 million successful keys over the past couple expansions. How many positive threads have there been? Maybe a handful? This should be proof to you to not believe the forum’s echo chamber likely run by a group of miserable people sock puppeting a rhetoric. People mainly come here to complain. It’s just a fact. It doesn’t mean the noise is representative of the larger player community.
I get that each thread has its valiant defenders. It’s what we do here. In a small way, it is what you are doing right now. I want to see a thread started by someone with the positive points.
This addresses my point. All of these threads are just complaints by players who cannot succeed the way others have and are looking for nerfs.
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people dont usually come to a game forum to give praise, they come to scream.
Gotcha, you’re just being willfully ignorant of the feedback you’re asking for. So,this is just another bait thread. 
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My issue was already addressed a few posts above. But thanks for proving another point and going in for the personal attack.
I posted one of those threads you mentioned. I did so because M+ is the only reason I play WoW. It’s the best pseudo-endless, consistently updated, team based, competitive end game I have seen in any MMO and this includes TWW. I don’t understand why there is so much negativity towards it. I am still having a blast and only pug.
Clearly with over a million keys completed per week (as someone mentioned in another thread with raiderio data), it’s certainly not broken. However, I do believe small changes could be net positive for the vast majority and minimally negative for the minority.
Complaining about games is kind of a trend right now, so it’s partly that, but there are certainly some changes that haven’t hit well. I don’t want to sound like a Blizzard shill, but they really do put a lot of thought into these things. For example, taking away key depletion without any other changes increases toxicity, taking away dungeon restriction on a key makes finding groups for the less popular dungeons extremely hard. It’s a balancing act with a tough playerbase.
If you take all the people who complain about any one topic in WoW forums, you are probably looking at a number in the single thousands. A number less than about 70 thousand would be less than 1% of the millions of people who play this game.
What Blizzard is most likely looking at are stats they collect from their servers to see what people are actually doing. The ranting that we do here is a small fraction of the player base.
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i am one of the posts you tagged. it is absolutely broken, however, as you can see by these posts, there is only agreement on some things. blizz is absolutely fine with it in its current state. things like popularity and participation arent exactly things they care about. dragonflight s3 was the most participation and retention they have had in quite some time. they literally immediately changed it the next season lol. their desire is to make a hard game. ion has said that verbatim in the past. im ok with having a hard game. i think that there are different ways to make the game hard that are much more fun than what they are doing now.
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